It wasn't that bad

It wasn't that bad.

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It wasn't that good either.

It was pretty good.

you must be a literal faggot or not white to enjoy this pure, braindead shit. the story's as if it were written by a sub 80 IQ nigger

IMO DA2 is a better game than DAI. DAI is just an mmo with shitty filler content, crappy characters, bad story that's a literal rehash and other things. At least DA2 tried something different.

Not really

I can't think of a single thing I liked in this game. Even at its best, it's merely mediocre. I could only stand to play the game till I got the stronghold after the big bad destroyed the first castle we got.

Trespasser was better, though.
Hope DA4 plays more like that DLC.

great game, I bought the whole shebang for 14 bucks a while back.

I played this game, I enjoyed it a bit. I had more fun hunting the dragons than anything else, I was playing the sword and board class and trying to stack armor faster than they could fuck me up was a decent challenge. I never did the side quests or anything just the main story, it was pretty meh.

eh? the game is just starting. You're missing out.

>sword and board
Best class for the player is the assassin or the 2-h berzerker type character. I rolled a mage but ended up playing cole a lot.

I finished the game only to find out the "real" ending is locked behind a DLC. I wouldn't mind spending money on it if only the base game wasn't so shitty. Like literally what the fuck happened between Origins and this clusterfuck? Fucking hamburger helper.

By that point I was already struggling to keep myself interested. Why push myself to slog through to the end? What exactly is there to miss out on?

It was a step in the right direction for Bioware at the time, shame they took 5 steps back with Andromeda.

>Bioware lets me make certain choices
>Bioware lets me bring choices forward into new DLC/game
>doesn't let me bring in many of my choices such as reporting Morrigan as apostate mage, killing Oghren, etc

the game is great just keep on keeping on.

Ye it was.

Not really

Right, right, it's so great to a point you're unable to elaborate why. No thanks, I have plenty of other actually interesting shit to play.

>open world flower picking crafting game
>collect 10 boar asses to progress to the next area
No thanks, if i want that kind of gameplay i might just as well play an actual MMORPG at least there i can shitpost in local chats.

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Fuck you it was awful.

>we have to stop whathisface from entering the Fade to become a god
>alright lets do that by fighting him on top of a floating castle and push him into the Fade

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This desu.

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females not pretty. game bad.

>tfw you waifu will never stalk you in dreams
Feels actually okay man.

Say that again.

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Inq opened a rift inside him which killed him. And he had no way to regenerate because his dragon was ded.

I beat it once and I didn't hate it, but I have no desire to play it again.

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Females not pretty. Game bad.

Mind repeating that before me irl?

It looks like Coripheanus has faded away

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Nobelium uranium

It wasn't that bad, no. It had some major problems but it still did some fun shit. Being put at the head of an organization like that is a cool premise for an RPG even though Bioware dropped the ball a bit with the implementation. Not as much wiggle room to roleplay and choose how to lead it as I would've liked, and the mission board stuff had potential but it mostly just ended up being goodie dispensers. If they'd worked some more consequences into your actions on the mission board that showed up in the regular gameplay that could've been really cool.

Still, I did have more fun than not when I played through it so it's a success in that regard at the very least and I appreciate that you have a similar opinion of the game and are willing to discuss it rather than just shitflinging.

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they will surely force the diverse

I don't give a fuck if the plot is good and gameplay is fun.

You had to struggle against the UI to play it as a proper WRPG, and that was the only way to play in the higher difficulties. But yeah, it was surprisingly enjoyable, really not that far off from DA:O, and much more stylish. I feel like people who really hate this either aren't giving it a fair shot or would never be into DA to begin with. If this is Bioware's swansong, it's a nice bookend.

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>drive into a wall
>at least I tried something different!!1!

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>that PA comic with the dickwolves

I would of given it more of a chance if the tactical mode didn't feel so shitty. I don't really want to play it as a goofy action game where I waste all of my effectiveness by controlling one teammate at a time.
It also felt weird, even stupid, that you could just run or jump away from enemy attacks and not get hit. There's a reason you can't just jump away from enemy attacks in these kinds of games (they will have something like hit chance instead), it's not good design to open the door to a tedious micro-based tactic. There'll come a time where you're only going to beat a battle by abusing some poorly implemented mechanic even more than you already do. If they want to marry action game and tactics like this I think they need to do better than that.

good game, i have about 70 hours in it

Sup Forums's usual anime loving neckbeard crowd doesn't like it, too little waifus and lol sjw bioware amirite

I have a feeling that most DAI's pure haters either never have played the game all (including 1 hour in-game drop), or picked some shitty combination of race and class, or simply can't read and empathize. This game relies heavily on person's ability to actually invest himself into the game and skill of roleplaying (even if it's limited sometimes), plus a certain vision for many parts in the game, i.e. you unironically need to know A LOT of lore to see details devs put in the game and enjoy them.
I'm not saying the game is without flaws, I would prefer more story-heavy side quests myself and more limited, filled with content locations instead of OW or at least smaller maps and less wilderness, because that's what bioware actually know how to do. But if you pick a good and fun class, difficulty higher than normal + trials, and won't focus on grinding - it's pretty fun to play gameplaywise.
Another bioware's mistake I want to note that they actually made it essential to read two books before playing DAI to understand the game fully. It's not newfag-friendly, at all. I'm not sure how they're going to tl;dr all lore in DA4, but relying on "ah, you should play 1-2-3 + read WoT 1-2 + at least two books and tons of comics to enjoy our game" isn't a good way of attracting new players.

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It was the wortst game I've ever played and you nu-males have terrible taste at games
kys or neck yourselves

What books? I just read the fluff in every game and I'm doing fine. And besides, hiding almost essential stuff under the extra material no one wants to touch has been a thing since The Architect in Awakening.

>tfw you realize that the sun is always in the east i.e. permanent dawn

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Better than 2 at least.

Characters were great, the rest was simply passable.

Asunder and The Masked Empire, especially the last one. There are literally 6 npcs from the book in game and you don't know shit about them without reading TME.

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You get all you need from Cole in-game, and you get all you could possibly want from Orlais royalty in that quest alone. Both are very, very far from essential. The Calling is much more of a "must read" IMO, Awakening doesn't tell you dick about the Architect the whole game, and he's the main villain.

>reading some shitty books based on VIDEO GAMES
oh no no no...

At least I got to play a qunari in this one.

Welp, I'm not talking about DAOA here. But Calling and ST are definitely worth reading for Loghain, Maric, Fiona and Archy, I think. Still, DAO provides enough in-game characters' info to judge them more or less objectively and I wouldn't say old Gaider books are a must-have thing.

>and you get all you could possibly want from Orlais royalty in that quest alone
Not true. You don't know about their relationships and motivations more than "Celene and Bria were lovers, and Gaspard wants a throne and militarization". TME provides a lot of additional lore and character development for these six, Orlais and even elves.

This would run at sub-20 fps on my PS3. It was fucking unplayable.


Combat was trash, the tactical view was fucking useless because you couldn't zoom out enough to see anythign, quests were boring and the zones weren't fun to explore.

I think its considered fairly, a step up from 2, but still not worth playing.


The gameplay was highly repetitive shit and the plot had very few good moments

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It had its moments but overall felt like a chore. Enjoyed it more than DA2 though.

don't ascribe deeper meaning to Bioware's laziness

>reporting Morrigan
>not porking Morrigan
shit tier choice user

Straight Husbando List:

>S Tier
Alistair (Non-mage human noble, King & Queen ending)

>A Tier:
Fenris (mage rival / hate fucking only)

>B Tier:

>C Tier:

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he's a sad sad man

Put Zevran in S or A tier and we're good.

Horrible character, unless you romance him. Extra lore and info on upcoming plots when you do.
The game's overall story line feels like the Solas romance rout is the canon. It's so specific, yet tied to one once race and one gender. They could never get away with the once race option like they did with DA2.

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No, but it wasnt good enough either.
No recent bioware product is worthy of bioware of old.

It was a hack & slash mmo larping as an RPG. The tactical view was borderline non functional on PC, the zones were beautiful but dreadfully underutilized, the skyhold mission table stuff was shoddy busy work and the story pretty generic. I mean really, some literal who from the DA2 DLC becomes the main villain. Come on.

>Horrible character, unless you romance him
Fuck you, his friendship is great.

Finished this a while back. It was the worst dragon age but sill alright. What should i play now? Any good "rpgs" like this released recently? I already played andromeda

Yes it was.
Yes it was!
this game is comrpomised entierly of those elements of gameplay that are tolerated, not liked, in MMOs and are seen as neccesities because of the limitations of the genre.
Without any of the positive aspects of MMOs.
With none of the limitations of an MMO to justify having these gameplay elements like endless fucking fetch quests.

Yes it was bad, you are an idiot.

>collect 10 boar asses to progress to the next area
Let´s be realistic here, if the requirements to progress were as differentiated as collecting animal parts it would still be vastly better than closing rifts with 3 waves of the same but level adjusted muppets called demons.

it was a worse single-player MMO than Kingdoms of Amalur

It reeked of design by commitee.

>I look forward to you proving me wrong again, my friend
That hit a lot harder than I was expecting

me irl females not pretty. Game bad.

>feels like the Solas romance rout is the canon
Hell, he's the most "alive" character in the entire franchise, which makes his route very immersive, and the potential of his story's development in future is surely attractive. He also don't give you a fucking break and leaves you hanging twice in his romance, not letting you to let go away from his story. If anything, Weekes know how to write waifus and drive players crazy.

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It was a step backward in almost every conceivable way.

DA:O wasn't terribly deep or complex in its systems and gameplay, it was Baldur's Gate or FFXII with training wheels, but this one dumbed them down even more.

It put me to sleep so it was good for something I guess

how did “Cory in the Fade” survive DA2 dlc again?

>Mages get the ability to choose the tranquil option during court
>The only interesting party members are mages
It’s like the game wanted you to use a team of four mages, but then added brick walls and locks to taunt you


He possesses whoever you side with, that was obvious in the dlc itself

Resurect like the taint dragons?

Andromeda was made by thier B-Team, it's hardly fair to blame all of Bioware for that debacle.

We can, however, still blame them for the shitstain that was ME3 ending

didn’t play DA2 just know he died in a dlc

origins is "pretty good"; inquisition is worse in almost every regard.

>tfw bioware actually managed to deliver "a real friend, nor forced bff" storyline for once
He was too good for this game.

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Kinda. But it's actually a mix - while he's corrupted and has a "pet-dragon" with a piece of his soul he can raise after death from any darkspawn. That's why you have to kill the dragon first. I swear, if it's not connected to Mythal's plan of killing evanuris I don't know what that is.

>it's hardly fair to blame all of Bioware for that debacle.
I dunno, there are convicing reports that the edmonton was deliberately giving them shit and throwing sticks between their legs explicitly because they were the lowly B-team.

Garrus Varkarian would like a word with you

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The villain literally dies EVERY TIME you see him on screen.

The only redeemable thing with this piece of shit game is Cassandra romance.

I really love Cassandra though.

>because they were the lowly B-team
I've heard the opposite, that Edmonton wanted to help them but they refused and reeeee'd hard, saying that they can make it by themselves.

At least he has a nice pair of socks.

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Eh she was my go to but it wasn’t my favorite I honestly preferred the half assed dwarf scout romance. Idk why they didn’t just flesh it out

>make Qunari warrior
>romance Cass
>have a 6'11" horned giant on his knees reciting love poetry

Seems either way bad decisions were made.

Yeah, 3 years without supervision were certainly a mistake.

That's why non-warden had to kill him in da2. I still don't understand WHY or HOW he was ressurected neither.

>bioware literally copy horcruxes from harry potter

it was like a mid budget 2 season fantasy show, alright and better than i expected but still utterly forgettable

I can remember 2(two) decent moments:

- End of an act 1, especially escape the bad future and fight with a Corypheus
- A ball, featuring decent objective-based gameplay

That's it. Considering the scale of a game, it's not that much.

Scout Harding was one of the better characters in the entire game. The fact she was voiced by Liara from ME made her even sexier.
>ywn have qt red head shortstack gf to snuggle with
Kill me

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