Game Workers Unite! idiocy

Retarded idiot game developers think they have enough pull to unionize game development and stop working 80 hour weeks. If it succeeds, it will destroy video games. Imagine Bioshock Infinite made by a union shop. Imagine Skyrim made by a union shop. It just would not happen. Thankfully, it won't gain traction and instead it will be game developers whining about how hard their lives are for us to laugh at. God bless America and God bless the mods who do it for free.

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Other urls found in this thread:$file/LO Swedish Trade Union Confederation ENG.pdf

yeah, who are these fucks thinking they should get time off, or a life, or proper pay. They should make my vidya for free in fact, fuck those greedy assholes wanting money for having the privilege to work professionally on games

Why do you hate unions so much?
>80 hour work weeks
They exist exactly to stop this kind of shit.
Software workers should have unionized decades ago.

>we need to pay tyree $1 million an hour to pick up shit in the bathrooms!

They voluntarily work those hours. If they don't like it they're free to leave.

Literally nothing wrong with unionising.

>Imagine Skyrim made by a union shop.
I'd actually like to see this.

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at this point in the gaming industry it's no longer about passion projects that people fight hard to get published. Developers are working on serious deadlines now just to meet publisher demands. It makes sense for them to unionize.

This might also lead to kinder publishers and more inspired games.

>go to work at union game studio
>"hey pal join the union"
>I'll hold off before making a decision
>The union rep immediately gets loud, verbally aggressive, and makes threats
>over the course of a few weeks find that everyone handles only one ticket per day and goes home, works for less than a couple hours a day
>nobody else speaks to me, they've been told not to until I join the union
>start picking up a ton of extra work from the task board because I'm not entitled
>promoted within a month an a half
>ten union members band together an file an injunction against me because it's "not fair that I should get a promotion and pay raise" even though they've each been offered it and refused it because it was extra work
>decide to quit instead of wading through litigation for months that would be judge by, you guessed it, the company's (union) HR department

These organizations should be scoured from the face of working America. They exist to instill and reinforce a childish, hateful, crab-bucket mentality among workers and hold back anyone who has ambition, or simply doesn't want 30% of their paycheck siphoned off into the Union's collective pocket. The gross entitlement of it all makes me physically ill, I want to vomit just thinking about it.

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Unions are only bad when controlled by money and power hungry cunts.
Unfortunately if a union exists for longer than a few years its already too late to save it.

>Imagine Bioshock Infinite made by a union shop. Imagine Skyrim made by a union shop. It just would not happen.
Dont put things everyone would like to see if you want to scare off people.

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>be you
>prostrate myself in front of the fat cat that is my boss
>laugh at my colleagues who want to get paid fairly
>i could just quit this is what adam smith intended :')

>Organize video game industry workers
>not video game developers

This was set up by some fucking video game forum moderator. Fucking snowflakes

You have a very creative imagination. Are you autistic?

I wish the voice actor union strike never ended. These same 5 American voices are terrible.

What happened to games being a work of passion?

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>IGDA involved in any capacity

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To work is a blessing, and pride in your work is a virtue that's lost on greedy unionized faggots.

If game developers unionize the costs associated with QoL improvements will get passed to us, the consumers because you must be Innocent if you think that companies will just suck it up, they never do, the consumer always get fucked, specially in such concentrated market like vidya.

Im sorry , but I only care about my own ass and I cant give a single fuck if a first world snowflake code monkey is not getting his 40 work journey weekly or other first worlder/IT sensibility

>"do this or you're fired" is being given a choice
el oh el

>If it succeeds, it will destroy video games

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This will really only hurt AAA development, so by all accounts this seems like a good thing to me.

>neets who never worked a day in their life try to defend shitty working conditions because Skyrim

So you consider yourself blessed when you're given the chance to grovel and serve while making some rich guy richer. Of course there is nothing wrong with the employer/employee relationship when it's done fairly but the reason why that happens when it does is unions.


Hate to break it to you, OP, but most economists point to the fall of unions as the main reason real wages have stagnated.

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>American games industry kills itself
>average quality of video games rises dramatically
Can't wait.

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>i like your games
>i don't give a single fuck about your working conditions when making my favorite games!
Oh yeah, they're gonna start a whole bridge burning campaign too, don't buy NON-UNION software, it's the first-world equivalent of blood diamonds.

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t. high school objectivist

>most economists point to the fall of unions as the main reason real wages have stagnated.
That debate has been raging in economics circles for decades, and no, there is not a majority in support of the union hypothesis.

Until they start using bullying tactics such as barring developers from using non-union workers, or freezing people out of it for whatever arbitrary reason they choose.

The worst part is this isn't even designed to protect those that need it most in this industry, the average code junkie sitting at his desk day in day out for far too many hours and not enough pay copmared to those that do very little by comparison..

Don't think you quite get what a union is and should do. The whole point is to """bully""" the employer to pay and treat them fairly by using their collective strength.

>Playing (((western))) """games""" in 2018

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And yet those things I mentioned don't only harm their employers do they.


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>The whole point is to """bully""" the employer to pay and treat them fairly by using their collective strength.

So why do they harass coworkers for not joining their club?

There's nothing wrong with that.
Employers would pay $2.50 an hour if it was still legal and minimum wage laws didn't exist.
Large companies would give no fucks about workplace safety if OSHA didn't come after them, etc.

I thought OP's post was satire. He picked two of the most universally hated games on Sup Forums, made an exaggerated claim of 80 hours a week, and the whole God bless ending.

Were you living in an alternate reality for the duration of 2017?

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Nice projection
I work at the financial market and I guarantee you we work more than your ordinary code monkey in game development, yet earn much more without a need for unions

Not my fault if game developing is a partial passion career and ppl get fucked for falling for the honeypot of "work with things you love" trap instead of getting a real IT job and earning astronomically higher amounts.

I don't really have a problem with paying more for games, assuming the quality is there.

Gee, I fucking wonder. Could it be that breaking solidarity with your co-workers ruins the idea? Yeah, there are always scabs who think that this is a personal opportunity to get in with the boss and get a little more while still being a subservient little shit. But those aren't really people but traitors.

I really hope to whatever God is watching that you are literally a CEO attempting to brainwash retards here.

>work 80 hour weeks
>still release shit buggy games

The absolute state of American developers.

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>EA sweatshop unionizes
>Gets replaced immediately with the first layer of the massive, unwashed crowd outside thats been begging for work
>They try to unionize
>Layer 2 gets a shot
>Then layer 3
>Then 4
>Despite turnover, the size of the crowd has doubled
You people really underestimate how many retards out there fell for the game dev degree meme. These people will work 80 hour weeks for months on end with a smile on their face

The Grunts would actually benefit from a union, for the time being. Eventually, once they are treated better and no longer need the union will be when there are all the problems.

>hey fat cat if you don't pay us and give us reasonable hours we all quit and you can run those machines by yourself
>i'll just hire some other asshole (and fire him when he finds out i'm a piece of shit and repeat!)
>nope we're blocking your dumb factory
>b-but i cant work im the rich guy!
>guess you better meet our demands then
>fuck... okay then
Hope you enjoyed this little history lesson. It amazes me how people get through school without picking up the most basic shit.

Unions in the entertainment industries serve no purpose but to gatekeep for elitists already in said industry. More often than not it creates a catch 22 where you can only get work by being in the union and you can only get in the union by doing jobs reserved for union members.

Enjoy getting your game removed from steam or your site where you host it taken down and then sued by the game dev union because you weren't in it.

>I work at the financial market
What you do isn't work.

The quality will be the same tho
Game directors and high employees arent among those who complain about work condition, its the bottom line, and the bottom line dont get to decide shit.

At best games would have fewer bugs, and even then, it depends more on the quality of the coding than in how much time they got

To be honest I support a developer union way more than that stupid fucking VA union where they already get paid hundreds of dollars per hour.

If you're crying because you think it'll kill games, you're retarded too. If it gets that much more expensive, they'll just outsource development outside of western countries which will, if anything, improve vidya with there being less californian kool-aid poisoned voices involved.

>I think Layer 2 would be hirable, much less be able to create a serviceable game.
Yeah take a visit to some of the "game dev" threads to see how utter shit the majority of these kids really are.

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>employers would still pay 2.50 if not for unions

You might actually be retarded. Scratch that, you definitely are

>I hate California for being better at absolutely everything
Why so jelly, senpai?

I will actively fuck over every consumer I'd come across if it meant i had a 40 hour work week with proper benefits.

you clearly have never worked in your life

>IPA sipping numales attempt to unionise with commie propaganda-tier symbolism
>backfires hard and now even more pajeets and chinks are going to get hired over college students

I can just see it now, every game is going to be as fucking buggy as Watch Dogs at this rate.

Anyone that doesn't follow party dogma is a traitor that should be killed. How dare they play the game better than everyone else!

>hog out literally all the work avaiable
>vidya game company have no ability or resource to reach out other VA talent outside of the union members
>they think that they have enough influence to choke out the industry and organize a strike
>turn out the dev just simply look elsewhere
>more new talents popped out, some struck better deal on a non-union studio
>dev learn that they can make do without union
>the strike were settled with a mere 'bonus' fee per hours of session after 1 whole fucking year of 'strike'

Union only work if the worker is in it for the same interest as what they do.
What makes a game dev a game dev? Programmer? Designer? Concept artist? Writer? Song writer?
Each and every single one of them have their own need and these variables cannot work under a single union.

Video game development isn't a coal mine industry.

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He's only wrong because he set the bar so high.

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Actually yes. People who would rather pursue minor personal gains than show solidarity to his colleagues and a bigger pie for everyone is a traitor and probably deserves to die.

Come back when you grow up kid

God I'm glad I live in a proper country where unions raised the lower classes significantly.

>Western devs have to do a little bit of work and don't get to spend their entire shifts on the phone

>Japanese devs have to cram as much work into their 12+ hour days as humanly possible
>they get comfy and have good times

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>Imagine Bioshock Infinite made by a union shop. Imagine Skyrim made by a union shop. It just would not happen.
That would be great. How fast can we get these unions created?

Do you think all these people who hate the idea of unionization are legit cretins or just uninformed kids?

At this point in Sup Forums's life, I just can't tell anymore.

No I'm just not a faggot, and have an actual work ethic since I grew up in an actual shit hole country. That was the same attitude that got my parents to become middle class, what got me into a top school, and got me the great job I have. When I was getting out of university the lack of extensive experience fucked me so i got as file clerk job and treat it with upmist respect, and no I have reason financial worries in a new position after being noticed, and this after growing it crushing poverty

Serfdom is the hottest thing with contrarian kids these days.

Most of Americans have been at the end of extreme anti-union rhetoric for their entire lives, so I don't blame them. It seems like a completely different "fuck you, got mine" mentality over there.

lol the only snowflake is you whining like a little bitch because people don't want to get screwed by the companies they work for.

>What is division of labor
Making an entire game yourself will, 99.999% of the time make for a shittier product at the end.
The people already in there are shit tier by right of being game devs, either by a lack of self worth (why they take the abuse they do despite their skills) or by a lack of technical skill (they know this is the top rung for them). With more skill or confidence literally any company would take these people, give them a 50k-100k salary and benefits, no union required. They choose to do this shit to themselves

>Kid spends all his teenagehood playing vidya instead of developing useful skills
>Falls for the"I will make video games meme XD" when graduating high School
>Go to meme courses instead of being a comp sci generalist
>Get minimal wage job code monkeying because its "A VIDYA COMPANY YAY NOW I WILL FULLFILL MY DREAM!"
>Oy, why im not getting paid a lot?"

Fuck that vidya is my main hobby
I got no respect to most of the gaming industry.

They are welcome to try tho, specially since their skills are easily replaceable by indians

>Implying Japanese de vs don't literally kill themselves
Stop fetishing Japan because they make your favorite cartoon, dumbass

The unions used to have power, but now their back was broken decades ago. Here's hoping the vidya unions have a better time.

>dude listen I know half of your paycheck goes to pay for shaniqua's 4 kids and their school but also give us even more of your money. It's for your "protection" kid so pay up or your getting kicked off the job.

That's mostly for waiters. It's all high risk high reward. If you can't make small chat or look like shit you won't get tips, simple (unless the owner is one of those assholes that demand you hand over the tips as well). Some people make above minimum wage doing nothing but giving a smile and taking an order simply because they look perky enough.

Nobody is forcing them to work that position. If they want a minimum wage job then washing the dishes or mopping the floor would suit them well.

See, this is what I'm talking about. Americans have no idea how proper unions function either.

Oh definitely. The unions should be more vocal and "meaner".

Your English is subpar and I don't believe whatever false story you're trying to make up. If you had some extravagant job, you wouldn't be spending time shitposting on Sup Forums trying to lick corporate bootheels, and if you aren't a CEO or corporate brainwashing agent, you are clearly retarded. Income and acquisition are all that matter. "Hard work" is simply a means to an end. If you feel like working hard is all that matters in your life, you've consumed too much kool-aid.

I was so glad that the strike caused us to get dual audio for Persona 5.

The Japanese commit suicide because they feel like they are not contributing enough to their fellow man.

Americans kill themselves to resist DRUMPFTH

There's a difference.

Nigger thread.

>Employers would still pay 2.50 if it was still legal
And it's not legal, therefore employers cannot pay 2.50. The purpose of unions at their inception was to help workers. The purpose of (most) unions now is to make money off of poor employees while they claim they're stopping businesses from doing things that are already illegal.

>unironically uses fat cat
>only argument is the mythical reviosioning of the history of unions
>mentions nothing of the slew of repercussions on unemployment and growth because of it

You sound like one of this faggot that wanna force minimum wage to 15

Bullshit it ended in October

I wish Nietzsche was here...

Yes western devs have it made easy in comparison to the Japs but let's not spout bullshit. There's a reason why suicide rates are high over there.

>japanese devs get comfy and have good times

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>liberals wants union
>but at the same time they defend illegal immigrant because its cheap labor

Unions leads to more firings and personnel size cuts since unions dont allow for wage reductions
Not to mention that unions foster political corruption when they get Very strong

Margareth Thatcher had the right idea, the solution is not unions, but regulations

My buddy was fired with no notice 3 months into his job because he didn't pay his "union dues". Just told him to leave and that he couldn't work there anymore. He didn't even know what a union was, basically. I think maybe your magical non-american country has a different kind of union, clearly.
educate yourself Sup Forums

Except it's not the perceived difficulty of Japanese life that makes people kill themselves.

>It's okay to have a large class of people who only make 3rd world wages at $5,000/year if they're ugly
>It's what they DESERVE because being a Libertarian is COOL and EDGY

And you sound like an American because you don't know anything about history and instantly tries to steer a general debate onto US specific topics.

I've read up on unions in America, and they seem like completely different beasts compared to what we have in the Nordics. What I pay in union dues is nothing compared to my guaranteed pay and leaves.$file/LO Swedish Trade Union Confederation ENG.pdf

I said "I wish it never ended".
Can't you read?

Most game developer workers make quite good money 2bh, the only drawback being crunchtime when they have to work overtime

fuck off

Meanwhile, in non-union shops people are regularly fired a few months before retirement so in the end they get absolutely nothing.
It's not the union's fault that your friend is a functioning retard.

I'm a level designer / visual artist. Please no bully.
I'm pretty shit at my job tho, but I can always branch out into architectural visualisation