This is your exclusive for the next few years

This is your exclusive for the next few years

Attached: 1521477837305.webm (320x180, 2.81M)

Am I supposed to pretend these games are exactly the same?

Games have similar mechanics, wow.
Any game with punches and bows are similar. Its just like dark souls ! XD

Sony games could never be this bad

Attached: Mimic.webm (960x540, 2.67M)

Post every time you collect coins in Nintendo games. I'll wait.

>aloy fires arrows
>link fires arrows
>link jumps
>mario jumps and Nintendo games are the same......

Attached: 1498968937484.png (554x400, 868K)

>two games have melee combat

the point is not drawing that kind of cherry picked similarity
the point was by OP that Sony is so devoid of
originality that almost 4/5 of their titles have this same exact theme/template of gameplay

You're full of shit.

We're geting 3 this year

>Bloodborne 2

The point is the mechanics are used in the same way. For instance, bows in Diablo don't work the same as bows in Dragon's Dogma. However they do work the same in GoW and LTOU

Last of us melee combat felt and looked great. That's a pro, not a con

I'm just glad they decided to rip off Hellblade's combat instead of the last of us.

I think that's what OP is implying user.

>2 secs of god of war gameplay
>the rest is the last of us
wtf is this supposed to prove?

Funny since is was extremely barebones and braindead to boot, but MUH GRAPHICS SO IT'S GOOD. Kill yourself idiot.

Uncharted 2 created the template for dozens of other games that's still used today, particularly Playstation AAA games. How many E3 presentations feature characters walking and talking, bantering during combat, doing "cinematic" take-down moves, helping each other up over ledges or whatever and stumbling/falling all over the place as the scenery is destroyed by explosions or gunfire or some other shit? It's a proven formula and it keeps people coming back, just like popcorn flicks do.

Attached: what is this.gif (50x28, 45K)

>However they do work the same in GoW and LTOU

Are you genuinely fucking retarded? In TLOU bows are the silent weapon with semi reusable arrows while in GoW the projectiles are basically an assist that Kratos targets

Anyone comparing these two games is unironically a retarded, drooling seventh gen shitter who probably needs to play more fucking games

>Its just like dark souls
So it's shit? Are we finally at the point we can all admit that Dark Souls was never a good game and was never as hard as people made it out to be?

I understand what you're trying to imply but it doesn't really make much sense, games have had punching, archery, and a third person camera perspective for years now.