Will Chad finally get his wish?

Will Chad finally get his wish?

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>who is donkey kong

Hopefully. I mean its the current fucking year.

>those other opinions


Doc Louis is in Smash now

>Donkey Kong, an ape, is black
>when apes have flat lips, straight hair, body hair, long arms, and have pale skin, unlike blacks

so they're worse than apes?

More like whites are the actual apes.

Aaaarghhhh.....my neurons.....ughh....AAAAASAA

Reminder that he is a janny on this board

so... apes are more evolved than blacks?

>*dankey kang



objectively so. at least apes chimps and gorillas take care of their young

He will get it if Rodin is in it.
And i fucking hope so.

I'm glad whites are dying out

Do you like BBC as well?

This is funnier written this way

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Not particularly

Then stop making anti-white posts

Dummies. Evolution isn't some sort of biological upgrade. And they say that "race-realists" aren't ALL about pseudoscience.