

Attached: 1495121542125.jpg (768x953, 58K)

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lol xd

>bullets do less damage after 100m
>shotguns are pelletguns after 10m

Attached: auction guy disgust.jpg (570x845, 75K)

I get the joke but the PUBG one makes zero sense.

Siege shoots from the neck, not the gun.

PUBG is unironically the best

That's not what the image is saying.

At least battlefield shoots from the gun

pubg has some of the worst gunplay in a popular game in years

Works on my machine.

>boy I sure love getting insta killed by people I can't see several kilometers away on a hill

Attached: vn.png (768x188, 61K)

Attached: 1521402797709.jpg (460x644, 145K)

battlefield 4 did this well with slugs

Attached: 1451674513593.jpg (1920x1080, 1.14M)


How's CoD one?

That pubg doesn't make any sense

I think out of all those listed, Battlefield games do the gunplay best.

Siege has most realistic/best gun play
Pubg is easily the worst

Slugs completly suck on BF4.
Three hits to kill past 60 meters on a bodyshot, and two hits on a headshot at the same distance.
For semi-autos. For auto shottys it's even worse.

Siege has great "gunplay" but there is nothing realistic about it.

>chemical propellant
>most realistic

Attached: 1503819805752.jpg (960x960, 238K)

>Bolt-action snipers do significantly (more than 10%) more damage per shot than Semi-auto snipers of the same caliber.

Attached: 1513809207511.png (362x380, 64K)

BF1 does it even better with both buck and slugs

That's why RS2 is so good.

>Gook doublebarrel buckshot kills in one shot from 30m away

Unless you have the sawed off version.

people bitched in BF3 about the shotgun snipers. Remember when you could attach a 6x scope on a shotgun

Attached: 1451674451447.jpg (1920x1080, 1001K)

they would though. some of the force behind the bullet is lost to cycling the action in a semi auto whereas in a bolt action it's all behind the bullet till it leaves the barrel. barrel length also plays a factor.

>using sawed off shotgun
With the normal one I have plenty kills over 100m

>bullets coming out of the barrel and not the eyes of the player
Fucking what, headpeeking over obstacles and shooting from your eyes like a discount cyclops happens in both of those games, why is R6 singled out for this?


Attached: bf4 africa.jpg (2048x930, 216K)

More like BFV.jpg

>combat flip flops

I can't tell you how many times I've died in PUBG because my bullets didn't register. I've watched the replay at 0.25 speed and the crosshair was EXACTLY on his head but somehow my target received no damage. This shit even happened in a top 2 situation.

Is that the Swedish side soldiers for BF5?


Attached: vietnam2.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

if look closely on the assault, you'll see he's german

Same as Siege

if that was irl would that range kill? I think that rango should kill


Attached: 95% hit chance.webm (800x450, 2.68M)

fixed it

Attached: realistic bullet trajectories.png (768x953, 420K)

Hey I have a plushie of one of these. What are they?

I've read SPAS-12 is very lethal up to 38 meters, but idk about double barrels

a taiko drum

it should. point is, rs2 vietnam has worse hitreg than any of the games mentioned

Attached: vietnam.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

>gears 1
>the camera is the gun

Attached: 1519465565113.png (1136x640, 880K)

Cool, thanks user! Have a picture

Attached: 2018-03-20 17.28.04.jpg (4160x3120, 1.49M)

Those no reason a spas-12 would be any more lethal at range than another shotgun with the same barrel length, firing the same kind of shotshell.

Shotguns having no range whatsoever is such a meme in vidya, people hunt with the damn things



it's even worse than RO2, tripwire should've made that instead of RS2

Seems like you hit him and he's bleeding out, but he HS you.

the sawed off is so worthless. i personally think the coach gun is the best. it can still kill at 100m while having faster reload and still be useful in the trenches

There's literally a chance you didn't hit him even once, when you stop shooting it's obvious that you spammed to his side while he was covered by the muzzle flash

I know but that's the weapon that was tested so I mentioned it.

you literally missed. if you can't see that you missed and what exactly happened there you're probably just another yuropoor subhuman

right my dudes, probably missed him over here too

>wanting projectiles in Siege

Attached: DTW2VadU8AAXFQB.jpg large.jpg (1024x576, 92K)

I bet you also will defend bullets from the scope

Every time

the PUBG one is inaccurate. it doesn't fly back up after the bullet drops, it's not hard to measure your kill during long distances, i get kar98k headshots all the time from 600 meters away.

You're fucking insane if you think anything about Siege is realistic.

Attached: doubt.jpg (600x909, 31K)

bullshit. Git gut loser

If you look close you did miss,
its not hitscan.

You missed one, OP.

Attached: overwatch.png (750x177, 59K)

fag wasnt even sks-ing


Wait, the different length shotguns have differing reload speeds? Had no idea

Attached: file.png (2560x1440, 2.7M)


Attached: 1520784997761.gif (350x255, 1.78M)

Can't recall a single "mainstream" shooter where bullets didn't come from the scope/players camera somewhere in their chin.
PUBG maybe because it's running on the arma engine but I'm not entirely sure

Everything from Counter Strike to CoD to battlefield does this, it's stupid and annoying as fuck, but it's how shooters have always been

delusion is strong, antimatter please

Attached: retards.webm (678x426, 2.73M)

Somebody do STALKER and XR_3DA.exe has stopped working

>Arma engine
Nice meme
Also i'm not sure about battlefield, i think you can't shoot from your scope in bf games
btw, you're saying "mainstream shooter" like a good thing, lol


>swinging open a big chunk of metal takes longer than a teeny tiny bit of metal
who'd a think it?

that one is BS, but the AK one was him just spraying like a spastic retard then getting glacked by burger

It's possible that in the last part, you shot at the same time as the GI. Since 5.56 travels faster than 00 buck, you were killed first and then your bullets disappear because you die (hate this shit, though I understand it reduces kill trading)

not true in bf

Attached: gotta get a grip.png (258x544, 105K)

T. Spraylet

>i think you can't shoot from your scope in bf games
Yes, yes you can, peeking the top of your head over almost head height cover is a pandemic on battlefield and is way worse than games like CoD because the maps have a lot less attention to detail and for some reason include a metric asston of places to do it from.

Battlefield has always flown the "muh realism" flag but fucks up the most basic shit, you haven't played a battlefield game unless you got sniped by the top of some nerds hat over a cliff at least once

>wahaaaa war is hard I should be able to survive I'm the HERO

BF3 slug shot shotguns and mav drone kills were so fun to do. Then bitches BITCHED and the game became gay

Lots of FPS games use hitscan and have bullets originate from the center of the screen. If it ain't broke, don't fix it

Well you can argue that for the heavier shotgun, opening the shotgun is faster, but closing is slower. Also since the hammers need to be cocked (on closing I assume) I'm not sure how much difference in force would be required to close the gun.
In short, I'd say the difference would be negligible.

Bullets in BF come from the gun though.

pubg doesn't run on the arma engine, my dude

>would be negligible
reloading a sawn off is far faster than a normal double barrel shotgun, even if it is a second or less difference thats quite fast for a reload and could mean life or death
t.faggy NEET /k/autist LARPer that lives in mums attic

Attached: 1497307720189.png (500x375, 320K)

But this isn't the case in BF1, you gotta get your gun over the top in order to not shoot the ground/wall in front of you

Attached: 1519059629563.jpg (512x512, 45K)

Post your attic battlestation! Pls

that would be Escape from Tarkov.

>tfw too poor for a camera
>mummy wont lend me a fiver to buy one

Attached: 1506877506145.jpg (593x601, 44K)

The CS one is wrong tho.

Attached: de_dust2 guarding tunnel B site.png (769x190, 32K)


>Cod clone has best twitch shooting mechanic gunplay.
Yeah sure

t. silver

is that peanutbuttergamer??

Attached: maxresdefault[1].jpg (1280x720, 90K)

The CSGO image is about the fact that some weapons like AK have a predictable spread pattern so that you really have to aim so much lower than what the target is actually at.

Attached: Ak-47-Spray-Pattern.gif (372x649, 109K)

>predictable spread
>game uses RNG spread
what did you mean by this?

Attached: CSGOYIM.webm (1280x720, 1.68M)