Do y'all think Hermano has a chance of being playable in Dragon Ball

Do y'all think Hermano has a chance of being playable in Dragon Ball

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Not before Shaggy gets confirmed.

We need Shaggy Blanco to make it fair. El Hermano and the rest of the normal cast would be too unfair, El Hermano would just win instantly.

Is that Gohan Calvo Blanco?

Es gohan calvo mexicano

El Especialista

Thread theme:

It's Gohan Calvo Italiazo, teste di cazzo.

He already is

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>(De Jiren)

>base form
El Hermano Maximo (Grande Padre Calvo absorbed) or bust.

You have to work up to Shaggy Blanco.

Attached: Shaggy Verde.webm (710x400, 2.77M)


Only if he has his El Tio transformation

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Why the fuck is shaggy so cool here

When Dragon Ball Fighters E: Epic Memes Edition comes out

100% they will make the Hermano color for Dragon Ball FighterZ

okay whats this fuckin meme, some mexican person came up with a fan character or something?

Thread theme

fucking hell im dying of laughter stop it anons

No. No puedo esperar al hermano Hit.

Attached: The final battle against El Hermano.webm (854x480, 2.9M)

>that slow as fuck reveal
I'm losing my shit user

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You guys better stop this or you're going to make El Hermano real just like Super Saiyan Blanco. Haven't you realized how dangerous meme magic is?


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How does DBS churn out such high quality memes when the source material is so poor?

hello newfag you just stopping by?

>I am a clone

Damn it, this has no right being as funny as it is.

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Very doubtful I'd she, even if they are scraping the barrel

>haha lol those spics are so obsessed with their db fanfics

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El Hermano would greatly improve this show

I didin't watch that movie/episode? But he gets brainwashed into becoming a badass every time he hears the word "bad". So he pisses off the thugs by mistalke then he or scoob says "This is bad" and he goes into Ultra Instinct

ayo hold up
*smacks lips*

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not before Danny Blanco

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who the fuck spent time to make this

Why the fuck is this so well done? Hermano legitimately looks like he is part of the show.

Grow up kiddo.


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Would've fell under the category of funny if not for the unfunny Sasuke and dick jokes.

why is Tyrone so fucking based?

because he'll say literally anything you pay him to say

wtf i hate tyrone now!!

what a degenerate!

Holy shit it's THE legendary Sup Forums user Boc0!!!! I'm such a fan of your posts, they've really turned my life around and made me see the world in a different light. If not for your shining beacon in a sea of anonymous users, I would have no doubt commited suicide by now.

Please give me your address so I can properly thank you in real life by choking on your dick and looking up at you with tear-streaked eyes as I do the standard "ahegao" face.

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how is el hermano so strong

lmao random sasuke

>this is what DBfags actually watch
I haven't seen anything since GT how THE FUCK did they shit the bed so poorly it looks like it was animated by a fucking spic in his garage holy shit.

It literally is animated by a fucking spic you retard.

Did you really samefagged only to nake this "joke"?

Shaggy verde already leaked a while ago.
Here hoping for scooby doo azul and el regla de todos

Attached: Shaggy.jpg (261x192, 9K)

Why does this have better animation than the actual thing

El Hermano would be amazing. That webm of his fight with Jiren is legitimately better than every single Jiren scene in the shoiw.

Nice try.
inb4 photoshop, paint, after effects etc

fuck forgot pic

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Where did this meme come from?

Haven't watched DBS, only the original and Kai.

Can someone give me the rundown on Jiren? His design looks so fucking uninspired

literally Mexicans and/or Latin Americans

He's really, really strong.
Like, the strongest in the multiverse.

It took the combined efforts of Goku (who unlocked TWO new forms while fighting Jiren), Vegeta (who unlocked a new form), Golden Frieza and Jewnamango to beat him.

He's supposed to be the equivalent of Saitama in DB so dbzfags can then argue that Goku is stronger than a gag character.


Who? Also what happened to Beerus?

No but Vegetto would be nice

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Android 17

you first

But like why is some fucking dull looking motherfucker so strong, he's not a Saiyan, he's not whatever frieza is, and he's not related to any of the Majin characters

He doesn't even fucking look like he's designed by toriyama, holy fuck he's like a deviantart OC

he's just a really strong ayy lmao

is there any shame deserved in playing this character?

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Itachi's death was kino

hes the only known remainder of his species.

>he's like a deviantart OC
Welcome to Dragon Ball Super.

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That's OP GTFO

Jewnamango = #17

Its a battle royale styled team tournament, Beerus and the other GoDs are in the stands.

Yeah I know the el hermano shit is ironic but I'm legit convinced never to touch Super, I just hope DBFZ gets characters from the original series instead

Is Beerus still the strongest?

oh I get it it's a corruption of junanago

Super's shit. Literally everyone except Mexicans watches it ironically.

Nah, Whis and the other angels are probably stronger. There’s also a guy who’s basically a toddler that is stronger than everyone. He has a retard future version of himself. Yes, it’s that dumb


Whis is stronger than Beerus. Whis's father, el Grande Padre, is stronger than him, then there's Zeno the Omni-King, who is literally the God of the DB multiverse and deletes entire universes in an intstant.

Beerus is still stronger than all of the people who actually fight though.

Can Shaggy turn Mexicano?

They literally traced over frames from some of the movies.
You can see the flurry of punches and kicks from the Super Android 13 movie. Right before Goku gets punched in the balls.

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Chadhan beats EGP in the upcoming movie, so it's likely that he is the strongest character.

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Es Gohan Calvo Blanco Fusao con El Grande Padre

Obviously, since he asked the question brainlet

Big strong guy from another universe.
Strongest mortal in existence.
He's kind of a jerk.
He's also Sasuke.

but can El Hermano defeat Sansbobmina?

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Super has a bunch of cool (and dumb) characters in this very arc alone.
It's a shame the main antagonist has such a lame design.

>All of Sans power
>With Spongebob's unlimited durability (Established in the Flats saga)

Seems broken desu

I love when these parodies use Gohan's face at :05
It's the best.

reminds me of a porg face wise.

I thought El Grande Padre was bad and killed by Gohan??

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Sad bud. Sad.

El Hermano interrupted them mid fight and they decided to do a father-son fusion to try and stop him.

Fuck off pedophile.

Leave those faggots to me

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