Enemy has tool to call reinforcements/jam signals/abilities

>Enemy has tool to call reinforcements/jam signals/abilities

Attached: 162E583B-C0D3-435C-9951-E9C014953FBD.jpg (636x496, 57K)

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what happened now

oh good, what happened now

South African nogs genociding the white farmers have access to military grade signal jammers so they can’t call for help

South Africans attacking farms/stealing cars using radio jammers to stop victims from calling the police

If I'm not mistaken it's some conspiracy about some random "mercenaries" having spec-ops grade jammers.

>niggers get military grade signal jammers from government
>get to legally genocide and pillage white farmers homesteads without them being able to call help

>this off-topic shit wont be deleted, because nu-mods have no idea what the fuck is going on anymore
what a time to be alive

sage and report

>whitey finally getting what they've deserved for centuries

Attached: luigi dab.png (545x705, 303K)

then lets have the farmers get anti anti scramble tech and more guns
isnt that the way americunts always solve problems? going +1 on guns and money cost?

did they do it for a reason or just for the lols

imagine just how sad a person has to get to want to mod anything here
literally the lowest tier of user

>another american that thinks whites "colonised" south africa even though almost no one lived there when they arrived

Why don't White South Africans just, y'know, leave?

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it's legal and blacks are being raised with indoctrination in mind from the day of their birth to hate whites

They're mad at white people for owning most of the farms.

Pic related is Zimbabwe(Rhodesia) who did the same thing the SA government is thinking about

Attached: Mugabe_knows_whats_up_compilation_small.jpg (3904x1788, 1.43M)


They can't get refugee status.

They cant

Attached: ez4fzk64r7k01.jpg (1024x712, 187K)

>whites being literally genocided in south africa can't get refugee status
>but literal known ISIS fighters that want to bring the fight to the west get free housing

Holy fucking shit.

When will blacks learn that they require whites in order to survive?

Serves them right for being descendents of colonists.


What else do you expect from a world controlled by jews?

>nobody live there when white arrived
>it prosper and draw all those black down south
>majority of the black that is currently ruling the nation isn't even native to the land

australia will let them in though when the shit hits the fan.

based aussies

doesn't make sense though
muslims literally want to kill jews
it's in their holy book that all jews must die
what do the jews in charge gain from letting in literal jew-killers into their countries?


>imblying I care about why they're there
I'm always happy when wh*toids die en masse. I don't care how or why.
I got my first erection while learning about the bubonic plague in 5th grade.

Attached: luigi dab2.png (544x702, 289K)

No sane benevolent God would ever create the nigger.

You're right, which is why Adam & Eve were white

Because they can always retreat to their Muslim-free country under the protection of the goodest goy America.

They are fulfilling jewish prophecies in the hope of kickstarting the return of the messias.

They will even destroy israel for this goal

>When will blacks learn
>your dog shits on the carpet
>you pick up the turd and don't disciple the dog
>your dog shits on the carpet
>you pick up the turd and don't disciple the dog
>your dog shits on the carpet
>you pick up the turd and don't disciple the dog
wtf why won't the dog learn

Attached: trudeau_returning_isis_fighter.jpg (575x631, 50K)

Eve loved the BBC

Wait if it's a conspiracy, why are there pictures of it? Did they just grab something off google?


>he's not even a Sup Forumstard but a ledditor

It's a conspiracy stop talking about it.

wtf i love black people now

Jesus Christ this world is completely fucked

Metal Gear?

>spec-ops grade

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>kill white people farming for them.
>finally no one knows how to farm anymore
>they starve

kek good.

>kek good.
you forgot the part where they don't die because whitey ships them a bunch of food

Nigga this shit have is months old and have been reposted over and over again.

>me reverse search and found op image in reddit
>thus OP is reddit

By that logic Sup Forums is reddit incarnate for discussing the same shit as reddit gaming forum.

>kill white people farming for them.
>finally no one knows how to farm anymore
>they starve
>starving african children on tv
>white people feel guilty and send AID
>they reproduce and create a billion new mouths to feed
>they grow up and become "refugees" and flood into white countries
>white countries die
>the end of white civilization

kek you mean they ship the food but their army takes it because they havn't been paid in years.

(((white people)))

>true, but how would americans solve the issue?
rent free baby

>thing happens
>thousands of websites, including reddit, talk about it
Why are genocide deniers always so dumb?

(((white presenting)))

>saudi and isreal sleep in one bed
>isis was practically made and is lead by mossad
>essentialy muslims serve as footsoldiers for merchants
All old nationalist arab regimes outside iran and syria are dead. Rest including islamic one are on usa leash.
Muslims vs jews is old meme.

do you guys ever let the guards in far cry call for reinforcements just to make the battle more interesting?

I call them in myself

Maybe in 3 days you can figure out what topic goes on the video game board and what doesn't.

>liking video games
You have to be 18 or older to post here

>missing the joke

I'm not OP retard, just replying to your stupid ass post.

Do you feel in charge?

lmao whitey btfo

Do you seriously believe they knowlingly let ISIS fighters in?


>Be white
>Invent the concept of slavery
>Be surprised when people of color inflict the retribution you deserved on you
How is this news worthy?

>mfw they laugh their ass off when another country in the arab league bites the dust and are surprised when it's their turn next

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