Game takes place in 18th century France

>game takes place in 18th century France
>everyone speaks English with a British accent

Why is this allowed?

Attached: ss_19c1c8d52d714fe8d0a0277c36832b4e0ad5def3.1920x1080.jpg (1920x1079, 449K)

Because they are selling the game on a global market where English is the norm. Same reason why they don't speak medieval Czech in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

I'm torn. I love authenticity but if I don't speak the language I absolutely hate reading subtitles.

In my version they all speak French with no accents at all.

There is literally nothing wrong with hiring native voice actors and reading subtitles.

Sure, but it's never really the same if that's not the starting point. Voice acting is going to sound a lot more authentic and present if it's done by the people who also did the mocap for the scenes etc. Having excellent actors does make a big difference tho.

>everyone speaks English with a British accent
So, just English, then? Unless you're referring to the American language.

something something the computer translates it for you, but sometimes a glitch happens because the programmers are underpaid retards, even though they own all the money in the world

because hiring voice actors that speak authentic 18th century french would be very expensive.

You can just play with the French voice track, you know.

Depends on the region. Brittany had as many Brits as French at some point, it was like their melting pot

you mean french voice actors? I would imagine it'd be much cheaper than english VAs by and large, though you'd have to subtitle it, though most games have subtitle options anyway.

>Game takes place in modern day/future France
>Everyone speaks Arabic with a north African accent
Why is this allowed?

18th century french is different form modern french. languages change over time.

At least they chucked a few French words in there, monsieur

>18th century french is different form modern french. languages change over time.
No. Those are almost the same language.

>everyone speaks English with a British accent
they explained this on the first game

non-french speaking people won't hear a difference but it's there. people today speak differently then they spoke 50 years ago.

>game takes place all around the world
>everyone has British and American accents

Attached: hitman.jpg (2560x1600, 537K)

Qu'est-ce qu'il en sait le trou du cul ?

Then switch the language to French in the settings you idiot.

>non-french speaking people won't hear a difference but it's there. people today speak differently then they spoke 50 years ago.
Some of accents change, but that's minor.

Il en sait que tu vas fermer ta gueule crétin.

From a french company it makes it even more of a confusing decision.

Why the fuck wasn't Marie Antoinette in the game?

It was because Liberations had some mixed reception over the protagonist's french accents. The VA for Arno actually questioned Ubi's decision to use British accents for a french-focused game.

Attached: ac3lhd_32 2015-09-16 23-00-04-86.jpg (1920x1080, 368K)

The whore? Who cares?

She was, but only a cameo in one side mission.

Because the future is black, wh*teboy.

Questionable marketing, when all other games had a protagonist speaking english with their respective accents (save for ACI, which was changed to "translator monotone" for story reasons).

I played AC2 with Italian voice acting. It was pretty nice.

I 2 and brotherhood in Italian, I bet you could've played this one in French.