Necroposting in a five year old thread about a 16 year old game? I'm shutting this down

>necroposting in a five year old thread about a 16 year old game? I'm shutting this down

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Other urls found in this thread:

>using fora for anything
>in current year
>or any year past 2009

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>forum mod

name a more iconic duo

how the fuck does photobucket work now? forums have always been pretty shitty, but five years of discussion down the drain? fuck that

>reply to a thread a month old
>Make a new thread about a topic with a thread but the last post was months ago
>We already have a thread on this!

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What drives people to be like this?

Any power they can get they'll take

Answer the question "what drives people to sit for 5+ hours per day and religiously moderate a random autistic shithole" and you'll have your answer

What's the problem with necroposting?

Literally none and if it was truly a problem the head admin could've just make them auto-lock after X amount of months. The reason they used to do that is literally just powertripping and the fact that all the other posters just slurped their cum and panopticoned themselves to not do this arbitrary rule that doesn't accomplish anything doesn't help either. It's shit like this that drove me away from traditional forums into this place and thank god that they died 4-5 years ago. Forums were a mistake

This happens all the fucking time, forum moderators are retarded people.

>we are approaching an internet where forums, personal websites, and niche communities are dead or dying

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We are actually approaching an internet where facebook is dying so I wouldn't worry about anything. Retards go to Instagram and the rest continue to have their autistic communities.

Its worse when you're trying to look up technical issues.

>Try to google answers to your problem
>Your problem is apparently the most rarest fucking thing in the world and you can't find your specific problem
>Finally find a single thread from 2002 in a forum you've never heard of that is about your exact problem
>Have to make an account to post
>Ask about your problem
>Mod fucking teleports behind you immediately and cuts your post in half with their katana
> "Nothing personal, kid" they mutter as they lock the thread to prevent necroposting
>Make a new thread about it
>Zero helpful replies, but everyone is keen to tell you that it works on their machine

what forum even is this

it's even worse when you need to make an account simply to view threads and then you find out they never solved the fucking problem

>tfw I used to go to this website all the time
>find out it's been down for years

old internet was shitty but at least it was a giant experiment

My only guess is that the original poster is not around anymore or already got their answer? Kinda unfair for everyone else having similar questions or problems if that was the case. Maybe they used to be notified of every post they get in their old threads? Could necroposting lead to threads being derailed after questions were already answered? I'm not really sure, but I know a lot of other boards have that rule.

you forgot the part where after getting locked for necroposting and opening a new thread, some asshole comes to you and tells you to use the search function next time because "that was already answered"


mods are the most autistic fucking faggots, whether it's on forums or videogames.

photobucket is trash now

>7 year old screenshot of a 5 year necro post about a 16 year old game

>someone bothered to look through the forum and ask an appropriate question without cluttering up the forum with needless threads
>"ummm cann you not? mmkay? I'm locking the thread.!"

>make a new thread
>"ummm there's already an old thread about this mmkay sweetie? :3 locking the thread."


There's a reason most are dead.

>mfw I still see retards upload images or files to obscure sites with wait times and other bullshit

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>game requires going to a website that's long dead

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Sup Forums mod and doing it for free


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>we're living in a time where Sup Forums of all places is less autistic than fora and less cancerous than social media
The emphasis is on "less".

I made the switch from forums to Sup Forums 13 years ago. I don't even recognize the internet outside anymore. If I can't get an answer on Sup Forums I don't even know what to look for anymore.

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>Make account to be able to see links
>"You must post to actually click them"
>Post generic comment, notice "leacher" as my status
>A week later I get an email from a mod telling me he is banning my account because the low post count
These people

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i don't even know what a good upload site is anymore. anything i upload to MEGA gets deleted in like 30 minutes, and everywhere else i know has malware ads and shit

pm'd you the fix bro

>tfw necro posting then deleting your post, so mods can't find out who done it.

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photobucket has always been a shit tier image upload. fuck em

>somebody else posts in it and gets punished

>once some faggot PM'd me the fix
>I post it in the thread because fuck that faggot
>everyone gets angry at me
I don't understand these people


>"deleted" posts are just hidden

I've got doubts about your claim, bro.

photobucket was at least somewhat better than this shit

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Forums are still the only good and reliable resource for anything that isn't completely mainstream.

Try googling anything remotely in the periphery and you will still find your answer there 99% of the time.

Social media is mostly useful for entertainment.

There is littererly nothing wrong with necroposting.

>game is hidden behind a forum you have to make an account for in a thread where you have to post in order to download
>the official discord has the mega link anyways in it's own designated channel

>support on the forums is dead, or filled with ESL 12 year olds
>making any thread just gets you dude it's pinned in the discord, locked thread

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PMed you the answer ;)

>can't build an online persona
>nobody knows who is who
>doesn't require any registration at all
>mods don't normally post as mods and are rarely powertripping
>most boards outside of Sup Forums and Sup Forums are too obscure for turbonormies
>due to filthy crossposters and karmawhores reddit will gladly take blame for every kind of shit
>threads get deleted regularly
>data is nigh useless so you can't really sell it due to a high rate of piracy

>15 minute old response to a 7 year old screenshot of a 5 year necro post of a 16 year old game

It depends on the post. If you have some faggot just posting shit like "Yeah, I agree" in old threads it's worthless and can bump newer threads off. But if it's something like in the OP, where the post in question contributes to the topic at hand and can obviously still get a valid answer that may solve the problem for others, where the fuck is the problem?

>>can't build an online persona
>>nobody knows who is who
>>doesn't require any registration at all
Sup Forums Pass users can bypass this CAPTCHA. [Learn More]
>>mods don't normally post as mods and are rarely powertripping
mods dont even post, the most they do is move threads
>>most boards outside of Sup Forums and Sup Forums are too obscure for turbonormies
>>due to filthy crossposters and karmawhores reddit will gladly take blame for every kind of shit
Sup Forums scapegoat in every thread
>>threads get deleted regularly
only when a janny is on
>>data is nigh useless so you can't really sell it due to a high rate of piracy
Sup Forums pass accounts, IP tracking

Forums got killed by the Walmart of the internet, Leddit.

mods killed Sup Forums. now I go to /out/ for masculine bantz

>forum post about my exact problem
>solution offered over a link
>need to make an account to see the link
>make an account
>have to wait for forum admins to approve of my account before it can be made
>forum has been dead for 10 years

>having to wait 1 or 2 days for people to reply on standard fora
Absolutely ludicrous, if Sup Forums doesn't have the answer no one has the answer.

>most boards outside of Sup Forums and Sup Forums are too obscure for turbonormies
Oh user...

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Literally no reason to us shit hosting sites like photobucket these days so they gotta nickel and dime the few idiots who use it to stave off their demise

>>can't build an online persona
You can, alright. You don't even need to have to have a name or a tripcode. You can just spam a bunch of shit ad nauseam (e.g. Barneyfag)
>>nobody knows who is who
>>doesn't require any registration at all
Understandable, because this is an anonymous image board, albeit the former point can be violated in various ways (e.g. generals).
>>mods don't normally post as mods and are rarely powertripping
They're slow and ineffectual though. If they don't approve of something all of a sudden, you'd only know it from deletions and bans.
>>most boards outside of Sup Forums and Sup Forums are too obscure for turbonormies
Kinda right, but it doesn't mean that the many of those boards are actually good.
>>due to filthy crossposters and karmawhores reddit will gladly take blame for every kind of shit
This place still gets the blame sometimes.
>>threads get deleted regularly
Sometimes not soon enough, but I guess it happens anyway!
>>data is nigh useless so you can't really sell it due to a high rate of piracy
I don't know how this shit works and if it is truly absent from Sup Forums so no comment.

WTF, I love Reddit now?!

>Sup Forums
>for the normies