Hey Sup Forums, i have a 15 hour flight coming up...

hey Sup Forums, i have a 15 hour flight coming up. i want to know if there are any actual gameboy emulators that exist for ios 11 without a jailbreak?

debated posting this here or on Sup Forums, i'll try here first.

Attached: P1040284-640x480.jpg (640x480, 57K)

Other urls found in this thread:

asos.com/pqube/smart-boy-android-phone-game-boy-console/prd/8828971?clr=multi&SearchQuery=smart boy&SearchRedirect=true



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You can sign emulator apps and load them but you need OS X and a developer account.

if it works, is it really a scam?


you're right user iOS is a scam and OP should be ashamed

Do you not have a 3DS? Emulating on mobile is shit.

this, just go buy a 2ds. they're like $80 used at fucking gamestop

>from only $11.99/year per device

Attached: 3ds.jpg (400x240, 92K)

>not jailbreaking your iOS


just get a used psp or 3ds and hack them you fucking moron.
if you can afford an overpriced phone, then surely you can afford those.

I just want to play fucking Pokemon Gold, I don't care about the other games.

IIRC the jews at apple make them pay for a license for every single device

heres a good one for a game boy color gameplaycolor.com/

Pay for a shit app then I guess. If you own a 3DS you can just get gen 1 and 2 from the nintendo store.

what reason in TYOOL 2018 is there for jailbreaking? genuinely curious.

I gotcha senpai
asos.com/pqube/smart-boy-android-phone-game-boy-console/prd/8828971?clr=multi&SearchQuery=smart boy&SearchRedirect=true

Neat. I'm happy this exists for iDorts

Attached: Meowth.gif (493x370, 446K)

lol nvm i'm an idiot thats for android.

How bout just bring your gameboy?

He thinks you need to jailbreak in order to pirate shit or download custom unsigned apps.

>Buy device
>Features get locked away from you
>Unless of course you also buy a macbook and pay for a Dev account
>Features are still locked away

Attached: 8bitdo phone.jpg (800x800, 61K)

Serves you right, retard.

What fucking features my dude?

>touchscreen controls

Attached: 1511886463038.png (577x551, 127K)

Just buy a Nintendo Switch friend

Change to Android like I did
I at least had Jailbroken my iPhone
It still wasn't enough
It's too restricted
Fancy but a very restricted device
I went from iPhone 4 to a decent Samsung one and it was still miles better
Better would be to Root your Android device too (Android equivalent to Jailbreak)

>inb4 nice blog

what features am i missing out on?

Attached: 1521234013403.gif (270x200, 1.99M)

What about Android emulators? Menu-based games should be fine with touchscreen.

>added functionalities (such as gestures, motions, functions in buttons)
>better management of software and disk space
>improved performance
>visual customization (icons, clocks, widgets, fonts, etc.)
>things such as notification reader, ad blocking, downloading stuff from your browser or an app such as youtube
>app piracy
>being able to darken your screen further so you don't go blind when using your phone in the dark
>universal dark mode
>enhancements for apps such as youtube, whatsapp, messaging, snapchat, so on and so forth
>Sup Forums app

And a fuckton other things I can't be assed to write down.

Why are androshitters so insecure?
>ahaha my OS is superior to yours! buy my chinkphone, it's so much better!
You never see iOS users do that.

your phone will run out of battery stop being such a normalshit and bring a book or handheld console literally no one cares man.

Oh you.

You're going up and down or pushing A. Who the fuck cares

Come on now senpai, I see iOS bois shitposting about green text bubbles all the time

airplanes have usb charging now user

nothing. not a thing. if there actually was something you were missing you'd know already. just close this thread and never think about or worry about it ever again.

anyone with a functioning brain.

I went from an iPhone 6 to a Galaxy S7 Edge only to discover that they’re just fucking phones. Phone wars are almost as retarded as console wars.

>what is ergonomics and tactile feedback
you'll destroy your thumbs in the long run

Get an android fag

>first post literally answers op's request
>39 extra posts of autists arguing about meaningless shit

welcome to Sup Forums

best solution is

Sorry bro, you opted into that walled garden, you can only play with the toys they want you to. Emulators, unfortunately, are not one of those toys.

>handheld console
Lmao at your life

I think it's because Android users could easily download and use an emulator while iFags cannot.

t. iFag

Becaise iOS users have nothing to brag about.

But you can, I play Fire Emblem, Advance war etc on my Iphone.

I can't download a single emulator without out it ceasing to work the following day. You must either be using an old phone or an old version of iOS

i.e. you're atypical and don't matter

>HURR Why do people have preferences

>best games come to iOS first
>steve jobs
>photoshop work better
>the computing device for thinkers and artists
>american company
>DJT's preferred shitposting device
>apple TV
>singing emoji 56%'ers
>retina display
>it just works
all of the day bro



you stupid fucking IDIOTS

You have to sign it every day or pay for a developer account and you can sign for a year at a time

This looks like it hasn’t been updated in about 2 years though. Does it actually work? I don’t have time to try this until later.

>15 hour flight with iPhone games
I'm so sorry, OP.

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Lul, all these shitters

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With American Airlines no less. Maybe I should just get an ambien prescription.

>15 hours of activity

yeah, just do that. Literally.

Love my Galaxy S9+

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