Why don't you make your own game

Why don't you make your own game

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I'm making one, what of it?

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Too lazy to bother

because there are enough games in the world

Maybe am I.

I'd like to mod. I'd like Source 2 to have a non-gimmick related release that allows for some great moddability

I'm an idea guy. have some ideas for games that'll never be made.

wanna read about it?

Hit me, i will tell you why you're a shit idea guy

It takes
>determination to acquire skills
Which is everything I don't have
Which i

Okay get this
>A boy falls in love with a girl.
>Unable to confess, he is gifted with by a deus ex machina with the girl’s phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.
>But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day’s confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn’t exist in this universe at all. >She is the girl’s alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC’s own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.
>Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves.
>While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.

I have no relevant skills. I even struggled trying to make the world's shittiest Breakout clone in my high school computer class

I tried, I can write code pretty well but for the life of me I cant write or draw. Also, Im shit with sound design and I have the vocal range of a 25 year old chain smoker

Bravo, great gameplay. Turn your private fantasy into a manga.

- tycoon type of game.

you're a young inexperienced owner of a Funeral Home,who inherited it from recently passed uncle, you're supposed to bring the company back the business and bringht new life in the funeral industry.
remember dead people are a great source of income!

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I've made plenty of games. None of them are any good though. Most are just my own remakes of old NES classics and other simple shit. The biggest game I've made is an FF1-style RPG I've made in Excel.

Jesus Christ. That’s an okay premise but not for a video game.

That idea is so basic. Every idiot can make up stuff like this. Tell me about the mechanics that make this interesting.

Don't know how to program graphics yet. I'm learning C and want to eventually make an LRPG with a Elder Scrolls like quest system. I want to keep it 2D but have a pseudo "paper" feel to it like Don't Starve. The main quest is about elves and other fantasy races trying to stop an evil alien race from corrupting their world with machinery and robots.

I'm the ideas guy

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Making it would take me from 10 to god knows how many years if we're talking doing it singlehandely, learning 3D modelling, getting good at it, learning engine, getting good at coding in it.
Voice actors are expensive and it's pointless to do a big game without them.
I can't for the love of me come up with a worthy engaging and unique story. 80% of games' stories are shit, I have no chances to write a script I'd be content with.

No skills and no desire to. I'm content just playing them.

Sort of have this idea of making a metroidvania that plays like Wario Land 3. I'm thinking it'd be a good idea to learn Unreal 4 or Unity with this in mind so I have something to progress towards instead of just messing around.

Mission based hunting style game where you're space ranger who does various missions around the galaxy like killing dangerous alien crreatures or fighting alien warrior, stop robot uprising etc. would be less emphasis on fighting big boss like monster and more on lighter/medium enemies in large numbers, would be a third-person shooter but maybe could have melee too but it wouldn't be the main focus.

give me a good gpu accelerated physics engine that's both kinds of free and based on the vulkan api

game about stray dogs and cats inspired by the heathcliff cartoon and turf wars segment from gta: san andreas

one day one of the pet gangs find out heathcliff is missing and want to prove they are the best gang in the city, to do that they need to fight with other gangs at their respective teritories.

the combat is turn based, after won fights you can upgrade your team with loot gained after fights.


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That's old, fuck off

Just plot and aesthetics, what about gameplay, the mechanics which constitute the experience?


"You do missions and kill enemies and perhaps there is melee."


plot and unspecific design idea.

I understand that Sup Forums is maybe not the place to disclose the intricacies of your ideas but there isn't a single spark in these ideas. Do you really not know that anybody who plays a lot of games could come up with this shit?

because I can't program for shit

Because i'm too old to start.

I have amazing idea for writing and characters and plot but don't know how to program or draw.

I'm just waiting for the next Steam sale to buy RPG Maker MV!

I realized after a certain point that I enjoy working my way through other peoples' challenges rather than designing them for others. Kudos to those who have the ambition though.

Because I'm stuck learning to draw.
Fuck this shit so much, you try and try and every time you're left with some eldritch horror of a sketch. Probably the most disheartening skill I've tried to learn so far.


Because I can draw, I've made a fair bit of alright (I think) music, and I think my idea is interesting enough (although not amazingly original), I can't program, and learning it has proved fruitless. Essentially I'm worthless in the parts that matter, like a cover illustrator for a book. Sure it'd sell better with a flashy cover, but there's nothing to sell.

Probably just going to try my hand at animation.

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Iktf user
>try drawing cute anime girl like my sister always draws
>draw a masked, thin creature with giant plated claws
I have no idea how it happens. I guess I just get bored and frustrated trying to get the facial angle right, it always looks too sharp or too soft.

Can someone r8 my gameplay idea if I post it? I did the rites of passage (Pong, Pacman, Tetris), so I want to make my own now. Just want to see how shit it is.

Its the damndest thing OP
>Have certs in C/C++, Java, 4 years python experience
>Regularly draw well enough to make money off of it porn
>Enough musical talent to make an innoffensive soundtrack for a variety of genres
>The money to put up for an engine and some software liscensing
>A few connections at steam to help move us through greenlight
But for the life of me I cant come up with a single idea! If only someone would sell me an idea or their idea generating talant!

copy dude (not trace) just keep copying better art till you can start making your own shit then you wont want to copy anymore.

I have something like a game with at least 5 hiht plot points but i need to fill the rest.

make pong with butts

this mother fucker


Thanks user
Now that I think about it, that's how my sister started.
Toon Link and some old SoL manga from the library iirc.

I have 2 that will make you millions. First one unites Football Manager (sega sim) party-management with mount and blade-esque world map and traversion, second one is an asymmetrical mass shooter in the vein of battlefield.

I have all of it laid out in design documents. I'm just too busy to work on them.

>try drawing cute anime girl like my sister always draws
Just hire your sister to draw your 2d porn game

Thats not an idea, thats a concept

I realized that I am too lazy and dumb to go trough the effort learn how to make my game ideas reality, and I also learned that making games sucks.
I still work on my ideas, and maybe one day, I will utilize the world I have built in some other format.

She's smarter than me and probably would overcharge.
Draws nice tummies though.

how about tic tac toe but with neon lights and a story about a tic tac toe tournament
don't really need much more elaboration on tic tac toe, just make it have funny sound when you win

Basically fallout with the destruction mechanics from Battlefield, but you're a kawaii cat girl (boy)

but I am

Cant fit videogame making in my busy schedule of working, eating, shitting sleeping and fapping.

I'm working on that for the moment, which is much harder as a single member than one expects. I approached a friend who graduated as an English major in order to seek a proper script / story, but that hasn't worked out just yet. It will also be using RPG Maker, so shittiness will be a thing unless I either pay for original assets, or sit down and spend ages working on art, music, and presentation. I'm more interested in having fun with diverse classes ala FF & Etrian while having solid gameplay, then I expect the rest of the stuff to fall into place.

Since I just bought MV, I'm gonna have to learn some Javascript, as I'll want to implement features that are not part of the base program. This will either go great or horrible.

If I really had talent, I'd do like Rokku-Chan and just make a MM game that reskins everything into original, then print money.

I'll be sure to shill it on Sup Forums if I have footage worthy of showing :)

Okay, so, no story idea yet, but here goes. You’re armed with a gun and knife in a setting that contains either sci-fi shit or magic (probably sci-fi). You can use mana/energy for two purposes: cast spells/special moves and (most importantly) toggle the gameplay among a variety of styles - top-down shooter, platformer, FPS (simple shit like Doom), bullet hell, tower defense, JRPG, etc. Characters would stay in the same locations when you change it and retain health and mana. If you die in, ex., FPS mode, you resurrect at full health but you can’t play that mode. If you run out of modes, you die. You have a pretty small life bar at first as a result (enough to stand 3-4 hits).

I’m leaning toward it being a sci-fi styled roguelite after you somehow gain a device that allows that “shift” to happen. You can somehow upgrade your stats and starting items and keep the device/power when you die - a drone or something comes and gets it from you.

there's no game i'd want done that isn't part of a pre-existing IP.

otherwise i'm content with the games available to me right now.

I don't know if this is bait, but that is some well-crafted scope creep.

I'm working on it. It's a mix of Persona and Silent Hill.

Grid-based monster battler that rewards positioning and party optimization. I think it's high time the PC started getting its own Pokemon clones.

too lazy to program

I'm making one right now.

Is there anyone here interested in a westwood Blade Runner type adventure game but set in a city with bloodborne's gothic art style?

Attached: gothic-city.jpg (1600x1200, 222K)

I prefer writing. I'm no good at it, but writing a book is certainly more realistic than trying to make a game as a one man band.

My current project started as an idea for a videogame before I let that dream die for good.

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>The more genres I use the more people I will trick

All I can do is make shitty music

I guess WarioWare is a trick.
Though that might be true, he is essentialluy Jewish.

i've watched this movie before
im sure japan has done this plot ALREADY

and you can do better?
oh wait, your fucking idea isn't unique or cool either

its why indie devs are shit

fuck all of you
indies back in the day were fucking AA studios
not people who started my first gamemaker project