What are some games where the protagonist miraculously returns from a career ending injury?

What are some games where the protagonist miraculously returns from a career ending injury?

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What happened?

Also, that dude is literally the dullest personality in WWE history.

got cleared to compete at Mania

fuck off back to asp kys

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So they're gonna feed him to Reigns in a squash match just to say "YOU'LL LIKE WHAT WE TELL YOU TO LIKE", right?

>People actually watch NuWWE

New Japan is the best fed

>contract running out
>yeah let's just allow him to wrestle for like one match so we can sign him to another 5 years

Right now? Yeah.

All time best were any decent kayfabe era territory, any 90s Japanese fed, and NOAH when Misawa was still around.

They can't even sell out bingo halls pinheqd

Only if they hard commit to turning Reigns heel

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Seething smark. BBD is going over Part Timer Brock.


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I don't watch WWE. If you care about this shit YOU'RE the "smark".

You know its all fake, don't you.

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What did you want me to say? Cleared to take bumps, cleared to act, cleared to playfight?

>He can't even /asp/eak properly
The meme is "I don't watch WWE so I don't care"

I just wanted you to be aware dude. No need to get angry, im not gonna judge you for watching speedo soap operas.

Scripted and fake are two separate things.