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He watched hundreds of moeshit...

big dick

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You and I are the only ones that played The Silver Case friend.

Story breakdown on the Suda wiki when?


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Beating Henry on Bitter always feels so satisfying but fuck it's a long fight

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Catchy as hell

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Who is the best girl in no more heroes?

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What's with the Hyperlight Drifter shirt?

This one

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Dr. Naomi of course

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All of them are great, but for me it's pic related.

Actually, fuck Jeane, she's probably the only bad NMH girl.

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Upcoming game collaborates with a lot of indies or something, look it up

That's what people call me

It's a screenshot from the new game coming out. One of the game worlds is either inspired from HLD or uses HLD as a world.


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Something's off about him here.

I actually really like how hokey the background is though.

I see what you mean. It's as if he's 7 years younger or something.


Fuck you ya little prick

>my favorite color is purple

also what's up with the scar?

I hope this game is good, the reveal looks fun but it seems more like a downloadable title

The game does take place before NMH2 if I remember correctly, but I guess they were trying to get closer to Travis' inspiration, pic related

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Based Kazuhira Miller.

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Probably just bad lighting on his face... wrinkles.

That's how the game is set up to be before the "real" next installment

>Shinobu Jacobs
I forgot her real first name. I guess it's not surprising since she herself forgot it by the time of NMH2, but does anyone remember what it was?

why did they have different portraits for each campaign anyways. they barely look like each other anyways,

Suda says it takes place 7 years after NMH2




only master race on mother base

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Anyone else feeling eh on the new gamrplay?

It looks decent enough. Suda games never had deep combat anyways

Wtf is going on here?
What game is it

underage b8


Oops guess I'm a faggot, sorry about that

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>travis starts screaming in either NMH1 or 2
>hear the medic
Even without the German accent I can still hear him

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Not sure if bait, but it's the next installment for No More Heroes

Try the other two games, they're fun

He's not voicing him in the new game.

Can these be emulated with an xbone controller or do you need nunchucks?


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2 can be but I had problems getting one to work control wise. Its not the fact you need to waggle in 1 but how high and low you hold the wii remote affects what stance you use.

Damn, I thought I was imagining that part.
Too bad, but at least we have RAD's radical performance in the first 2 games.

to be honest i can hear the medic when travis or miller is talking

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So, assuming Travis Strikes Again gets good sales and Suda decides to direct a true NMH3, what would you want from it?

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It plays like 1 and 2
but like
the gameplay is actually good

If you haven't started the sequel already, the prologue to Tokio's segment is an extensive summary of The Silver Case and FSR. It sorts everything out with no bullshit.

whats wrong with the gameplay? Its simple but flashy enough.

Tighter camera and movement controls, I guess.

The standard enemies need to be able to fight back, and the levels need to be more dynamic so it isn't just moving through coridoors

Super armour on bosses at arbitary times needs to fuck off


What did she mean by this?

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You're a joke

>over 60 years old

>tfw NMH plays during 2's last level

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I don't get the bashing on the new game. Sure it's way different, but that doesn't make it automatically bad or not something to fill the NMH void. I'm cautiously optimistic.

I thought collabs would only be T-shirt that Travis could wear?

Yes, that's just it.

You can try to emulate the PS3 port for NMH1 I don't know how well it runs though, two you can def use a pro controller

Yeah, it confuses me as well.
The gameplay is really not the reason you play the NMH games.

The new game looks different and not really what I expected, but I guess I am not sure what I expected. I will give it a shot, I like Travis and he is there so that is good.

Travis age like shit.

Man, 2 started off way stronger than 1 but just kind of fizzled out by the end. What happened?

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the entire plot dump blew my fucking mind . it was insane

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she expected the first game to sell like shit.

>tfw no fanart ever

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return to the motorcycle controls in nmh1.

that sumo fight is atrocious in nmh2

I found 2 repetitive and boring throughout, the combat was over drawn and there was more downtime with the knockdowns. Also I found none of the bosses as compelling and none of the soundtrack as compelling. Sure most of NMH1 was just remixing the theme track, but it was like MGS1 with its theme song, none of Twin Snakes various remixes beat the base theme.

She doesn't have nearly enough porn

I like her, would've liked more of her in NMH2.

1's story was about a man going deeper and deeper into the craziest shit possible
2's was about that same man looking for the exit, And then Pizzabat threw it all out the window

>the combat was over drawn
The segment where you spent 10 straight minutes fighting enemies who keep spawning in that empty parking lot is the single worst moment in either of these games.
Wholeheartedly disagree about the music though; remixes of the main theme are nice, but 2 had some really standout tracks for a few of the normal levels, and the different tracks at least made it feel a little less monotonous.
2 also had better boss music

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The lack of blood

why are there no enemy girls in travis straikes again?

>mfw tried to fight him without knowing the last blade could be bought after the game

travis is an otaku, and not an ASSassassin yet?

I never played NMH2. Is it worth getting the Wii out of storage to play it?


I still can't believe Travis chose Sylvia over Shinobu.

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>RAD isn't voicing Travis because 'muh strike'

I thought that shit was over

>"I feel like that pervy teacher in a porn"
>next scene he's fapping to it

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So why is Travis still fighting assassins in NHM3 and why was he fighting them in NHM2 if they establish towards of the first game that the entire assassin angle was a scam?

Nope. Grasshopper Studios runs on pennies too so they probably can't pay him as much as the union demands it.
This is why I hope TSB makes NHM2 non canon. Fuck the Sylvia ending. She's awful.

He isn't voicing Travis because they didn't approach him. He's even gone on to express disappointment in the fact they didn't approach him.

what the fuck?

Who cares

The assassin game became so popular after the first game that it literally got turned into a sport, where Travis became this legendary assassin who reached the top and managed to exit that life. I'm still not sure if the UAA was actually real or not in the first game, but in 2 it totally is its own organization ran by Sylvia. We also never know if the woman who Travis talks to by phone before Dark Star was really Sylvia's mother or just her pretending to trick him.

Sylvia is worst girl. One of the worst vidya romances I've ever seen.

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She was a highschool sudent when he first fought her, and afterward they had a master/student relationship that Travis wasn't really into to begin with. Now that she's legal he still feels skeevy doing anything lewd with her.

>I'm still not sure if the UAA was actually real or not in the first game
Aren't you told flat out that it isn't?

So help me out guys. Played both games on wii as a teen and remember really digging them to the point I still remember and like Travis as a character. However I've totally blanked on the story yet am interested in the switch one just for the vibe.

Question being: is the story unremarkable enough you forget it if you only played the games once years ago or am I straight retarded?
