Why do we like this game...

Why do we like this game? The unability to select more than 12 units works in games like Warcraft because it takes a lot of time to kill units there. Here many units are squishy and die instantly. The balance is also horrible.

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The balance is great, what are u talking about?

Balance is great when playing community maps though. Protoss is a tad underpowered so maps are build around Toss to compensate.

Well maby at higher level but at lower levels protoss is incredibly easy to play compared to the other races due to the less amount of units and easy macro






Brood War is a perfect game. You must be over the age of 18 to post here. Saged.

Anyone want to post a room to play some shitty level brood war games? I haven't played in a long while, and wasn't ever amazing either, but I've always loved this game.

Raccoon City was the GOAT. Impossible Scenarios was great too.

Would be fun. Id totally join that

Did u play on iccup or something? Ive played some as toss but not very skilled

I'll make a lobby then and play a game or 2 before dinner. Would be cool to get people to play 2v2v2v2 BGHs one day though.

US east
"High IQ races only"
pass: vee

lol no. I played fastest money maps and stupid 3 player FFAs with my siblings as a tennager and didn't start actually playing properly till sc2. Only play bw brothers a few times a year now.

>The balance is also horrible.
Try playing out of D- league before you make statements on balance

Unability isn't a word, dipshit.

New to Starcraft II

Why is this game too stressful? It's basically building your military base faster than the others and spam all of your mini-soldiers at the opposing enemy. Too fucking fast for me.

There's a reason starcraft is considered one of if not the hardest games to master

One more? I really got freaked out at the start then choked myself slowly, when I needed to get some expansions.

But that's what makes it fun.
No downtime, no rest, no waiting, no twitchfest shit, no retarded team to ruin everything for you, only playing the fucking game.
Also, the reason newbies feel like the game is nothing but mindless rush to click shit is because the game is about strategy and execution, but newfags employ neither, so it's all about execution in the lower levels.

>Why is this game too stressful? It's basically building your military base faster than the others and spam all of your mini-soldiers at the opposing enemy. Too fucking fast for me.
welcome to RTS

hardest genre

>The unability to select more than 12 units works in games like Warcraft because it takes a lot of time to kill units there. Here many units are squishy and die instantly.
It's so you can git gud instead of having easy hotkeys with your whole army in it.
No, really. It was very much a conscious decision by the developers.
And I wouldn't have it any other way.

>dumbfucks still think 12-unit limit is a bad mechanic
It means you can't easily control the entire fucking battle with a single click of your mouse.
It means you actually have to spend precious apm moving shit around - apm that could've been used on macro.
Look what happened in Sc2 when you can "max out" the apm-requirement, absolute snorefest.

thanks for the games bro, gonna eat something now. cya later :)

Well thanks for the games. Feels like I'm not sure how to put meaningful pressure, do silly trades like with my lings early on, or how to effectively organize and position anything to not just get steamrolled by an archon supported ground army.

>Maxing out sc2

What are you even talking about?

he's referring to the fact that SC2 is so dead easy to control that at some point being faster at the game becomes meaningless

There's a reason why Sc2 "pros" are the lowest of the bunch when compared to BW pros.

Presumably, he thinks is it humanly possible to reach the APM ceiling in SC2 because of your ability to hotkey your entire army and a-move it in the enemy army.
This was (almost) true back in WoL and most of the people who talk about SC2 on Sup Forums haven't played since.

dodge the rapist

>defending apm
you are a fucking retard
>being faster at the game becomes meaningless
and that's a good thing

>muh apm is bad
Oh boy here we go again.
Go play turn based games you fucking apmlet.

>apm is good
go play cod faggot

Which is why jaedong consistently won blizzcon right? Never once getting knocked out in small shit tournaments?

You probably think that watering down the mechanical requirements would lead to the game being more strategical or whatever. But instead it just makes it so the stronger players can't differentiate themselves as much from weaker players, which leads to the thing being a lot more volatile. It becomes a bit more like poker in the sense that a weak player can win against a good player, even though the more skilled player will win most of the time still. (Don't take the poker analogy too far, it's not about luck being involved necessarily, that isn't the point.)

>Being faster becomes meaningless

The flying fuck are you talking about? Pros with 400+ apm still have down time and not enough apm to keep up. If anything the battles are harder to micro than bw.

>If anything the battles are harder to micro than bw.
oof if only I could be this ignorant

I've watched ASL today and it was a total clusterfuck. 2 lings were able to run around Protoss's mineral line for literally hours, Dragoons outranged Terran's bunkers and 2 Reavers almost stopped a massive army of dozens of hydras.
I'll stick to Starcraft 2 for now.

>m-muh strategy
The issue with focusing on the strategy part of the game is that, in any game, the number of strategies will be limited, and they will, eventually, all be worked out until you get nothing but a game of rock paper scissors.
If the game has no execution component, the game gets a soft expiration date because it will eventually be solved and turn boring.
You can work around that with RNG in map generation to add elements of game knowledge leading into decision making (Heroes of Might and Magic 3), but it's still not as complete of an experience as Starcraft.

How about you actually play Brood War?

Greg is that you?

>Watching shine fly a shuttle full of shit into a wall of photon cannons without watching

Top tier

Shift clicking alone makes sc2 have a higher skillcap

Not sure how it is now, but when deathballs were/are a thing, it is harder in a sense. If everything evaporates quickly, there is no time to micro much.

Rogue has sorta defeated the deathball comp meta

Templar/infestors/banelings/liberators are too strong for deathballs to work anymore. If you don't use terrain properly, and your opponent isn't retarded, you get shit on if you don't micro properly.

Fuck off, I bet you're french-canadian.

The main problem of Sc2 is that the AI (the actual unit-AI, not your standard "player-AI") is simply too good, you get more efficiency out of simply letting your units do the work because of how streamlined it all is - "micro" revolves about just making sure all your units can fire.

>used by anyone
>cost-efficient in any way shape or form

>Fuck off, I bet you're french-canadian.
Nice try Greg. Still hallucinating?

It was and still is the perfect multiplayer game.

The campaign plot was straight up just as bad as SC2 though

>Units being able to walk across a bridge with a single click means the game is unplayable garbage with no micro potential

Try it out again. Game has come a long way since WoL

Interesting if true. Maybe I'll start watching again sometimes, certainly sounds less retarded than deatball vs. deathball.
>"micro" revolves about just making sure all your units can fire.
But so many more units have abilities you need to use, compared to BW. Surely not all of them are autocast?
>just saying
>you weren't loss

>The campaign plot was straight up just as bad as SC2 though

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The only thing that's autocast is...medivac heal

Wait, how are they underpowered, exactly? Build too slow/units too expensive? That'd the only way you could build a map around their weakness (give the players some space), methinks

The units in late game are not as cost efficiant as zerg or terran by quite a lot.

Still haven't nailed down the apm conversion in sc2. I know the game clock is faster, so your apm counter is lower than it should be but by how much? Is it the same in sanctioned streams like by tasteless or whatever?

People obsessing overall trivalize shit like this is what killed the genre.
SC1 was a great game because it had many ways to play it.
You had your casuals who played maps with the minerals right on your HQ.
You had melee fags who just 1vs1'd all day
You had custom fags who just played RPG/Defense maps all day
You had campaign guys who only played the campaign and were done after.

You also had some people who were more than one group at once. SC1 wasn't successful because its 1vs1 melee game made it so on its own.

Nothing wrong with having a more relaxed bit of fun every now and then. I literally just got my shit kicked in twice in actual BW. I focus almost all my vidya time on fighting games anyways, so I don't expect myself to be some hardcore BW player.

You what? Fungal has been nerfed severely, but neural parasite is still crazy good against protoss lategame and banelings are fucking everywhere, against all races, if not all builds.

Micro is primarily about positioning and ability use. In the big fights, you must spend most of your focus on setting up good positions before the fight starts and then during the fight, you manage individual casters and get your units out of bad positions (aka don't stand in the fire).

Terrans have tanks and vultures, Zerg has lings and hydras.
Protoss core units are dragoons and zealots. Zealots are clunky, slow units.
Dragoons are cluky, DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMBBBBBBB, retarded, moronic units. Like, seriously, dragoons are stupid as shit holy fuck.
Protoss basic units are awkward as shit, so they need AOE to fight, but their easily available AOE unit is the reaver which is slow as shit, clunky and pants on head retarded.
Their other AOE unit is the templar which is slow, fragile and you guessed it, pretty dumb.
So, playing Protoss consists of a lot of babysitting of your powerful AOE units, while babysitting your individually powerful, but altogether meh basic units which are also retards.

You also had people on bnet that didnt even play. Just hang out, recruited players to clans and collected replays lol

Good games bro! Props for playing zerg

You know this used to be a thing I really disliked about StarCraft as well, especially because I was big on playing C&C Tiberian Sun at the time.
Tiberian Sun had no unit-caps, and no cap on number of units selected.
You could literally build a thousand infantrymen, select all of them, and issue a command.

So why not either of these for StarCraft?
It didn't dawn on me until I watched a couple pro games with that funny guy Tasteless commentating on it, and this issue was addressed.
It is partially a reflection of how communication (issuing orders) is an aspect of real warfare. Aka: Logistics.
A larger army with more control groups requires more balancing of groups, spread of actions/commands, and spread of focus.
So while a larger army has a direct advantage of firepower, numbers
The smaller army has the advantage of being to act faster, and capitalize on whenever the larger army suffers from mismanagement.

As far as the unit cap, I haven't heard any "official" reasoning for that
But if I had to guess?
1. Similar to other strategic games, let's say Chess, the board has a limited amount of space, and each player has a limited amount of units. Intentional scarcity to keep players from just spam-building one unit to a-move with.
2. Because unchecked unit production, orders, can actually crash the game.

Like in Tiberian Sun.
As soon as you order 1000 infantrymen to move simultaneously, the CPU is either going to chug hard, or the game engine will just crash.

YOOOOOOOOO MY NIGGA We played Dodge the Rapist for hours

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>As far as the unit cap, I haven't heard any "official" reasoning for that

It was always a technical limitation, like the way Valkyries literally stop working if you have too many because the game can't handle them all firing at once

Zerg in particular would be incredibly overpowered if it wasnt limits on unit groups. Its to make different play styles for different races. And the reason everyone plays protoss in lower brackets