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>no actual concrete details, just "it's hard, trust us guyz! XD!"


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If any publications gives this GotY over RDR2 I'll be shocked

>enemies have more health and deal more damage in harder difficulties
>"oh we also changed their attack patterns because we didn't want to be OBVIOUS with how little we actually care about the difficulty"

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Oh no difficulty, now I have to actually fight and not follow a QTE

Can't wait

Yeah but which difficulty lets me play a good game?

Uncharted 2 Crushing-tier difficulty. Changes how you play the game, but still provides a fair difficulty curve

Although not what this poster intended, this is the correct question.

Is this new difficulty actually fun to play or is it a chore like other games' highest-difficulty settings?

are you guys stupid? he literally said they are putting in extra effort to make sure it's not a simple "death mode" difficulty. he couldn't have said anything else to actually convey the point.

you guys are literally memeing for this game's destruction for no reason

Hmm maybe it will be an actual challenge then. I wonder. I watched a bit of game play and it seems solid enough. Don't how deep a system like that can really go but we'll see. If they put extra care into this super hard mode it must mean the game can be "mastered", right?

I actually really hope it's good fellas.

Uncharted had the most boring high difficulties. Those games are only fun to play when you're jumping around alternating shooting and punching bad guys. It really isn't enjoyable when your screen is grey scale almost all the time because you got hit once.

it should be like DMC4 and just FLOOD the fucking area with enemies by pushing your CPU to 100%

more like SOTY

>Playing microtransation shit

This game will be amazing

We just have to wait one month to see Sup Forums losing their shit collectively

Nice try, shill

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3rd person shooter...
the thing XBOX does right, right?
so, where is XBOXs cinematic game like SONY makes?

should be easy, XBOX is king of GoW style!

What games does Xbone have that are better than Uncharted?

>b-b-but XBOX!

you are pathetic

>light on content
>each of those games are from 15-40 hours long


I’m guessing copy pasting the difficulty settings from the other 3 GoW games isn’t possible?

Right out of the marketing playbook. No one gives a fuck about Xbone. Meanwhile none of those games are even on Nintendo's level. Cry more Soynytards

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God/Titan mode was literally one hit kill fests anyway, why is anyone surprised?


>enemies and attack patterns are changed up
I'm actually interested

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I am pretty sure it just increased damage taken, and gave enemies more health. Can't remember if it touched enemy attack or movespeed.

I can see this difficulty being something like the level 1 draugr gets attacks that don't show up until like level 20 draugrs. So you see shit way earlier in the game

The Switch has 2 games, 3 in 2 years time when Metroid is released.

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>covey the story
>implying i'll give the time of day to an article written by someone who can't even proofread

Someone better call Sony tell them to make more BING BING WAHOO games.

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It doesn't even matter, it is a difficulty setting. so fucking what? I can play Uncharted in the hardest mode and get killed by a couple of shots, doesn't make the game any less soynematic crap.

I never mentioned xbox

None of these games will be remembered in 10 years. And all those shitty top 10 games of all time list where only teens vote will be filled with whatever other flavor of the month is having hundreds of 10s at the time.

Us Nintenbros know what the real manly games are.

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A hard difficulty setting that changes the game and ITS FREE DAY ONE. Already preordered the limited edition. This is gonna be another bloodborne boys, i can feel it.

Meanwhile nintendo literally charges you for a hard difficulty and sticks it in a season pass as dlc. Sup Forumsintendo will always defend this.

Nice Nintendo bonus

>SCE makes hardest difficulty mode something special
>NintendoGAF still finds a way to whine that it's not a paid DLC

This image is so fucking accurate. PS4 gets a couple of exclusives in 4 years. Switch gets the same amount of exclusives in only 1, and they're even better.

The amount of bait in this thread is sickening. Fuck you fag shitposters.

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>cinematic game being shilled all day on Sup Forums
>emotional experience
>it's hard I swear guys!
>but there's also an easy mode to just enjoy the story :)

>bragging this much about Arms 73, Splatoon 1.5 for Pedophiles and a Wii U port

>>cinematic game being shilled all day on Sup Forums
Yeah I really think you fags over did it with the BoTW shilling.

That image is missing MHW.



>game has literally wait 2 minutes till your npc partner solves a puzzle while nothing happens sequences
The only hard thing is not falling asleep while playing it

>so, where is XBOXs cinematic game like SONY makes?

Quantum Break


all me

no, ME


Damn, got me.

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MHW is on Xbox and PC

stop using my waifu kat for your retarded console war shitflinging you fucking mongloid

Suck my dick

>he thinks anyone on this board is retarded enough to buy Xbone

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sure, you got a microscope and some tweezers?

Spider-Man will actually do better because it's fucking Spider-Man