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Bitch ass I will snap those shards into your fuckin’ eye sockets you Halo playin’ cunt piece

I never bought an X-Box. Did I miss anything worthwhile on it?


Sure me wites child betta let yano bust in da BLOODCLAT wan more timie bless specs

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This game has split-screen you faggot


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You know the rule Tommy. I'll get off the x-box after you've finished getting me off

>being an unironic communist

That looks like the kid who got slapped around on youtube all the time by that shitty canadian dad

Timmy you fucking commie

>not going over to hit on his sister
Hah, Joe is gaaaaay!

>slits you're throat

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>Takes out gun
Give me the controller bro

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I had a kid that used to come over after school and play my 360 until like 11pm when his mom would come over and pick his ass up. I felt bad for him since he didn't have much in his life but fuck man that shit had to stop, when we stopped letting him come over he would sit on our front porch crying.

>Teleports behind you
Nothing personal tommy

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You can suck my cock and choke on it.

>nigger deleted his post

>10 years old
>go over to friend's house to play CoD
>his really hot older sister sits on the couch beside me
>her boobs jiggle into me

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>"Okay, user"
>entire group leaves and goes outside to play manhunt
>kid cries to his mother that no one is playing with him


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> be 10
> friend invites me over to play ps1
> yo user, check this out, I’m gonna best our ass
> it’s tekken
> pick wang, beat him few times in a row
> “stop user, you can’t use that move you cheater”
> proceed to just use kicks, win again
> leaves the room crying
> keep playing on my own
His mom then brought us snacks, realized his son was crying to stupid shit again and shrugged

*my afterimage disappears right in front of you*
Hand it over bro or else

Did you fuck his mom?


> gets chopped in half by axe
> You PK’ed the wrong kid
Fucking favelas man, who would have guessed that killing someone online would have repercussions irl

No, I was only 10 by then, she was nice tough and let me stay over whenever I wanted, was single since her previous husband cheated on her then left

I think you're thinking of some other vid, that one's from a chink internet cafe where a guy literally slits some poor sap's throat.

same. But it was Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2's race mode and it was my ps1. He almost broke my controller before he went to cry in a corner.

You could've slipped it in

I hope you don't live in America, Timmy. You are bound to get shot with that attitude.

Sounds hot. What happened to her user? I take it you eventually found yourself a suitable gf.

I know, I’m thinking about 1 kid in Brazil PKing someone in tibia, then the other kid grabs an axe, goes to his house which wasn’t far since they lived in the same favela, and chopped him in half

>Be white
>Live in predominately carribean section of NYC
>Wonder what the fuck you just said

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Panzer Dragoon

The same happened to me, but it was his mom. I had to jerk off three times everyday.

Why are the kids you start these threads with always ginger?

*deletes your save file*

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>he didnt fuck at 10

Why are americans so beta that they wait too long before sex?

Not sure, but I'm still a virgin.

I could but I was more interested in crash bandicoot and Spyro at the time, missed opportunity if you see her now

Alot. If it Microsoft came in one gen later with the same games, but made for the new gen, it would've slaughtered PS3. PS2 was just such an amazing console to have that XBox was a bit underrated.

That's a Sega Saturn game.

This, if you never got /ss/'d you're pretty much never achieving chad status


A male losing virginity before 16 promotes premature ejaculation.

That’s really sad dude, he was probably desperate for some form of escapism.

Same here too. But it was my aunt. She kept rubbing my leg with her foot. I was 25 at the time.

>Living with my cousins
>Hey guys come over so we can play games
>Okay cool, this guy always has a ton of games
>Haha nice, alright let's go to my room
>Check out this game I just got
>Hey can I have a turn?
>Haha, wait just watch this!
>His mom comes in
>Hey Timmy maybe you should let your friends play.
>Haha, alright Timmy you and your friends want some cookies?
>Yes, jeeeze, get out okay? You always do thiiiissss.
>Minutes go by
>Haven't played yet
>Go to the bathroom
>Spot his mom with a bottle of wine waiting on the cookies
>Avoid eye contact
>Get back in the room with cousins
>Get cookies
>Grab a few more and leave
>HAHA, see you guys later, we should play again that was fun.
>Yeah, later Timmy.
>me and my cousins agree never again

Fucking white kids man, every fucking time.

>older bro takes that game ive been playing and trying to 100%
>scratches the fuck out of it
>breaks the memorycard as well
>"oh wow they broke lmao, better get some new ones"
>he gets away with it

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>be me
>11 years old
>secret sociopath
>didn't even like video games that much, never had my own
>used to become friends with kids just so that they could invite me over to play video games or even better, spend the night
>depending on how much time i have, I would go through their favorite games and wipe their save data/memory cards on gamecube or PS2
>one time wiped a kid's RE4, Mario Sunshine, and Smash data all in seven minutes
>always got away with it

I was an evil fuckin kid

thats like the baby step before skinning a baby rabbit

Where do you live now John so I can kick your ass.

> American
More like filthy sudaca, but nice try

>No, Player 2 gets the Mad Catz controller!

Fucking underages man

I've wiped so much data I can't even remember who you guys are. Was it Smash, or maybe your Prime data?

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I don't care John, meet me downtown so you can get these hands. This is a picture of me now, I bet you wish you never touched my Smash data now! Huh! Now I'm gunna smash dat ass.

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What did you say?

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