Tfw little brother is building a PC

>tfw little brother is building a PC

No no no no, you were supposed to be a chad, a fucking normie. you were supposed to go out and party and get girls. Not become this bullshit.

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well say goodbye, user...

blame your autistic dad

My little brother plays Minecraft and Overwatch.

Take your brother to go sports

Buy him a Switch.

My little brother fucks your little brother

building PCs is normie as fuck now

Funny you would say that because he's gay and 300 lbs

My little brother could kick both your little brothers' asses.

He could well be building it for pubg or dota or other normiecore shit

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>implying chads can't build PCs
I knew a chad who could do it. It's just a matter of being able to follow directions and put shit together. You're not a loser because you can build a PC OP, you're a loser for many other reasons.

>Only son
>Can't even put all the lineage responsibilities on someone else so now I have to feel guilty on top of feeling lonely my entire life

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>little brother
Whether he admits it or not he does look up to you as a role model you faggot. This is partially your fault.

DotA requires too much autism to be normie


OP is a sissy faggot enabler

Same. Although my father so died at the age of 45, so at least he won't live to see me fail. Maybe I'll get lucky and die of heart failure too


>I'm a younger brother
>I'm the most autistic one of the two, going as far as building a PC and nuying an Onahole
Feels bad, man

I don't really look up to my older brother, but that's mostly because he kinda hated me growing up, drank a lot of alcohol and was not good at school, while I tried to not be shit at it and as of this day I have not drink alcohol willingly in my life (besides for religious activities.)

You know how many normalfags play computer games? Sorry you were too autistic to do anything else though


>He thinks Normies don't play PC

What’s a normie?
What’s a chad?
Why does Sup Forums hates/loves them?
How are they different to you guys?
Post your definition.

>me and bro grew up in abusive household and both coped with it in the exact opposite ways
>I graduated valedictorian, went to a world famous college and am a (le btc meme) millionaire under 25
>younger brother has no savings and didn't go to any sort of college
>we used to be best friends, now the class difference has eroded any sort of connection we once had

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Why do you want to be a fucking loser??

he doesn't want his little brother to become one

destroy his computer now user. as his brother it is your duty to spare him this miserable existence

cause it's comfy and no wage cucking :)

nowadays all chads and assorted normies have home built gaming PCs