Have you ever used a Nazi joke in an online video game before?

Have you ever used a Nazi joke in an online video game before?

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There's probably more to this story that makes it understandable. Anyways, not vidya.

I bet he did Nazi see that coming.

I asked a vidya question though?

I disagree with the verdict, but this has absolutely nothing to do with Sup Forums.

Yeah he lives in a third world country (Britain) that doesn't have free speech laws.

>You made a joke about Nazis
>Nazis were evil and we hate them
>So now we, the government, are going to punish you for saying things that we don't like because we consider them dangerous and a threat to the way of thinking we are forcing on the population

>did Nazi see
>Nazi see

Was deliberately fucking up the punchline part of the joke in this instance?

What about them Muslims marching around shouting death to the west? When can we expect those cases of hate speech?

Anyone who uses "Dank" as a username deserves conviction.

i bet he Nazi see this coming

this is definitely more important than pedo rape grooming rings all over the country


>Britain arrests YouTube comedians

What a based place. Nothing of value was lost


>Get arrested for being "grossly offensive"

Only in the cUcK

>there were people born in a Jewish-Free universe
>you weren't one of them

life aint fair.

stupid amerifats! at least they have free healthca-

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>I bet he did not see see that coming

That's just their religion hun, you are committing a hate crime just bringing that up

Absolutely not, some one's feelings may be hurt. You all deserve death.


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Yeah, a jew got upset so they shut him down.

>and the U.S.' healthcare infrastructure is WORSE, AS IS

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>daily mail

Great "source".

The NHS is shit tier. dont let anyone tell you different, it's a shambles.

His fault for living in a shithole

triggered the bernie bro

>Tories defund health care to the point of near collapse because muh austerity
>brexit causes a staff crisis due the NHS depending on so many EU workers
>Uk votes to keep immigrants out so that its huge aging population now has to deal with an even narrower tax base to fund shit
I have no sympathy for these morons

Gotta keep Mahmoud and his 4 wives and 32 children happy in their luxury flats with social benefits.

>actually thinks voting has anything to do with it and not the millions of africans ad muslims they import who walk into hospitals all day every day
>actually thinks importing more 65 IQ somalians will make the healthcare system better
holy moly the absolute state of eurocucks, theyre like walking around with their brain case wide open sizzling in the sun and drooling

This. Fucking dumbass UK people will actually bring forth real nazis instead of fucking communists like Dankula who teach their dogs how to meme. Maybe that's what they secretly want though. They need another shoah to justify the expansion of state powers.


Why did the UK turn out like this why are anglo countries so shit

>nah it's just a satire
Okay I believe it now lol.

If you want to get out of the EU at least make a plan for it. You wanted to keep these people out but now the UK is already deciding to stay in the customs union so nothing will change, good job morons.

White guilt and colonisation guilt. What you're witnessing is the government attempting self-flagellation only instead of whipping themselves they're whipping native citizens and paying themselves for doing so.
We're all drowning while apologising for disturbing the water.

letting women vote + letting jews spread marxist culture is recipe of disaster that no society can survive

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