Fortnite more like Fuckingboringnite

Is this the most forced fucking meme game of all time?

>Whoooa Fortnite it's spreading like wildfire! It's cuh-raaaazy! Most viral game of the decade!

>okay I'll try it
>it's fucking boring

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Other urls found in this thread:

oh I almost forgot

>Ninja goes on fucking MSNBC to talk about Fortnite


why do you care faggot?

Le Fortnite shill has arrived

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kys it's the best game ive ever played



The only game that is more boring than fortinite is PUBG

to be honest all of you faggots who plays battle royale should be shot

when I was your age I really hated popular things too. it must be rough considering that this game is super popular among people your age.
this craze will pass in a year. It's just currently doing well because everyone who played other games in a genre woke up and decided to play the more fun game.
Don't let it bother you, user, and don't make it so obvious that you're a teenager next time either.

its true i get a new skin for every 30 posts i make about fortnite, and i get paid 3 v-bucks for everytime i talk shit about pubg

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>watching streamers
>caring about streamers
>playing games made for mouth breathers who watch streams
>streaming in general

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>chinese bots are now considers a player base

nice healthy sustainable industry you have there

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Friend forced me to install it and play it today. It's a shit game. 4/10

its a fun game to play with friends

It's pretty dull alright. I particularly dislike the mechanic if building walls and stairs and shit smack bang in the middle of combat. But it's fun for a few games, and it does get pretty tense when you start getting closer and closer to being the last man standing. Mainly though, it's free. Hard to be too critical of a free game. It's still massively overrated of course. The bubble will burst soon. It's not the kind of game with staying power.

Like most of these arena type games, they're really only good with friends and in short doses.

You're thinking of Pubg

only fun with full squad of friends, other than that it's boring trash


I don't get it

>Get to 8th place after sniper dueling some guy
>Decided to spectate the rest of the match
>The last two are doing autistic quick building just so one of them is higher than the other
>this lasts for longer than two minutes

The gunplay is nice and it has actual proper netcode but what I witnessed was like watching minecraft PvP

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i miss the PUGB threads,at least that game was actually trash

That's because it is minecraft PvP

Yeah it's the most heavily shilled shit I've ever seen. The drake Travis scott shit got me hype though.

>shooting game where you avoid fights
>shooting itself is terrible
>weapons and ammo are all rng based

You can't make this shit up.

>Fortnite is just minecraft with guns

God I wish it was just a meme but that's literally what it is.

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Normies and casuals like it a lot.

>the gunplay is nice

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>building is bad!
t. Shitters

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>People enjoy things I don't
Kill your self

there's nothing more intense than a build battle with 2 people who can actually build

>Watch streamer play this
>Gets a couple of wins, streamer shit as usual
>Gets shot at
>Immediately spins in circles like he's on Adderall and spam walls + stairs to create some derped up tower
Everything in this game would be okay if it wasn't for this shit.

That's what we used to say about people who played mobas too, which is it? What will be the next meme genre?

You're getting shafted my nigga. I'm getting a skin for every 15, and 5 v-bucks respectively.

lel stay mad nintenbros

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I have 2 things I want and ill play it again.

1.Make a separate queue for people that don't want Minecraft building shit. If Pubg can have two queues one for 3rd person mode and one for first person. Fortnite can make a zero build mechanic mode.

2. Fix "RNG hitscan-the game" .The game has 0 skill outside of base building. Every shoot out is about as RNG as a Hearthstone match.Defend this:

i tried cuz i thought it was like hl deathmatch, such a fucking boring piece of shit
>2 minutes to touch ground
>le find your weapon fag
>die cuz you dont know the meta
>10 minutes to go back and chose a game
>inb4 "play 5656574 hours and memorize every inch of the map kid"
fuck you i bet you play minecraft multiplayer

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I'll play it when they add different modes, battle royale is boring as hell. All I did was farm and afk and got top 20, you can hide and get top 20 every time. Just add an objective mode with revives and I'll play because I want action

it's kinda fun actually, a lot more chill and less cluttered than pubg. my only problem is the weapon bloom.

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>A lot more chill
I disagree with this notion purely because the last few people left alive on the map would be going into a very quick building succession that requires a lot of quick movement and planning, the game is basically "I can get higher than you can to win". Not saying that's bad but I have a hard time chilling out when I know I have to have more building resources than the next guy I fight.

you don't even have to build mate, i've won plenty of games only building ramps or bringing faggots bases down. just get a rocket launcher or the gatling gun and aim at the bottom. wackin away is valid too

just luck out and get a rocket launcher bro luck is ez bro

It's fun to play with friends, of course Sup Forums hates it.

and even when i have to build it doesn't compare to the stress of doing 360's looking for ghillie suit hiding faggots or looking at 500 windows when im in top 10 in pubg

Sort of what this user says is true, getting a rocket launcher is a random thing, you either have to kill someone with it or find it yourself, building happens extremely quickly to the point where you have to unload 3/4th of your bullets to take one wall down, it's much more efficient to just try to build above the guy which will create a giant autism tower that looks like it was griefed.

Building should be a different game mode
Fix weapons
They even made an iOS version, fix the console and PC game first

Is Brendan Greene making these threads? Is he mad that all the big streamers dropped his game?

If mobas (more specifically LoL) is ASSFAGGOTS, what do we call Battle Royale?

>Oh I almost forgot
>Being so mad you can't even gather your thoughts together

I'm bad at the one thing that sets it apart from other BR games. I think they should remove it.

Fucking love young Shakira.

I used to enjoy those dumb minecraft hunger game survival things but I never pretended it was competitive.

>Cant' get through a lesson in middle school without kids talking about it or, worse, trying to fucking play it.

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>Thought this game was gay and trash
>Decided to play it
>4/10 expirience
>Tell friend
>He hates on it even tho he hasnt played it
>Kinda agree with him but tell him he hasnt even tried it
>He downloads it and we play it for 3 hours
>Best 3 hours ive had in a while

Went from a 4/10 to a 8/10 experience

Would be atleast a 9/10 if my pc didnt run it at 20 fps

>teaching kids

i'd actually do this if I retired early and got bored.

fortnite is based and is quite literally saving gaming. chads love fortnite and the only people who hate it are skinny little soyboys like OP.

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That's not wrong, everyone who plays mobas should indeed be shot.

>bunch of normies watching one fag play on fucking console

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From the "meaning" standpoint I enjoy it greatly, but for how educated I am the pay and workload are shit.

Everyone saying it's nothing but building has obviously never used explosives on someone setting up walls n shiet. It completely destroys their strategy and makes them nervous

Or i don't play video games, white nerd faggot.

Fortnite's success genuinely pisses me off. It's a hollow husk of a game that jumped on the Battle Royale bandwagon to sucker in as many normies as possible without offering anything of actual value.

Who the fuck is Ninja?

Now seriously, Ninja cannot be legit, can he? Lirik was top streamer for years with like 40k viewers and jumped on every new hype train game there was. And suddenly there is someone how gets 3 times the views out of the blue?
I call scam and this shit will hopefully go down.

When you've got free time in class try and talk to them about some vidya. They'll see you as the cool teacher and won't be little shits anymore.

Is coming to Sup Forums what brown people do for entertainment in your shit hole?

Hi Brendan

user, in order to actually explode their buildings is to actually find explosives to begin with, everyone has the ability to build while few actually get grenades, rocket launchers, grenade launchers, or even my personal favorite, C4.

Of course everyone is going to say it's about building, it's the one thing everyone can do and is not reliant on RNG loot.

Is being a faggot and playing video games what white nerds do in their shithole?

I do talk video games with them, but they're just stupid about Fortnite. The phone app came out Friday and there have been a lot of confiscated phones, even though none of them have been on my part.

That's not how that works


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I guarantee your place is a shithole, white nerd.

Whenever they ask you: "user-sensei, do you play Fortnite/PUBG whatever" You need to put them in their place by telling them that you are not 12. That's what I ususally do.

imagine being pissed because a game you don't like it popular


I've told them I've played neither, and do so every occasion they ask. I'm pretty open with basic questions like that.

I try not to be too much of a dick because even when their taste is shit they probably get enough bullshit from their peers and parents and the like. I'm kind of soft, but it's also part of the reason that they engage with me so much.

People wouldn't be here if they couldn't do that.

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>I guarantee your place is a shithole, white nerd

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salty PUBG cuck

Have you ever been to America?

its just a current meme game, in my younger days everyone fucking talked and played cs1.6 during classes and that shitty browser game called OGame or whavev.

Most of em will stop playing when older

>whiiiine why does no one play my shit bad graphix steam game

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You have nothing better to say, instead you post memes because you know i'm right, typical white nerd.

No shit. Last year you couldn't teach because they had a fidget spinner at eye level, mouth agape. This year fidget spinner is a euphemism for retarded.

>he doesn't play Fortnite/PUBG mobile
>he doesn't emulate Android on PC
>he doesn't absolutly destroy all these casuals with their sloppy touch controls with perfetly accurate mouse aim
>he doesn't finish every game with 25+ kills


t. Paco Tyrell McDonald

You would never say anything like that in real life

you must be miserable

We're getting daily threads at the exact same time now. Smells like viral marketing.

When will white nerds learn to stop being such fags on a board for cars? baka

better idea. Put all those faggots in a real life battle royal.


imagine being as miserable as op is

get a grip nigger

I do on a regular basis. If you are close with the pupils you can shit talk them all you want, at least here in Germany.


Why do you lie to yourself so much

>It's good with friends!

Everything is better with friends. Fucking dying is better with friends. Please stop acting like that makes the game good.

I don't quite get your point. Why would I make up a story about being a teacher? Seems unnecessarily specific, doesn't it.

I know right? She has a girl next door look.