This had literally no reason what so ever to be nerfed. If you're so bad that you can't avoid a ball comming twards you...

This had literally no reason what so ever to be nerfed. If you're so bad that you can't avoid a ball comming twards you, you shouldn't even be playing.

They could atleast just increase the distance needed for a stun.

Attached: Sandman_item_icon_TF2.png (1071x699, 280K)

I agree. Scout is already faster than everyone. The Sandmans value was in the stun so you could get more shots in a disrupt opponents without them retaliating or escaping

lmao scoutfag tears

they nerf all scout weapons because he's legitimately the best class

Stun mechanics have no place in a first person shooter.

That's like saying getting rocket blasted into the air should'nt be allowed.

Its no secret that valve struggles with balancing, especially when so many weapon concepts are shitty
the sandman could have been better fixed by just supplementing the stun with damage, but it does piss poor damage
What im still pissed about is how they shat on the baby face blaster
nothing compared to pub stomping on harvest with this thing, it was so much fun.
Instead of one tap cucking you from any speed, you should just be stacking damage vulnerability. harder to aim with, harder to aim at; it takes more skill to play as and against.
but nah, FUCK THAT, hit scan across the map sets you to just barely slower than normal scout. I wish the risk part was worth the whole risk reward thing.

Attached: ss+(2015-07-03+at+07.00.20).jpg (649x335, 43K)

You can shoot back when getting rocketed. On more then one occasion I've made the situation a trade insead of just eating them and dieing

>was in the game every since like 2009
>suddenly some soy at valve realised stun was too op 4 tf2
sometimes i want some of that shit that tf team is smoking

Compcbros want to homogenize everything that doesn't fit a 6s meta and valve are listening to them despite them being a vocal minority for some reason.

I used to combine this with the Crit-a-Cola for mad fucking speed real quick on 2fort servers. Now I'm back to stock Scunt.

>Now I'm back to stock Scunt.
Just like everyone. There's no reason to pick any other primary.

>wow you must be bad if you cant dodge literally the fastest and easiest to hit projectile in the game, in a game that already uses ridiculously large projectile hitboxes
pic related, the big red box is the hitbox used to check whether a projectile hits you
hitting the ball is far too easy for it to give you such a huge advantage in a fight

Attached: hulls.png (845x497, 391K)

Which is why I proposed it to have increased distance to be able to stun. I agree that the stun rage was a BIT too op, but removing the whole stun mechanic as whole was idiotic.
The long ball shot compleete stun should've stayed, if you couldn't dodge those you have literally no excuse.

the slowdown should be bigger, just a bit

I like the Soda Popper, though I see everyone using the default. y tho
sincerely, two-digit-hourlet

Crit a cola is too op and people don't like to cheat on the battlefield. Same goes with the reserve shooter and pyro (The old one, before the update)

You can surf explosions

There's literally no reason whatsoever to play TF2 past late 2010, so any discussion you think you might want to have is pointless.

jump maps exist so it's still great if you're fucking autist

>needs a reason to play viddygam

I fondly remember when you could hit balls through the red spawn windows on thunder mountain and stunlocking people to death. I became a legend with the sandman.

>all scout weapons
but they didn't? it was literally just sandman, they even buffed cleaver in general having it charge faster. scout has the most sidegrades of any other class

baby face blaster is still good. all you have to do is like 40 damage to get back to stock speed, and 100 damage to go so fast other players have difficulty hitting you at all even with hitscan. sure just 20 damage will set you back to base speed but just do chip damage or use your pistol to get back to speed. use weapons like winger to jump higher without double jumping because that removes your speed boost as well. stop being bad and start playing to the strengths and weaknesses of weapons

>every weapons in the game that could potentially be a threat to Soldier get nerfed
What did Valve mean by this?

>le tf2 is ded because hats, mannconomy, mym, gayben, your mom, etc meme

Attached: f2p ypro.png (347x600, 205K)

It was more of how they finally admitted that stun was a shitty mechanic instead of realizing it. In general they seem stubborn to admit how they were wrong and won't rework a weapon even if it's trash which is why they still kept it with a slowdown.



Yup. One of the core design philosophies at the start of TF2 was that they never wanted to take control away from the player, then they released this weapon. Even as a scout main I refused to use it outside of my mega meme build that used everything that had a cooldown associated with it.

What's worse is that now not only is the Sandman useless, so's the cleaver

eh no? i use it with stock scattergun and atomizer

>pain train equipped
>end up in CTF
>open inventory to change weapon
>loadout doesn't update