What was the moment you lost faith in gamers

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When takken 3 was rated higher and sold better than bushido blade.

they're not wrong

what is oraja?



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>Fighting games have the silliest crossover guests
How new are you?

I fucking hate people that think like this. I want more shit like Noctis in Tekken or Cloud in Smash. Not less.

what was it

What does this have to do with fighting games?

>what was the moment you lost faith in gamers
gamergate and how those retards did everything SJWs wanted them

Do you really want to pretend that Ocarina of Time is still the best game?

At the 7th gen seeing how the AAA industry devolved into short cinematic games with giant arrows telling you where to go and braindead combat like the Batman one, which is still praised to this day.


I never had faith in anyone that calls themself a "gamer."

I love the fact they keep reusing that image.

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who cares?

Wait 10 years and they will have another "game of all time"

>""""""""""""""READERS"""""""""""""""" picked this """""""""""""""""GAME"""""""""""""" as their favourite


browsing Sup Forums for the first time

When the Wii was annonced

Most gamers are fine, make educated purchases, notice market trends long before general public does, actually care about the hobby but aŕent to the point of lunacy like alot of Sup Forums is.

Its a small minority that are either so obsessed they cant even leave the house without wearing a fucking minecraft shirt or are only "gamers" just to fit in to some group they had no interest in 5 years ago.


Gameinformers top game is a link to the past and witcher is number 10.
It was a gameinformer about top 300 games of all time and they put a retarded gba game in first place. How exactly can they be taken seriously?

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>Most gamers are fine, make educated purchases
that's the minority
the majority just wants feefa

When gamers started giving credence to the opinions of people who don't even play video games. Back in the 90's, we used to make fun of people of like that.

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When games starting being full price + microtransations and idiots kept buying and playing them instead of freaking out and boycotting like I do. The backlash to Battlefront 2 gave me some hope but it looks like that is going to end up being nothing. I could see this coming when idiots starting unironically thinking that free to play MMORPGs could be fair and unbiased with their cash shop. But I never think it could get bad that retards would support BOTH.

Are you trying to claim this would be a more valid list if it was journalists who voted? lmao

Lists are dumb, but don't act like this is somehow worse than any other kind of list.

Very misleading picture. She was talking how she felt when she got into being a SJW. She's actually saying the opposite here, that this is the initial knee-jerk reaction when you learn about this shit, and that you need to learn to cool it with that.
I hate that cunt as much as the next fag, but we're not doing ourselves any favour if we give them easy ways to discredit us by doing shit like this. By quoting them out of context to make them seem like they said something terrible.
They say ENOUGH dumb and terrible shit on their own. No need to make up shit on top.

>you need to learn to cool it with that
Yet she obviously never did. Please stop defending somebody who has consistently lied and continues to do so. If anything, showing quotes like that highlights her hypocrisy even more.

But they’re correct. Why are you so upset?

Shut the fuck up and stop ruining the narrative I’m peddling.

The sorry state of the industry shows how fucking awful "gamers" are. I remember when I bought grandia for playstation 1 it had a fucking ubisoft logo in it, now ubisoft only produces and publishes the same type of game. It's as if we've reached a level where no innovation is needed because people keep the same shit game with slightly prettier graphics every year.

No. No it doesn't it makes US seem bad. Because the full quote goes:"when you start learning about systems, EVERYTHING is sexist, EVERYTHING is racist, EVERYTHING is homophobic and you have to point. it. all. out. to everyone ALL the time. So there is a good year of my life where I was just the most obnoxious person to be around"
She is literally not saying everything is sexist, she is saying how she felt when she learned about a specific thing, and more importantly she says how that was probably not the right conclusion/reaction.

Sorry, I just hate er so much, I wouldn't want to give her easy ammo to use against anti FF movements.

Dickhead, tekken was way better than bushido blade.

>anti FF

What does that mean?


oh wow, gameinformer readers have better taste in vidya than Sup Forums

Feminist Frequency. Anitas own special little brand of bullshit.

witcher 3 is objectively the best game ever made
you liking it or not has nothing to do with it

>TFW bunch of normies have better taste than videogame ""experts""
What went wrong bros?

This is a good point to be honest.

The Witcher 3 is basically this gen's GTA: San Andreas in terms of just having a ton of stuff to do, even if alot of individual elements are lacking.

I don't think it's the best game ever made but it provides a pretty decent benchmark of how well the medium has progressed over the years.

When garbage like Dark Souls and Bloodborne actually profited.

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