What went wrong with video games...

What went wrong with video games? We got awesome games left and right 10 years ago and now we are lucky to get one great game every couple of years ie.Bloodborne.

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Game somehow became more expensive to make and in turn, are purely profit driven now. It’s a bad time for games. Don’t see how anything will change.

what? i found a shit load of fun games in the past few years. it just so happens none of them are triple a games

>what is Nekopara

>what is Undertale

>visual novel

How is that a game?

Not an argument

Try not being a complete fucking autist and just take games for what they're meant to be. fun. I play this with my phd supervisor and have a great time. Loads of my friends also enjoy league, dota, fortnite, fifa and other casual shit and have a blast.

You are the problem, and you probably only feel this way since you spend a none healthy amount of time playing games while having an unsatisfying career/life.

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multiplayer games will always be fine because any jank poorly designed piece of shit will still be a blast, singleplayer games rely much more on good design philosophies

>member good video games I member member the 90s bloo bloo
quit pretending you give a shit about anything but shitposting and blogging like a faggot on Sup Forums during your spare time

Games as a service. Post launch support isn't necessarily a good trend.

Videogames didn't change, you did.

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>We got awesome games left and right 10 years ago
People were saying the exact same thing 10 years ago, and 20 years ago. If they're that awesome then fuck off and only play last-gen games. You can't have played them all. Nobody gives a shit about what you DON'T like.

Single player wise I had a great time in skyrim, although that was ages ago and I pretty much only play multiplayer games.

but 2017 was the best year in gaming since the turn of the millenium

fuck off frogposter
try leaving your bedroom every once in a while

Fuck off, I bet you didn't even install sex mods.

this and this

Fuck off with that cringe. Vidya legit got terrible because they're made for the retarded masses.

I'm sorry pepe, but 2017 was one of the best years in gaming for years.

Was there a lot of shit? Of course, but there was TONS of good games that came out that year too.

Can'r remember what I had now. I remember the mod which made large battes occur.

delusional weebshitter, 2017 was the worst year for gaming since 2013. off yourself immediately

Bloodborne is just another Souls game but with a blue filter

Fuck off

Kill yourself weeb

>you long to be productive
>tfw playing games is what you consider productive

Some anons are just plain stupid when they say that the games are still good and we, the players, are the ones who changed.
Games are expensive now and with it the production is also more expensive. Profit is a thing that is more important because of it. Developers can just take the gameplay mechanics of their previous titles and apply them to newer ones.
Why going through all the trouble of being creative? Since the systems are so strong today there's no need to figure out the potential of your ideas. Makes more sense to present a half-assed attempt since people loved their previous game. The money will roll.

It was a great year DESU

If you seriously dont like ANYTHING on this list you're pretty fucking jaded

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>not a top tier year for gaming

2018 looking p decent too if all the titles at the end of the year don't get delayed, we started off strong with monster hunter

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You are really fucking stupid woah dam

2015 was so fucking bad

What do people think was a strong year for gaming? I'm curious.

That's not true. Older PS2 classics and one or two titles every year still make me fall in love with the medium all over again when I play them.

2017 easily.

Like said but 1998, 2001 and 2004 were also great years

i'm ok with this
i'm not planning on playing all of them but i can't deny they truly are great vidya