Any of you heard of this game?

Any of you heard of this game?

Does it look good to you?

Looks like a CoH2 but with mechs for now.

Attached: IrorI HarvevraH.png (1200x630, 717K)

>Does it look good to you?

cautiously optimistic, as it looks good but I hope it doesn't get dumbed down for consoles.

Mechbros need anything they can get since it's dead in vidya

Oh shit yeah, I forgot it's coming out on consoles.

That sucks, It's not going to reach its full potentional then.

Attached: 1513444888603.jpg (640x632, 397K)

Well they've been very clear that console porting will be a secondary priority.

I want it to be good but I'm not convinced.

have they? that's good.

>45 dollaridoos

every game ever says this and its never true

no multiplayer, no interest.

have they said it's got no multiplayer? I find that hard to believe

Multiplayer is a stretch goal.

Besides, multiplaye rin these games always result in autism and balance over fun.

>Looks like a CoH2 but with mechs for now.
>with mechs
mechs are shit so i hope it flops

>it's coming out
no it's not

They're asking for like 1.5 million or something they wont get to add multi, total joke.

>no multiplayer
good, fuck those literal autists

god that's fucking dumb. don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good single player campaign but unless it's total war, it's multiplayer that keeps these games interesting.

>multi-plat console RTS

yeah nah bruh

Attached: Marky Mark.gif (400x225, 1.52M)

This is in development for how long now?

Yeah nah m8 I dont think this is leaving development hell.

Attached: 15214938088120.jpg (460x1051, 144K)

Looks like someone saw pic related and decided to make a video game from it.

Attached: +4 charisma -4 intelligence.png (2016x1512, 2.73M)

Could you retards please check the campaign before you post?

Multiplayer is the 1 million stretch goal, the campaign is currently sitting at almost 800,000 with 24 days to go.

Don't worry, you'll get your autistic dickswinging simulator.

Wait wrong pic god dammit.

Attached: ea52f5b90cae93d6fbe33d3daacf074a.jpg (1200x641, 246K)

that's exactly what it is. this game is being based off of Scythe (tabletop game) which is based off of that guy's art. artist's name is Jakub Rozalski

I love my cattle dog

>no multi
>sjw shit
fuck off marketer

Huh, I thought a Polish artist got bored and made some cool looking art. Good info and looks fun to play, but... I don't really know anyone. I must /tg/ but I have no friends.

Yep, pretty much. He's dumber than a sack of potatoes though (but he only shits outside the house so that's good). Or just stubborn. From what I heard the males tend to be as bright as a stump.

That's because it's exactly that, just like Scythe was

As a Halo Wars fan I can say I'll still get this if it releases on Xbone, AND I'll twinstick my way through the whole campaign

> shows poles as the good guys and germans as the bad guys
>sjw shit
What in God's name did he mean by this

I'm glad they gave the NPCs voices, makes it feel more like WoW

They shot themselves in thr foot by engineering it to work on consoles.

Cool esthetic but i won't be giving them money. Maybe pirate it down the line, just of curiosity.

>RTS for consoles
Trash not even worth a pirate

not really.

Looks really great. Also ist reminds me of men of war assault Squad 2 which i love

>RTS for consoles

Haha, fuck off