Last of Us second best game of all time

>Last of Us second best game of all time
Also, I liked Witcher 3, but best game of all time? ffs
Full list:

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>269. Mass Effect: Andromeda

fucking how?

>Witcher 3 and #1
>article uses BotW for clickbait

Don't give Gameinformer clicks.

Who cares about the opinions of others.
Like seriously, who gives a shit if someone thinks a game is really good

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>that top 10
>Fallout 3 that high and above any other Fallout
>Fallout 4 that high above 1 and 2
>Fo1 and 2 are over 100 places apart for some reason
>Mass Effect 2 in the top 10 and above 1

I didn't even bother reading the rest. I fucking hate normalfags and their shit taste that controls the gaming industry.

popularity contest

say there's one game that's seen as 10/10 by the hundred thousand people who played it

and then there's a game that's seen as 8/10 by the ten million people that played it

the 8/10 would be polled as a better game

oh and I mean 10/10 and 8/10 as the average


Isn't that the reason everyone comes to Sup Forums?

Sup Forums taste is awful, and i mean it, but its the best place to talk about videogames in the whole internet, if you check any other place you'll realize this is the only actual place where people even knows more than AAA games

>reader's choice

think about it
who unironically still reads gaming journalism in 2018?
only massive soylent addicts like this shit

is that your norbot?

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Sonybros actually believe TLoU is a good game because its legit the only passable thing that normies could describe as fun.

I fucking hated the Witcher 3 if for nothing else the way your character fucking moved and fought, it just felt wrong. Beat it and did a large portion of the side missions and everything and I really just couldn't give a fuck.

I mean say what you want about Skyrim but fuck at least it had fun combat.

>MGS1 above MGS3
>Bioshock in top ten
>Only one Castlevania
>Resident Evil higher than Resident Evil 2, REmake in the high 200s
>Deux Ex above 70

It's all so tiresome

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I found Mass Effect a bit more fun gunplay wise, dat vanguard class.

But what I want to say about Skyrim is that it *didn't* have fun combat.

I much prefer Witcher 3 combat.

>28. Horizon Zero Dawn


best of lists are fucking gay for any media or artform

>your whole life

>156. Destiny 2
>Dishonored 1 is behind Destiny 2, same with Fallout 1
>118. PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds
>64. Fallout 4
>29. Overwatch
>22. Fallout 3
Wow, I'm not one to judge too much on taste but this is some objectively wrong choices. It doesn't take a genius level IQ to tell that something like Fallout 4 should be above something like one of the good RPG games, not even counting ones from the same series. Overwatch isn't necessarily bad, but it isn't anything good or great either, I just find it average. That's the main issue with lists like this, there's such a large amount of video games to come out, but why can't people make a 100 or 300 list that doesn't stink of average games or very easily debatable choices that don't fit the "best games" criteria?
It seems like every list has the same top 10 games, not that it's a bad thing, but all lists like this say is what people have already confirmed and said for YEARS now. If you are going to make a list like this, why repeat what 50,000 people have already said? Lists like this could be interesting and quite informative if they actually tried, though I guess whatever gets the clicks right?

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lol how mad are you right now ?

lol how mad are you right now ?

Now remove all western games.

And Nintendo shit too.

>Now remove all western games.

Did you even look at the list? It already mostly consists of Japanese games, because that's what most people voting on this list grew up with and are nostalgic for. For example, there are 5 different Metal Gear Solid games, but not a single Thief game, despite the latter arguably being a much better series of stealth games than the former.

Even the few non-Japanese games are mostly from Sony, a Japanese company.