Titanfall 2

Just got this, it's pretty damn fun. Why did it fail again?

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Eh, I got tired of it.

>it isn't battlefield
>exclusively on origin
>exclusively on origin where the only people who use origin play battlefield
>released a week after Battlefield 1 and a week before CoD infinite warfare

that's all you need to know OP

europoors have no money

EA wanted it to flop so they could acquire Respawn. Why else would they release it one week after Battlefield 1?

it failed because the first one was bad. They should've reskinned parts of it and gave it a new name

And this is exactly what happened.

I uninstalled it after the acquisition.

>PC is the only platform
It was a flop on PS4 and X1 too, idiot.

Not enough of the budget was allocated to marketing. Marketing is what makes or break the sales of a AAA game now.

>redditfall 2
no thanks


Battlefield and Overwatch are more reddit games.

It was too fast for casuals

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So they could buy out the studio. It was an EA plot all along.

The poor 2015 guys just cant catch a break with publishers. Everyhting they make is so good that people keep screwing them over to try and cash in on their talent.

Took me 2 days to get all Achievements on XB1, was a fun as fuck game though, its still a mystery why me and all my friends just stopped playing, it just died youknow?

shitty post launch support with free dlc that was 90% recycled maps from t1. also the monarch made LTS and Titan Brawl the most unfun modes. horde mode was not out at launch either so most people I know gave up on the game well before it was added in. a shame that I'd actually want to throw momey at a season pass for better maps and more than 1 recycled t1 map every few months. core game and single player were fantastic

I like mechs but I was told this wasn't mecha by the devs so I didn't buy it

>BF and CoD didn't come out on console

people fell for the Battlefield 1 meme

Titanfall 2 was a phenomenal game; excellent multiplayer and even a great campaign. But the developers were complete fucking retards to release the game when they did. They should have released it during the dry period before battlefield and CoD was released.

EA killed it and the general public has a lot of misconceptions about the game. Oh and the open beta before launch was a mess since the build was ages old and played like shit.

EA released it in between Battlefield 1 and Call of Duty IW.

> Developers

Developers have almost no control over a release date, that's the publisher.. in this case EA. Why else would anyone slot an FPS in between two of the biggest FPS releases that year?

>Thinking it wasn't EA who decided the release date.
How dumb are you

He just said a meme word for no reason. I don't know what warranted elaboration.

EA put it between two major, same genre flagships to make it fail so that Respawn was more pliant to being bought by them, which would allow them to put lootboxes in Titanfall 3

With the unimpressive launch they had, it was no wonder they didn't support the game fully. I'm kinda grateful with what we got, and they mostly left the game in a good place. CAR is still obnoxious, but whatever, it's nothing compared to the Devotion or Tone in its prime.

I remember a lot of people trying to shill this garbage on Sup Forums when it came out.
The responses were always canned whenever someone called it out for having no players.
>Guys, it takes me 2-3 minutes to find a match and it's only been a month after its release
>hurr, takes me 45.7 seconds, user. I know, I timed it.
>durr, you a PCbro or playing it on a console like everyone else? I get matches in 0.2 seconds and I live in Pakistan.

Released at a terrible time. Single player was great but too short.

the game was never dead and still isnt dead

i got 600+ hours in this game, it wasnt by myself

Also there was very little advertisement.
EA wanted this game to fail.

>I uninstalled it after the acquisition.
Wait Respawn got taken over by EA!? Fuck, R.I.P Titanfall.

Someone got buttblasted by monarchs too much, with the amount of tards that piloted them they weren’t hard to kill

which is fine, not claiming to be a great player but having a mode like titan brawl where you can't steal batteries and then giving 1 titan a way to charge their shields creates a pretty uphill battle for everyone not playing thay titan, player counts don't lie, lots of people dropped from lts and titan brawl after the monarch hit. lucky to see 200 to 300 players on a good day.

>it wasnt by myself
Playing private matches with your Mexican XBL friend doesn't count.

>tone is op, easily able to take on two other titans
>his ultimate cant miss and guarantees a titan kill
>all other ultimates require good positioning or do area damage
>northstar is useless
>everyone realizes tone is op
>game full of tones
>whoever gets first tone wins
>they'll nerf it
>they dont
>ruins whole dynamic game was supposed to have

Respawn still picked the release window, but man they got completely shafted by EA.

delet this

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This. Damn shame.

EA put it out smack dab in the fucking middle of Battlefield (a series IT ALSO OWNS) and Call of Duty. Any FPS, especially one without name value or broad appeal was fucked in that release window. Now EA bought out the developer by promising them a third game, so there's an 80% chance Titanfall 3 happens, and a 50/50 chance EA will fuck it up entirely. After that, I'm gonna say Respawn is delegated to Battlefield DLC or something and then dissolved in Spring 2022.

Honestly I never played it because I don't really like FPS games, but it looked really neat. Would it be worth it to play just Singleplayer, and if so what price would just the SP be worth?

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The singleplayer is good. Looks like it's on sale for about $10 right now which I think is a good price for the campaign

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It launched right in between battlefield 1 and infinite warfare. On purpose. That shattered the game's chances at survival.