How come there still isn't a HD modern remake of this game?

How come there still isn't a HD modern remake of this game?

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Does the Michael Jackson license still exist if there is no Michael Jackson?

his kids and shit still exist so yes

>popstar so big he got his own video game

Will we ever see this again? Last I can think of was those 50 cent games

well, moonwalker was a movie
but they don't make movie games anymore either

When someone dies usually someone or a group of people take control of their estate and get to make decisions about people using their likeness or things they created.

>what is star wars battlefront 2
>implying there wont be a zootopia game

probably a licensing nightmare and not worth the money and trouble

I remember hearing after he died they were going to port this and the other game to modern consoles. I don't know what happened.

Have you played it? It's terrible.

This game was hard as fuck, i couldnt beat it. My dad made it to the bit where he turns into a spaceship or a dogfight above the atmosphere, but he got killed and wouldnt play again.
I used to just catch the falling star and obliterate the first few levels as MechaJackson for fun. It was pretty satisfying learning exactly how many enemies were in the bossfights and perfectly managing your health with the dancing moves to kill them all. The hat throw finale was top tier shit.

It was simple, you just had to get all the kids.

His daughter is batshit insane

Fiddy is the Michael Jackson of our time

Disney Infinity was the Zootopia game. And the Inside Out game too.

are we talking arcade or genesis?

Queen also got a game.

>MJ rescuing kids

That's why, but it's obvious hes innocent & the Jews set him up because he he talked smack about them in a song

dude, he had an ARCADE GAME!
then a fucking genesis port that had the name, but wasn't the same game...

>journey had a game
>aerosmith had a game
>fiddy cent had 2 games
>michael got put in 2 sega games and a midway game

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>because he he
im laughing like a maniac

I think anyone would be.

>he he
you mother fucker that caught me so off guard

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