Rainbow 6 Siege

These are your Itailan operators for today

say something nice about them

Attached: rs6italy.jpg (1920x1080, 340K)

Other urls found in this thread:


GIve me an Irish husbando, Ubi

bon journo

Thermite's got Irish heritage.

Attached: 1518354978370.jpg (690x816, 73K)

I wish i could play them without error 6x000x00000


bon jovi

dio porco

Damn, Maestro looks based.

>literally fidel castro
and people try to say that ubi isn't pushing a left wing agenda

Attached: 1490398686567.jpg (429x410, 42K)

>female operator looks like an operator and not a hot topic/spencer's cashier

Attached: 041.jpg (340x195, 39K)


What gender is Alibi?

Bar age? That is a weird callsign.

female (male)

I don't know, but I would bet all it's bi

Clearly he specializes in fake IDs.

Stop being retarded.


Attached: images.jpg (500x663, 130K)

>Italy before Israel or Australia

Fucking wops.

>seeing a boogeyman everywhere
Your life must be hard.
>mfw thinking about you hurting

Attached: 1520723526903.png (632x650, 99K)

>no italian chef operator
>with pasta ammo
>with chef hat


Attached: 123.png (1309x883, 184K)


Oy vey how is this possible, is the Ubisoft CEO dare i say, antisemite? I mean its the current year good goyim thwy should add greatest ally's operators (even tought(((ash))) is already there)


It has more to do with Israeli special forces being famous for counter terrorism and training and one would think would be a no brainer to include in a game like this. I'm sorry that the mere mention of the country triggers you m8.

Attached: 1520837378304.png (499x338, 38K)

Will be dlc

you sure showed him user

Attached: 1521552419595.jpg (1120x720, 133K)

Those are some pretty solid designs honestly.
Really like the CBRN operator designs aswell (despite operating in a hazmat suit being a bit ridiculous).
Seems like they got their shit together after Ela and Dokkaebi.

Attached: shift+tab.webm (1280x720, 1.62M)

>Ok semi believable looking female operator
>Male operator looks good and doesn't look edgy

So how are they going to fuck it up?

>complains about lefties
>posts a far-leftie meme

Attached: ogro de las americas.jpg (184x184, 13K)

More retarded global abilities

Retarded global abilities

unit 777 when

Attached: 1516360479721.jpg (698x658, 106K)

>dumb as fuck designs
>half the characters are female
>kawaii cell phone viruses
>full body infrared through walls
>radio controlled adrenaline shots that instantly revive, heal and give accuracy boosts
This game jumped the shark

Is this bronze 5?

It's console Siege, my friend.

Attached: this was from a pro league match.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

Comrade Fidel, despite being a filthy commie, had style.

....oh yeah.

That other clip has keys though.

>not wanting to play as fucking Castro

My bad, i have my console Siege and PC Siege webms unorganized.

Attached: minecraft pvp.webm (1000x562, 2.94M)

They have a secondary outfit wich isnt an hazmat suit if you really dont like the banana suit

I actually really like the banana suit though.
It's even become a joke between me and a couple of friends.

Attached: Elite Pulse set.png (263x469, 175K)

only for season pass holders i htought

Finka looks arguably worse without it.
t. Pass goy

The chick has decoy holograms

The guy might have an automatic shotgun with special shells

>autistic_frog is back
don't you have to make a bait thread with that pick?

>autistic frog obsessives


Attached: 200527467-002.jpg (682x1024, 314K)

The chick has hologram decoys

the cigar man has a fully automatic shotgun (AA-12)

lmao saved

Why are the male operators given actually good designs and gadgets?

Did they bring Vinny to the game?

Attached: unnamed.jpg (324x454, 25K)

thread music

>Male operators given sound gadgets and designs

>Females are given bullshit designs and out of place gadgets

Western R6 youtubers
>talks about boring shit

Jap R6 youtuber
>communicates in edited gay porno parts

Why does Japan always get the best shit

Attached: 1487720402230.jpg (693x964, 167K)

I wonder what abilities two defenders could have to make them sell the season pass. More global bullshit?


>carabinieri operators

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nice liked videos you have there

>he deleted it AGAIN
for free

Attached: waa.jpg (560x217, 42K)

>Iranian special forces have been running rings around Mossad for several years now
>never ever because of stupid politics
>BR right wing death squad is still okay
I mean honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Israel never makes it just because it might make Arabs butthurt but still.

pls rate my gameplay

Attached: game of death.webm (854x480, 2.97M)


>everyone who wears beret is Fidel Castro amirite lmao

What a fucking retard

Whenever I see someone playing Blitz this well I feeljelly, this is like shitposting in videogame form.

Oh boy more OP gimmick Ops in my favorite anti-mean-words shooter of all time.

>Whenever I play blitz I die because apparently my shield was on my back despite holding it up

You have to buy the year 3 pass to get it though.

female (pure)

I will get El Presidente

Attached: 1521577885167.png (1000x1000, 1.12M)

Whoever designed Doekkabi's and Ela's look should be fired.


>posts a far-leftie meme while calling a Sup Forums meme a far-leftie meme
Too far.

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>Console Siege
>uplay and keyboard keys

Someone should edit the shotgun shells into cigars.

What if Maestro's ability is Rook's but instead of bulletproof vests he provides Frag/AP rounds?

Totally not the same person, guys. Viva Maesetro!

Attached: viva-cuba.gif (460x276, 639K)

>friend really likes this game
>want to get into it so I can enjoy it with them
>cannot get into it for the life of me no matter how much I play it

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I mean I’ve got a few relatives back in Calabria that look like him.

Try mira or buck
Maybe you'll like environmental destruction, you can get pretty creative with both ops

Why do people get so retarded just because they have impact grenades on them?

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Nigger, I want some crazy mossad fuckers in this game doing absurd shit with retarded gadgets

because "EPIC EXPLOSIVE KILLS" drives you to throw all of your boom boom things at them, 'cause its more satisfying
t. retarded people

>I mean honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Israel never makes it just because it might make Arabs butthurt but still.
Thats my fear, if they were added israel would start screeching and I doubt ubisoft is going to try and wrangle with that kind of attention

Weaponized soy mines for attackers (turn defenders in soyboys unable to hold a gun) and mind control tower for defenders when?

This is so sad


Does there have to be a girl every time?

Nigger, do you have some sort of rare brain damage that causes you to spout incoherent shit? You really should get that checked out

No u nigger faggot

It's all the gimmicks and how short the action lasts

The actual gunplay feels so underwhelming because of that

He's got too much American in him

It's becoming garbage and has been on a decline since Velvet shell. Don't worry about it