What the FUCK happened to the Kratos that was stupid as rocks, screaming all the time...

What the FUCK happened to the Kratos that was stupid as rocks, screaming all the time, had sex with every woman on sight, and loved to kill?

Attached: kratos.jpg (800x450, 57K)

He grew a soybeard.

>"We’ve already told the story of The Hulk. We want to tell the story of Banner now,” Barlog told me after I watched the demo, and honestly, that sentence has me so incredibly excited for this game. I love the idea of a post-Last of Us Kratos who still retains his core tenets and traits, but suddenly has to deal wit the fact that he now has his own flesh-and-blood beside him at all times. Kratos has always been a character who’s made the wrong choices, and had to pay for the consequences of those mistakes. “What if he got a chance to do things differently?” Barlog told me. "To try to do things better?”

He was too toxic and mysognistic

Got current year'd

That is an insane misunderstanding of Kratos' character and I don't think you've ever actually played God of War

I swear this game doesn't have any sexual scene I'm cancelling my preorder

he killed the god of white previlege

>Implying that anyone who complains about Kratos character in the new game understood him as a character or even played the previous games

Kratos realized that nu-male parent simulators are gaming award magnets so he changed

1. noone cares about Banner
2. people want more Hulk

This should answer all of your questions about the game

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You most certainly look much more retarded than anyone in this photo, so what's your point?

Lost his testicles and became a feminist.

The story seems interesting but the gameplay looks bad.

The Last of Us and Bioshock Infinite.

1. You don't read Hulk comics

>stupid as rocks
>solves puzzles often

The complete opposite, actually. If they had made this a new IP I'd be kind of intrigued.

I like the "tired old man" thing Kratos has going for him.

The whole appeal of God of War was to play a balls-to-the-wall action game with a sex-hungry, genocidal maniac as the protagonist. It was never the story, or the gameplay. It was the character and the setting.

Obviously not fit for the new Sony audience.

He stopped listening Linkin Park.

>women making my kinogames

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>"We’ve already told the story of The Hulk. We want to tell the story of Banner now,”
I like that, honestly.

I don't see any open mouthed soymale.

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He ran out of things to be angry at.

Men lose testosterone as they age. Once a man hits 40 and beyond, he loses a lot of his energy/aggression/sex drive etc and becomes a low test beta weakling.

He grew up. So should you.

>"From a story perspective, [Atreus is] the humanity that Kratos lost. He's helping Kratos understand what it was like to be a human and Kratos is trying to help the kid understand what it means to be a god. The kid has no idea about any of that stuff. They're both sort of teaching each other a little bit and kind of helping each other hobble through a very difficult emotional journey."

What the fuck kind of Kratos are people thinking of?

And that's a good thing.

The one who can only think roughly 30 seconds ahead, and usually limits those thoughts to "how can I kill this thing, and will it get me closer to the next person I need to kill".

He has matured and now he knows he was too angsty and wants to live a quiet life for his son, but he still kills monsters and gods that get in his way

Kratos took classes on intersectionality and now he's against violence.

It's the same copy paste shit that has been done in previous Escort mission: the games.

this Kratos

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The end of God of War 3 literally changed Kratos' character.

These two definitely smashed.

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Hey Kratos wasn't stupid, but he sure as fuck could have scaled an eight foot wall.

cos they're shit when they're about banner, see world war hulk

He had a hard life

> Kratos ... was stupid as rocks
I dont recall their being even a single part of the games where there was any chance to showcase kratos´ intelligence or lack thereof.

and most people who like the hulk don't either, because they know him exclusively from movies, wiseguy.

He's gotta be smart, he even taught that one guy how to read.


He grew up.

Maybe you should too.

Okay, that's nice and everything, but why did they have to make the gameplay so much worse than 3?
It plays like a neutered action game, even by western games standards.

Thanks for the laugh fag, have a (You)

i thought his design was gay back then, and it looks gayer now. the series you loved is dead. pick up earth defense force