Would Disney allow Sora for smash?

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>no Indiana Jones fighter

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kill yourself spic

>Disney owns Sora

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>implying they dont

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They do dip shit.

sqaure enix owns the square enix characters they use thats it you silly willy

No but I would Smash Sora.

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That’s clearly you in the thumbnail


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Why does nu-Sora have the face of a Japanese pop idol?

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>"A lot of people are confused about who exactly owns Kingdom Hearts, but it's Disney - it's developed in partnership with Square-Enix."- John Vignocchi VP of Production for Disney Infinity.
>Nomura: Final Fantasy is our property so we can do whatever we want to, but Kingdom Hearts it’s half Disney, so we can’t use the property as we please.

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Wtf I always thought SE owned the franchise.

Nope. Disney making kh v-cast without SE all those years ago proved that wrong. v-cast being a cringe piece of shit is also why they never tried it again

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Disney streamed Smash 4 Evo top 8 on Disney XD. They''re open to video games and esports, very possible theyd let him in (if its even up to them and not SE)

>Would Disney allow
No, because Disney doesnt own Sora, Squeenix does. They own all the other cameos

What is the point of this dumb joke? is not even funny, i see it in every kh thread dumbshit


If Disney owns the KH OC's, why isnt there a KH attraction at Disneyworld.

Checkmate atheists