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It’s too late. Duck Hunt is literally the exact same character. Nintendo hated all of Rare’s IPs anyway.

Your retarted

Only Miyamoto did

>baka gaijin maeku game betta den ouws

And his voice has enough weight to make decisions like that in the company.

Maybe in the 90’s but not now.

Smash already has too many 3rd party characters & i have no doubts fucking Goku will get into this one too

So why not have Banjo & even Master Chief

Mario and Dr. Mario were literally the exact same character too

I prefer Banjo, Master Chief, Kratos over another god damned Fire Emblem represent

>but not now

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We kind of knew that already since the smash ballot that Microsoft would be okay with letting Nintendo use their IP's

the issue is whether Nintendo gives a shit or not

>Duck Hunt is literally the exact same character
So fucking what? If we can have 3 marths, 3 marios and 3 foxes, then we can 2 duck hunts.

crashfags on suicide watch

We all do.

>Nintendo is totally going to throw a character from Microsoft guys!

I wonder how Microsoft feels about handhelds. They were willing to let Rareware work on GBA and DS games. The Switch is a handheld, technically. Think we could see some Rare games on that? Maybe even a portable Rare Replay with the missing DK games (and Starfox Adventures because why not?)

Fingers crossed, but there's no guarantee their getting in.

And besides, I'd prefer Rayman or Cuphead

>being in smash makes your character get enough coverage to popularize a new title.
>people want a new ice climber games cause they appear in smash
>nintendo willing to let Microsoft get free coverage for banjo
Not gonna happen

Not really, duck hunt is clearly inspired but most of its moves don’t translate to BK

Basically this

It’ll happen, the question is whether Nintendo wants to bother

They still let Cloud in

Is there anyone who would actually say no if Nintendo asked them for a character for Smash Bros?


how can you be so retarded?

I don't see BK summoning mexicans. For the rest I can see the similarities in movesets, just would reckon the smash moves would be a bit different.


and they're both first party characters of which they don't have to jump through a bunch of legal hoops to put in the game. They aren't going to go through the whole legal process to put in a 3rd party character just to make them a fucking clone

desu, FE reps wouldn't be bad as long as they were spear or axe users.

No, we need more anime sword fighters

Noctis will probably get in though & the MC from FE Switch


I'm sure Yoshida would be more than happy to let an Ape Escape character or Knack in Smash Bros. Doesn't mean that Nintendo or Sakurai would want it.

Difference there is that Cloud is just an ordinary 3rd party character, one that just so happens to be more associated or exclusive to non-Nintendo hardware. He's not like Master Chief or Banjo, who are directly owned by M$.

More long range zoning characters? Count me in.

Everyone assumes the FE Switch protagonist is a shoe-in when the more likely scenario is to just make Corrin part of the base game.

>Maybe in the 90’s but not now.

Paper Mario, Starfox, and Pikmin want to talk to you.

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I don't, because instead of getting an actual cool third party we would just get that shit, Banjo himself is completely irrelevant trash, if he was going to join Smash he should have been in at melee or not at all.

Fuck off Larry.

Fucking Final Fantasy fags let Nintendo's own rpg characters get in first.


Well, that's like your shit opinion man

Quality bait

Blizzard, Disney (sora), capcom, undertale

Why is this? Did he give a reason? Would think Miyamoto of all people would enjoy Rare-games

This. People will get their hopes up anyway

What did he mean by this?

Is run by nerds and would not pass it up

Would hand over Wreck-It Ralph if asked.

>megaman amd ruu alread in smash

Has already admitted that Smash Bros is worth more, and would give up Papyrus if asked

I will only accept Goku if he comes with superman.

level-5, sony, microsoft, atlus, square enix wouldn't

If Diablo 3 & Hearthstone come to Switch like rumors say, i could see a Warcraft or Diablo rep getting in, but it's probably just gonna be another swordsman, unless they add Diablo or Jaina

His name is Toby Fox, numbnut


They already have 2 reps in smash >Square Enix

Again already has a rep

hopefully they don't get more reps

do we really need phoenix wright, dragon quest and tales?

You wanna know the difference between that, and if banjo was included and was just a duck hunt clone? All the other clones are Nintendo characters.

how likely is steve from minecraft?


>For a baseless claim

They should make a "let's all get along" Smash, where it's multiplat and includes characters from Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony, Valve and a few third parties.

That GBA banjo kazoie plane racing game was pretty fun

They let Tracer appear in fucking Ready Player One. They clearly have no issue just throwing her into anything that comes knocking.

At the very least, if Diablo does end up on the Switch there will be some trophies to go along with it.

I was going to say it's silly to put Valve on the same level as the other three but then I realised that Valve actually has more iconic characters than Microsoft does.



Who the fuck keeps spreading this rumor?

See .

Larry? Is that an e-celeb?

Can someone explain the Goku meme to me? What the fuck does he have to do with Nintendo?

Like "Ugh, stop it, Nintendo, I already told you 50 times and last night when we slept together that I don't want my character on you blockbuster franchise as advertisement so its games will sell more"?

dude, the title says about Xbox wanting BK on 5mash

Of course he's willing. Xbox needs this a lot more than Nintendo does.

>than Nintendo does
than Nintendoes

Phil seems kinda cool.

Microsoft is worth 750 billion dollars, Nintendo around 40 billion

He hated that Rare made Donkey Kong an emergent franchise.

but Xbox as a side venue for Microsoft doesn't worth that much

I think Rayman or Rabbids would make me angrier than Dark Pit.

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so even if Microsoft is worth more than Nintendo (as said), Xbox (which is not bringind as much money as it did before) does need this more than Nintendo, as said

>Banjo himself is completely irrelevant trash
Like half the the roster

These are your newcomers for tonight

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He notoriously hated Donkey Kong Country.

Obviously it's because whitu piggu made it.


>My waifu got a Smash trophy
She's automatically better than most of your waifus

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If you thought THAT was good...

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I wouldn’t mind Rayman but if a Rabbid becomes playable I’m not buying this game

Well, you did qualify with "most."

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You'll buy it but you will shitpost about a Rabbid being in. Who are you trying to fool


...I mean, if it were Rayman, then at least it WASN'T the Rabbids. And we're past the "shilling" threshold for the Wii U Rayman games.
I dunno, I'd still be conflicted.

>handing over anything
Disney has a fucking death-grip on all of their properties.

Speaking as someone that VEHEMENTLY HATED the Miis and Dark Pit, he's right.

He didn't. He even helped work on it.


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I want a borb to be playable

There's a chance, as they let Sumo/Sega use him in 'Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed' .


Is this a passive aggressive remark? Or simply a genuine acknowledgement?

Blizzard would most definitely throw someone in Smash if they could. The question isn't if they would but who they would add, as they have a plethora of iconic characters but none that really acts as an end all be all mascot.

>being this much of a brainlet

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