Reminder that any of you with a fat ps3 have literally no excuses to not play the PS3 version of Vesperia with the...

Reminder that any of you with a fat ps3 have literally no excuses to not play the PS3 version of Vesperia with the english patch.

Any fat ps3 on the latest firmware can easily install CFW so stop crying about namco not localizing the game.

Attached: 191357-tales-of-vesperia-playstation-3-front-cover.jpg (800x939, 168K)

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After certain update it requires soldering work to downgrade the system enough to install the custom os, no?

Everyone should play Vesperia, though.

All I have is a old slim

>After certain update it requires soldering work to downgrade the system enough to install the custom os, no?
Not anymore. You can software CFW any PS3 which had factory FW 3.55 or lower regardless of its current version.

No you do not need to downgrade anymore. As long as you're on the latest firmware which is 4.82 you can mod your ps3.

Only for Phats though? Kinda regret giving it to my sister. And she has my copy of VesPS3ria too

I'm so bored with vidya right now, maybe I'll actually do it.

I did not know that there was an english patch for this, thanks user

ToV is literally the last great JRPG.

Everyone need to play Patty game nanoja

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Why would anyone play this garbage when Zestiria exists? Get taste.

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Is it a hassle to mod a slim PS3?

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>form change
>10000 ran-ran-randamu foooru
So fun for no reason.

I think this is the one of the 3 games where I enjoyed dubs way more than the original JP voices. Shame we will never get an official release with it.

If Vesperia is anything like Xillia or Berseria then Jesus Christ I am staying away from that generic shit.

I agree. Especially Xillia 2. Why does that even exist?

Patty would be ruined with eng dub.

Why is this the only popular thing Bamco has that they won't rerelease? Didn't they ban the MC from the series' popularity polls because everyone kept voting for him or some shit?

Fuck off. Xbox version is superior because that useless loli isn't there. Her whole "I'm actually the pirate the whole time" was corny. She isn't acknowledged in the movie either. Get this non canon piece of shit outta here.

>Best Tales game.
>Best JRPG of 7th gen
>Best girl
It's our 10th anniversary this year, please appreciate my wife's game.

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>She isn't acknowledged in the movie either.
The move is prequel. Judy ain't there either.

>the beta version is better
Seething Xbrony.

>yeah, not that one

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>Berseria battle system is go-

>combo video = combat system
My Vesperia hard playthrough with Yuri involved spamming Destruction Field like a spastic retard. None of these games have a good combat system.

>have the freedom to play however you want
>decide to play like a boring retard
>this is somehow the game fault

I guess Devil May Cry gameplay is garbage because you can win just by spamming stinger. I bet you're the kind of guy who finish using only the starter pokemon and complain its shit.

Don't talk to me.

Because super slim.

Eat my ass, you're actively encouraged to cheese on that difficulty when you have goofy shit like Gattuso evaporating your party ai in 10 seconds.

The game doesn't encourage anything on you. You're the one making it boring for yourself and using one boss as an example in a 80+ hours game just make you look like a dumbass.

>the only way to win is to cheese
This is just telling me that you're horrible at the game.

In 2008 I played through the entirety of Tales of Vesperia with my best friend, my roommate, and his brother.
>tfw I'll never experience another full party full playthrough of a Tales game again

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Holy shit, your information is outdated:

You still can't install CFW on slim with this exploit you know.

Doesn't work if the game isn't on PSN or if doesn't have an update.

Yes she is, the movie shows her in the ending song which is the game OP.

Get fucked

Well fuck, I guess I have excuse now.

My fat PS3 is dead. Again.

That sounds like a lot of work, can't I just play this on RPCS3?

It really isn't hard at all to hack your ps3. The hacking general over at /vg/ have a tutorial.

>tales game
>no emulator issues
pick one

There's dummy patty files in the xbot version. Get fucked.

Looks like they literally just fixed things an hour ago, but.
>13 fps
Yikes, guess I'll try hacking my old fatty some time in the future.

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>still have to hack my ps3

even than, the shits half broken and wont release disc i put on it.

OGL is slow. Wait for vulkan fix.

i wish xilla was as good.

why did they have to rush it?

Tales is trash. What kind of faggots wanna play that shit?


I don't really want to bother. I've had the 360 version for years, and I don't even feel like playing Tales anymore.

I have a slim ps3, and already beat this game on 360 so I'm ok with it

>Best girl
Not gay enough.

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Rita gets the knot and loves it.

>Have no reason
Troy baker isn't yuri lowell. Thats more then enough reason.


It hurts.


>/threading your own post

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yooo is this a real animation in-game?

Obviously not the loop but yes it is.

>t. XenoBlade Otakunicles 2 fanboy

Go fuck yourself and your retarded fanbase wars.

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Is the PS3 version really that much better?
I have the 360 version and haven't played it yet, but I do have a fat PS3. Should I save the PS3 version for the replay later down the road or do it first and toss the 360 copy?

I'm more of a Xenoblade 1 guy, but even Xenoblade 2 is better than 100% of Tales games.

Its pretty crazy how much the ps3 version add.

-2 more fully fleshed out playable characters, 1 of them of which is a completely new character.(Flynn and Patty)
-New artes of all kinds(special attacks) for every character, especially the 2 additional characters.
-Some artes have some new features, and a VERY small few were nerfed, but most were overall improved.
-New skills for every character, especially the 2 additional characters.
-A lot of new costumes for every character(Some are free and available via sidequests, and others are DLC).
-New attachments, and most attachments are now interchangeable between various characters instead of being exclusive to some.
-New items, key items, and equipment of all kinds.
-New Artes Ball key item let's you set up to 16 artes on a character at a time instead of just 8.
-New story scenarios, with new scenes and a few new locations and dungeons.
-Some story scenes and anime cutscenes were changed at certain parts because of the 2 additional characters. Details and outcome are relatively the same for the most part though.
-The ability to pause anime cutscenes, and to skip just about all cutscenes in general.
-New skits.
-Linkability to Tales of VS for a few bonus skits.
-Changes to some old skits because of the 2 additional characters.
-New music of all kinds.
-New enemies of all kinds.(regular, boss, optional boss.)
-New stat changes on some enemies, and bosses tend to recover from hit stun faster and/or counter more.
-A few new sidequests.
-Two new optional dungeons.
-New team arena option at the Nordopolica coliseum.
-New Repede Snowboard minigame.
-A few tie ins with Tales of Vesperia: The First Strike.
-New grade shop options to retain Fell Arm kills.
-A few more trophies(achievements).
-More voiced dialogue in scenes

Not even close Soytendo kid. If you would have said XenoSaga or XenoGears I'd give you that.

Why do you do this to us westerners, Bamco?

do i have to put a bunch of crap on my ps3 to play this?

Yeah, games that you've never played, considering how you spell them. Xenogears is okay, but Xenosaga is a trainwreck. Nice try, though.

Sounds like a bunch of Level 5-tier fluff content to me. Who cares?

Redbug and multiman is all you need then you just follow the readme in the vesperia patch folder.

You can even skip the backing up part if you want

Of course someone who already think tales of is trash won't care about the additional contents.

Fucking retard.

maybe i'll look into it later
thanks user

How can even JRPG fans play any of the 3D Tales games without dying of embarrassment

Fluff content in ports and remasters is hardly exclusive to Tales.

>>Best Tales game.
>>Best JRPG of 7th gen
>>Best girl
>Best anything
People don't die of embarassment by playing Nepshit, Final Fantasy or XC2, I don't see what's so bad about 3D Tales outside of two or three garbage games.

And threadly reminder that daddy was right.

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What games should a mature person play my fellow user? Fortnite?

Yeah, Yuri and Leon from Destiny are out of the polls now from what I remember.

so she is tales marie?

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>grouping Nepshit with XC2 and Final Fantasy
Nepshit players are a pretty different crowd from Xeno and FF fans, user.

>Nepshit players are a pretty different crowd from Xeno and FF fans, user.

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Yeah, people who play nothing but Japanese crap are pretty shallow and lame, but they're fairly easy to avoid.

Why are you so obsessed with Xenoblade that you have to constantly bring it up in threads that have nothing to do with it? It's honestly really annoying.

How about you commit Xenosuicide.

>that you have to constantly bring it up in threads that have nothing to do with it?
I don't really bring it up often, if at all.
You seem to think everyone who talks bad about Xenoblade is one guy, on Sup Forums, get help.

Phantasia? Eternia? Rebirth? Destiny DC? Narikiri Dungeon X? There are plenty of actual good Tales games user

It was a great game but I don't feel the need to play the better version, I'll just keep waiting for the port that will never come.

Why do you hate Vesperia?

It's mediocre, even up to X, you'd be better off playing any of the other games you mentioned.
It's too old by now and it has its flaws too, not to mention that only Reid and Farah are fun to play as.
I clocked around 400 hours in Rebirth, it has nothing to offer me anymore, great game though, one of the best in the series all around for sure.
>Destiny DC?
It's a good game but it's also horribly overrated and laughably broken.
>Narikiri Dungeon X?
Eh, Cosplay Dungeon can only keep you interested so long, and it's kind of a weak link, just slightly better than Eternia with a cast that isn't as likeable.

Outside or Rebirth, I still put things like Hearts R above any of those really, 3D Tales aren't as bad as you try to pass them off, and considering how you skip games like Destiny 2 or the three Narikiri Dungeon for some reason I have to question your judgement.

Hey, it's not the Xenofags' fault Bamco ran a series you liked into the ground. But hey, they did the same thing with Xenosaga, so you're kind of even with those guys.

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my ps3 got the ylod