Release a follow up to AC2

>release a follow up to AC2
>remove the ability to continue your save in the European version

what the actual fuck. Armored Core thread

Attached: Armored_Core_2_-_Another_Age.jpg (266x374, 25K)

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actually pissed that rpcs3 has focused so much of it's build time being optimized for demon's souls when ac4 through V aren't even bootable

especially because for answer is probably fromsoft's most fun game
there's only like 1 or 2 people on each of the 3 games working to get it playable on the rpcs3 forums
video linked is just depressing

>Make an obnoxious maxass runaway sniper bullshit build
>hits a consistent 3k and blazes across the map like a turbo fag
>get more AP and just run to annoy people for funsies
>one guy I play with is so outstanding at cqc he just chainboosts like a maniac and keeps up with me while he's in a normal lightweight
>kills me exactly how I deserved
Genuinely the greatest multiplayer ever. Easily over 10k hours and there was always new things to figure out and so many ways to get better

if only Miyazaki made another game with as good of pvp

Should I get verdict day or for answer?

>tfw playing FA on PS3
>All those fucking FPS drops

do you prefer 20fps or 10fps?

Verdict Day was pretty good. V was an absolute travesty with the rng weapon grinding and bullshit defense and lack of movement but they fixed pretty much everything in Verdict Day and it was almost just as good as FA. It had just as many options and enough movement potential for the skill cap to be high. I knew people who would activate overed weapon mode and then just fly around with the infinite energy to literally kick the shit out of entire enemy teams and you could do some real nice hybrid action with more than just super lights and have it be useful.

probably both but For Answer has the better single player and they're all dead online.

PS4 game when

after DS4, Shadows Die Twice, and Kingsfield 6

>Fixed everything about V

Yeah except they took a series that was focused on short single-player missions and shoved in stupid mandatory multiplayer

God I fucking hate V and VD.

I'm glad they focused more on multiplayer, multiplayer is what made the games great. They had good singleplayers sure but ever since they went fully online with 4 Armored Core had the best multiplayer around.

It was completely slapped on and absolutely dead. I hope they never bring it back.

pc game when

Why not both?

It was alive for years after release even though its dead now. 4 and For Answer were alive for at least a decade

>I hope they never bring it back
The requires them to bring anything back in the first place.

Good thread op. From Software confirmed awhile ago that they would be making a new AC game. Has there been any new information on it yet?

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is last reven actually balanced? would it be wrong of me to cheat to give myself an advantage?

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Silentline will always be the best armored core ever

actually the way they implemented multiplayer in V/VD screwed over the singleplayer, seeing as the servers are tied to PS+ , and you have to be subscribed to access the store to buy parts.

>FPS drops
>boost trash
>netcode that makes even pajeets ashamed
>half the weapons are trash, like machine guns

I must say, I disagree.

I think Last Raven was one of the hardest old-core games if I remember right. Pretty much tries to fuck your face almost out of the gate after the initial ease missions.

Sounds like somebody was trash at the game because machine guns are some of the strongest weapons and boosting and going fast allows for more focus on movement and positioning which is always one of the biggest parts of a games skill ceiling.

>Sounds like somebody was trash at the game because machine guns are some of the strongest weapons
They only function when another weapon is actually doing the damage. At best they're a shield breaker, but only when they actually hit, which is never because the netcode sucks spaghetti out of an anus.

>going fast allows for more focus on movement and positioning
Yes, thank goodness for that. We can exercise good position on GIANT EMPTY MAP #1, or GIANT EMPTY MAP#2.

i know for a fact that every enemy ac outright cheats. ive never been particularly good ac vs ac fights in the series, but holy fuck it feels like i have to try my hardest just to cheese a fight in LR. and thats only for the first few fights.

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They do crazy damage. Issue is they have no PA penetration so you have to break their PA first then they can deal full damage. And since you're complaining that you can't deal with the netcode I know you were trash because with proper positioning and timing you could overcome all the netcode issues. And the giant empty maps were the best because they were empty and it was just you and the other guy fighting in an arena with nothing but your own movement and dodging to rely on.

Well user, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree then. The most fun I had in the game was when my team just went silly, gimmicky builds. Like all bladers. I wished there was more map variety though. That's something I give VD credit for.

never played it have you? all the skill in the world cant help when the enemy ac has built in op intensify and triple the armor points it should have, and you have to fight 3 of them in a row.

I too enjoy more map variety. Big open fields are nice for Competitive but it all just feels like no items Fox only final destination bullshit that won’t keep me around for long.

I loved the single player on FA and really hope the next armored core keeps things fast

I've beaten the entire game, ON THE PSP NO LESS. So I think I'm in a position to throw the "git gud" card. Not that I'm disparaging you for having a hard time, the game is a decent challenge, but I find it funny.

For Answer was basically a fighting game to me. Open arenas that had okay scenery were perfect because it was all built around serious 1v1 combat with some free for alls if you just wanted to goof around. If you expected a normal armored core then yeah i can see the disappointment but since im a competitive person I loved the focus the game had on that

im emulating it on ps2, and i cant fothom how you think some of these missions are fair. or am i just a chump for making a neat looking heavy bipedal ac with loads of dakka?

it served me well enough to get through nexus and most of 9breaker by itself, but am i going to have to give in and start minmaxing and start tryharding now?

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>tfw topped the leaderboards in For Answer with a bullshit moonlight chainboost netcode breaking blader build

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>He didn't play Last Raven on the PSP

>but am i going to have to give in and start minmaxing and start tryharding now?
If you wanna get anywhere in LR. You might as well. It was literally made for experienced AC players.

I know thats a lie because the top of the leaderboards was literally always either LYNX TIGER CLAW or the jap maxass man. Unless you mean after the game was dead when there were only like 20 people on the leaderboard

LR is the first game where they gave enemy ACs AP close to where it should be given their parts instead of having them around 3000-4000 AP like all the previous games had.