This is your new hero. Say something nice about her

This is your new hero. Say something nice about her.

Attached: Brigitte.jpg (2560x1440, 362K)

she is in the worst game I've ever seen, which is an accomplishment

What game?



fuck off waifufag

Has gotten significantly less attention that the other waifus, I do believe the Overshit meme is over.

I'd take her out to a nice dinner, then hang out in the beach and kiss her while fondling her hair and holding her hand at the same time

is she out yet?

it bugs me so much that she isn't blonde

Attached: 1521048525447.png (900x900, 292K)

It makes me so angry, put me in the anti-Blizzard screenshot, guys


if I say something nice people will assume I'm being sarcastic and then I will be banned

Woah. Didn't know I was posting on the same thread as a PERVERT.

I can't
it's a shitty ash ripoff
boring design and garbage gameplay

i care about nothing more than the porn and desu i dont really care about the porn that much because i just fapped

When is she out for reals? PTR teasing is so lame.

later today

Alright, so then I just have to wait one and a half week until she's not spampicked in QP and allowed to be picked in ranked without spergs reporting me for picking non-meta.

like pic related ash?

Attached: Ash_Portrait.png (830x710, 178K)