Here's your stick bro

here's your stick bro

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>banned at tourneys

Why would you want me banned for cheating?

You call it stick despite the fact it only has buttons?

nah bro, I'm good

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Here's your stick bro

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No need, I've brought my own Smash gamepad.

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I'm good bro

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It's a regional dialect, from Utica.

Thanks but I only play on thicc sticcs

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Pls have a dick

Here is your controller bro

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But they aren't, are they?
Or is that only for Smash tourneys?

>not bat top and happs

>my TE got delivered today
I'm ready bros

God I wish they sold a lefty version of this. I'd buy it in a heartbeat

What VN is this?

im good, thanks

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>W-we want to have sticks and hitboxes too! Why can't we have them! Please take us serious!
Why are smashfags so insufferable?

>Got it before Madcatz went under
I like it. I try to use it for everything.

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What the fuck is wrong with those red buttons? Are they supposed to be off center

ebay is doing a 15% everything. There's some good fightstick deals on there.

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I always end up playing execution heavy characters but my actual execution is shit

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unironically, an analog stick would be really cool

Any opinions on 8bitdo arcade stick? I want it for shmups and run&gun stuff like Metal Slug. Is there serious input lag?

>only options for playing melee are this PoS or the gamecube controller
no wonder melee players have hand problems

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Why would you do this to yourself?

thats not a stick its a pad

Pretty sure it's just a reskin of the Mayflash F300. No notable issues from what I've seen. Stock joystick is okay, but the buttons are probably crap.

That good then. I wanted a wireless option and it seems like it is the best for that price.

here's your stick bro

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Is melee autism ever going to be cured?

here bro

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I used to play tekken with a keyboard for years and it was better than any pad I can think of. i've only recently switched to Mad Catz and i love it but some inputs are still easier for me on a keyboard.
A good keyboard is literally easy mode if you backdash cancel


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actually i brought mine, but thanks

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>bought a PS4 controller for fightan on PC
>dpad completely ruined after 4 months of intense use
guess I'll buy a stick next time

Someone post the stick tier list please.

and here's yours bro

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Why would it be banned at tourneys? Smashfags have no problem allowing cheating with malfunctioning controllers.

Let me ruin your VLX bro

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>there is nothing wrong with fighting game controls, literally just practice
>someone makes something that can do the same inputs a bit easier

that list is just
>elder god tier
>anything with sanwa parts
>etokki omni

>kys yourself tier
>everything else

>too much effort tier

>the only popular fighting games right now I feel would be worth playing are either blazblue or guilty gear
>I don't play them because I don't want to put up with arcsys' absolute jewishness and staggered release dates

I really hope that hori tweet about sega turns into something or I'll have to find a new genre, AGAIN.

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here bro

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Outdated as hell bro.

Just noticed they didn't put the Injustice stick, probably B tier in my opinion

My nigga. Obsidian master race reporting in.

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I really love the Etokki Omni Korean Edition.

Too old. Need a more updates graphic.

It's a Smash hitbox. And it's banned at Smash tourneys

The Grand Cabal of Insufferable Smashfags came together and decided that the Gamecube controller was the only thing you could use for Smash, even though that's not a level playing field when people specifically look for bugged controllers.

There was an analog stick solution being worked on in the beta phase and it's also illegal now. This was going to be a solution for people whose wrists were getting wrecked by the controller too.

>and it's also illegal now
Why? Even if it's literally just a disassembled gamecube controller stuck in a box with a bat top glued onto the stick? I thought the whole argument against the smashbox was that it technically automated certain inputs by the way it did angle selection stuff?

The problem is Melee is an old game and it needs to die. The heads of the community would rather see people get their wrists wrecked than take a chance that someone else might somehow have the slightest advantage.

>here's your stick, bro

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