Is this the most cringey and edgy game out there?

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Epic thread you fucking moron

I've seen this exact OP come up often over the past few weeks. I hope you're not trying to force anything, user.

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this thread again, be more original OP

>DUDE let me keep reposting the same thread because It got me so many (you)s the previous times

I unironically believe the tragedy of Christianity and it's descent into the evil of mankind is a wonderful concept and should be touched on more often by people more familiar with it.

There's nothing wrong with the morals and message of Christianity.

>this goddamn thread again

No, Outlast 2 is that but WAAAY worse. It has some of the most cringeworthy written dialogue I've ever seen.

imagine being so starved for attention you need to make the same thread over and over for some human interaction

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that would be hatred

based on your reaction it seems like it's true.

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Every day until the Mods don't delete it, huh.
Also, Antibirth update is running behind with no info on what the fug is happening.
AB+ Final Booster is still slated for this month.

is being a flaming christcuck the most cringey and edgy thing out there?

I like the way his grammar evolves

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You're less subtle than your fedora, user.

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So eating shellfish and wearing mixed fabrics is wrong?

It isn't even a good game to begin with.




Are we edgy or are we soyboys?

Make up your mind, Reddit

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I'm pretty sure the Antibirth update is just straight-up waiting for Booster 5 to drop to blow it out of the water too.

Op barely qualifies for a sentient human being

la creatura

die nigger

>"this bait worked once im going to post it everyday"

do your fucking job,mods

oh yay another spamfag thread to add to the collection
didn't realize you were religious but I probably should have assumed based on some of your other pieces of spam

Mods ban most of his OPs by image so he started compressing them, dumbass didn't bother changing the filenames on any of his compressed shit so he accidentally doxed himself because he also spams his fetish blog.

He's a disgusting autistic human but he's definitely human.
The odd thing is that despite the fact that it IS a human making these threads (he even obeys the timers and everything) he only ever responds to them once in a blue moon.

That's to get around the mods.

Eggman just posted this on Twitter.

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He wouldnt keep posting the same shit if faggots here didnt keep eating it up

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>being an edgy christfag

>christianity is evil and stupid
This but unironically

>buying games published by Nicalis

This shit happened, this is not even "le god" this is just shit that happens in this world.

But that's wrong, most of spamfags threads out of the thousands of threads across his five year campaign of spam drop to page 10 immediately, most of the time the mods don't even have a chance to delete them.
It remains a complete and total mystery why he spams when he knows it does nothing, but he does.

Name 1 reason retards like these shouldn't be banned from creating new posts

>There's nothing wrong with the morals and message of Christianity.
There's a lot wrong with them, most of the messages are bullshit and the morals only apply to non-brown men

VPNs. Just a waste of time wasting extra clicks to permaban their IP when they'll just circumvent it in 5 minutes or less.

>the only possible way to talk about The Binding of Isaac is to start a bait thread discussing religion
I'm with you OP. Any other normal Isaac thread gets to 15 posts maybe

Cause he's ban evading and the mods have tried to ban him?
He obeys the post and thread creation timers so he's actually really hard to catch.
You have to know what threads he makes and when he is active in order to even find him.

You again retard?

he already has been...multiple times

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Why are Christcucks so fucking sensitive? This is like the third time I've seen a thread like this in the past week or two.

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that's probably because it's one guy on a five year ongoing spam campaign that has done basically nothing
he has many many many threads about games that offend him

the one thing he has done is ruin discussion of divinity 2 original sin


Stop shitposting in class and fucking pay attention to the teacher. You don't wanna fail 8th grade again.

>anti-gravity lost with some kinda ring
>heart thing in upper left
Hoping for the best, expecting the worst.

There's really nothing to discuss about Isaac sadly.
>No Antibirth update
>Still no Booster 5
>The Revelations Mod is still only like a quarter done

If god doesnt real then why is there a 5 two posts below me?
Checkmate, Athiests.

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Learn to count.


I agree, fellow american. :)
Don't listen to these heretics, they are possessed by evil spirits.

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Ideologists are easily butthurt.
Say anything against anyone of them on this board and you'll get atleast 3 (You)s from them desperately defending themselves.

>that filename

You're that cuck who makes threads about how mods are all nintendoshills, aren't you?

No, but I shitpost in bad or constantly reposted threads hoping to get janitors to delete them faster. You must be thinking of a different phoneposter.


Please leave this board alone

Christianity is responsible for millennia of death and oppression and deserves to be hated.

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he's been going for five fucking years
he doesn't even read his own damn threads

reported and saged gg ez

Christianity is only a backdrop, the real theme is mental illness and child abuse.

The game isn't about Christianity being bad but rather how zealous religion can harm people, specially THE CUTEST VIDYA BABY.
Isaac is a dumb bullied kid in an abusive religious household. He knows bad things happen to bad people therefore everything bad that happens to him must be because he is a bad person and the bad thoughts he had like hurting his mom and shit only made him feel worse.

If anything it's a game about how important it is to love children and to let them develop properly.

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when is the next / final booster pack being released?


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Good thread OP. Lots of (you)s.

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when is now?

>baptists killing their children

Yeah sounds about right, not even the cucktestants stoop so low.

Christians don't have to abide by the absolutely retarded laws of Judaism. The whole covenant thing was fulfilled by Jesus.

>So eating shellfish and wearing mixed fabrics is wrong?

Someone might think this is what Christians actually believe if they're so retarded and uninformed on Christian theology that they actually believe atheist facebook memes about it. Yet the same person with a lack of understanding of the theology would never even think to apply the standard to jews.

