Dota 2


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kill yourself you stupid faggot

It's the most based game in the world.


Peaked somewhere between 2011 and 2013. Steady downhill from there. Am tempted to get back into it when I read about the memeback being nerfed

glad it's dying

I have 2000+ hours and every game is the same enemy line up of absolute cancer, i don't find it fun anymore

Dota isn't supposed to be fun, you fucking faggot

Good game, frustrating game, awful community. Valve sucks, Icefrog does not. Always appreciated their approach to balancing. Shitters on Sup Forums usually have complaints that are ignorant or years out of date. Not that there isn’t anything to complain about, but holy shit

just played my placement matches after not playing for 10 months. got "legend 5". dunno how I feel about this. probably won't play again anytime soon.

These. Shit used to be somewhat fun. Now, it's worthless.
Well memed, keep it up.

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>i don't find it fun anymore
sounds like you got good at the game. only garbage kids think it's "fun".

1.6k hours on the game
it's been going downhill for a while honestly but I can't stop playing

>old ui was comfier
>grafix were much better before 7.00
>map was much more balanced and cozier
>diretide never again
>greebeling never again
>free items NEVER AGAIN

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>dont implement capri sun and gun WD
>game is suddenly dying
hmm, really makes you think

The fact that they ditched battlepasses for this tacked on subscription makes me slightly mad

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>old ui was better
>it takes up 10% of the screen for no reason.

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And it's beautiful

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If by beautiful you mean a claustrophobic mess, then yeah, it's gorgeous.

>don't play dota for 6 months, then only play imba for 6 months
>play something approximating regular dota, ability draft
>it's slower than gods fuck
shit, how can people play this?

i like the heroes and their powers
i like the setting

but it's attached to a shitty moba and a card game, wish this wasn't the case.

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Free to play done right.
Game has changed alot over the years, but somehow still manages to hold it's deep and unforgiving gameplay.

Mobas are only fun if you're bad at them. I wish i never climbed past gold in LoL

>waaaah muh ui waaaah game is ruined because I can't adapt

Glad casualfags and subhumans got filtered. Now the game is in a much better state without them.

Fucking hate it.

A) It's a cash whale that made Valve give up on SP games and left us all with blue balls equivalent to waiting for Star Wars Episode 1 after Episode 6. There's no way HL2Ep3/HL3 can meet expectations after this long of a wait.

B) Killed any hope and chance of Valve making SP games if all they have to do is make a game that relies on addiction, community created content and tournaments.

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hahahaHAHAHHA HLfag's tier are delicious

You lost. Get over it.

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Is the best ASSFAGGOTS by far. I'll rather die slowly and painfully than playing it tho.

great timesink and 1 in ~20 games is really fun

Still the best PVP game out there and also free. But still fuck gaben and volvo!