Am I the only person who absolutely hates 60fps? Every time I play a game or see a video in 60fps...

Am I the only person who absolutely hates 60fps? Every time I play a game or see a video in 60fps, it looks horrific and just isn't the way video is supposed to look. Maybe it's because my profession (I'm a video editor) and I usually work at 24fps, and most TV and film is at MOST 30fps, but 60fps just makes me sick. Like, literally - I want to vomit.

I can't be the only one, right?

Attached: meme_boy_the_vomit_lad.jpg (1772x1280, 69K)

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>Am I the only person who absolutely hates 60fps?

yes, and you are retarded

You're not the only one but you're completely wrong.

mentally handicapped

Explain, then. Why is 60fps superior?

I'm not going to look the name of the disease up, but basically, you are going to die from epilepsy between your 40's and your 50's.

I'm serious. Getting whatever the name is of the sickness you get from tracking moving object is a sign of it.

At least you're the 1% at something.


Should get your eyes checked, retard eyes.

when I was a kid and played on consoles I thought games looked really bad when the framerate randomly went up and everything looked “too smooth” and I liked it when it was all choppy but now I love 144fps

no I'm with you. for games, 30 feels just right

60fps makes vidya and movies/video look like it was shot on a cheap home camcorder

What does that even mean?

I'm not a huge fan of 60fps, or HD on tv. Sure, it looks smooth, but since most of my life shits been closer to 30fps in media, it seems really surreal and unnatural to me.

>t. 35 year old

Attached: 1521194586458.gif (320x320, 2.08M)

The human brain is physically programmed to see 60fps

Attached: thinky.jpg (735x736, 46K)

anyone git that jiff but without the cancer watermarks?

It's called "The Soap Opera" effect, if that's what they're talking about.

WIth the movies/video comment i understand that user. 60 fps in film is shit. Makes it look like im in the studio watching a movie being filmed. Not IN the movie. 24fps cinematic makes me feel like im watching a movie, and being told a story. Not hanging out on set.

Dunno what the fuck hes talking about in relation to games 60fps is natural and responsive and thats a requirement

>am i the only one making half-baked excuses for why i can't afford a gaming PC?

No, no you're not. Very common among a lot of poorfag anons, actually

because its smoother and allows you to play and see the game better

Quicker control reaction, smoother visuals, etc.
The list goes on.

Somewhere between 30fps and 60fps would be great desu

The universe is literally running at 18550000000000000000000000000000000000000000 fps at all times and you get sick at 60?

I too, hate when my framerate drops down to 60 fps. Its just so slow and choppy, I dont understand how console players handle it.

OP here. I actually have a fairly decent gaming PC that I put together, but if possible, I set it to 30fps if I can.

I think I just figured out why Sup Forums has a boner for 60fps. It's a PC Masturrace thing. Or, I guess it was at one point. Now, even the Switch has 60fps, so I don't know. It just looks gross.

ironically, 60 fps is way more expensive than 24 fps for movies
they keep throwing around the word "cheap", but the reality is that it's just too much of a resource burden to make the computer generated special effects appear convincing in 60 fps

it is possible, but the more money spent on that is the less money in someone "important"'s pocket

Oh yeah, well, check out 48fps

Someone post the webm of the camera spinning in the forest

Not that user but I didn't find any issues with the Hobbit movies
The first one was kinda weird for the first like 30 minutes sure, but you just get used to it

As long as the framerate is stable I don't see why it would be an issue

I can tolerate 30fps games if it's stable, but knowing it would look smoother with higher fps just kinda makes it "feels" worse

I'd concede the worst thing a video/game could have, framerate-wise, is an unstable/inconsistent fps.

Attached: 17884482_10106244924158771_6931789665578797101_n.jpg (453x576, 38K)

You are not alone. I prefer games running at 30 FPS as you can noticing the Specular Lighting effects more. Plus you can get away with some neat frame based illusion tricks like how film does at 24 frames per second.

I fucking hate the fucking fluid motion it makes things look, and in engine motion blut doesn't cut it. Guilty gear and the ratchet and clank remake do it right where they do the animations with actual smear.

>my mind only registers so many motions a second
>my eyes can see a hand move every inch and millimeter in bewteen those inches
>faster than my brain can make sense of what is happening,
>my brain just registers it as a blur

>information is lost with frames
>an object moves from spot on the screen to an other
>with no inbetween, because it literally does not exist
this phenomenon looks like shit

There is something wrong with you if your eyes actually have issues seeing 60fps. I'm not even being ironic

It ranges from 430 trillion hertz to 750 trillion hertz depending on the color you are seeing.

It looks weird in fortnite but otherwise its preferred. So yes, you are the only one. Freak.

lower fps is more cinematic

Attached: silky smooth 24 fps.webm (1280x696, 2.82M)

Take a dslr and take a picture of something moving fast with a shutter speed of 1/24 then look at it with your eyes. The picture might have some blur but with your eyes its going to be sharp. Redo with different shutter speed and you will get a different amount of blur. Video games will always get the same amount of motion blur regardless of the framerate.

Attached: 1496548134935.gif (260x195, 983K)

But with 30

that’s not what he said


Right? Spreading fucking misinformation over here.
The human eye can see WELL above 60fps.

>motion blur
>fucking ever
>unironically liking it

Attached: DANGER.jpg (600x456, 29K)

You'll get used to. Back in the day, I thought that 1080p was too sharp and hurt my eyes.

>Am I the only person who absolutely hates 60fps?
lol no, Neofag/Resetting is full of fucking sonnyggers like you.

Attached: sonygger vision.jpg (1552x2000, 825K)

When I browse the catalog I play this little game where I guess what the first reply is.

This time I won.

How? That would look far better at 60fps, and without the fucking motion blur.
Not to mention how shitty it FEELS to play at

Is this webm a microstuttering mess, or is that just because my monitors are 144hz?

The only place that it's actually noticeable and preferable is where you are playing a first-person game. It looks awful in videos, and generally not an issue elsewhere.