Now that the dust has settled, was it really that bad?

Now that the dust has settled, was it really that bad?

Attached: PC-Dark-Souls-2-SaveGame.jpg (1920x1200, 489K)

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DaS2 vanilla was a failure but not a monumental scandalous one
Sotfs is a good game

No, the only people hating it are DaS1 babies who couldn't get used to DaS2's movement.

>get used to

I imagine much like getting used to living with aids

Whiteboi uses hyperbole. And you wonder why no one gives a shit what your kind says

I've been playing throught the game. Making a Mage build. I am fucked?

No mage is broken in DS2.
Pyro is strong, hex and pure sorc is busted.
DLC is a little rough but you can do shit like enchant the MLGS so it does physical damage

This is a flagrant shitpost. Please help maintain Sup Forums's high post quality by not creating threads like this.

It's mediocre, but mostly because of how bad the bosses are. I can't speak for pvp.

I love the locations and the art. Majula is still my favorite hub, and Heide's Tower is just too dazzling of a location. I like that Drangleic feels different, while Lothric just feels like a continuation of Lordran.

Vanilla DaS2?
Best DaS hands down, the one that took the formula of the first games and made it great.

Yes, it was. DS2 apologists are the fucking worst.

How many times do we have to talk about this?. Ds2 is an alright game. But it really pales in comparison to all the rest of the soulsborne games.

the point isn't to talk, the point is to shitpost
post Souls wallpapers

Attached: undeadchariot.png (2109x1079, 3.64M)


>not a single good level
>a few decent bosses but nothing god tier
it was a fucking next level disaster

I thought it was a bad game at the time, but I put more hours into it than any other souls game, and I really missed a lot of stuff that 2 did which 3 did not.

One thing that killed me about DS2 was that it tied iframes to ADP (or more directly to the agility stat), which made doing SL1 runs much more difficult. Being able to dress light in the first game and roll through almost anything was thrilling and got the balance of skill and challenge right. The 2nd game makes the unleveled window on dodges so much tighter to the point where I could not avoid getting hit consistently. Consequently, SL1 runs are way more painful and make it really tempting to cheese.

I also think soul level made a total clusterfuck of the multiplayer matching. I really wish FROM could come up with a better way of handling all this stuff.

DS2 added so much. Powerstancing, NG+ that actually changes stuff, loads of weapon sets, a hugely expanded magic system, hollow invasions, etc... It's all a bunch of stuff that kept me coming back to replay. I feel like DS3 lacks a lot of that pull and I've barely felt any urge to go back.

No, it wasn't. There were much more memorable bosses than ds3 for instance. The DLC were really damn good, specially the third one. And it had the best pvp of the series, none of that bullshit backstab fishing and a countermeasure to turtling, many many viable builds too.
Sure, level design wasn't as good as dark souls 1 but overall it's not as bad as people spam.

no souls game will get you the feeling you had when playing it the first time.
you already know how to exploit everything,what to expect etc.
same with new pkmn games or RE5 and 6.



Getting used to something bad doesn't stop it from being bad.
Turn rate limit was a terrible change to a game with such control scheme.

im consistantly blown away by how bad it is, say what you will about 3 but it not only feels like a sequel to darksouls but every level meets a bare minimum standard of design that no levels in 2 meet, plus it has actually fun bosses

This game is actually dogshit.

FROM's problem with the series has been their inability to distinguish good and bad changes or elements they've tried with it over time.

They broke things that were perfect as they were, made great additions and fixes that ended up getting omitted for no good reason later on and broke things that were fine before just trying to fix minor issues. It's surprising the games are as good as they are with such a pile of fuckups.
One good example of the last case was how, as durability was rather pointless mechanic in DeS and DaS, they made it into constant thing the players had to deal with in 2. Sure, the mechanic matters, but it also became just an extremely obtuse element in gameplay.

After they fucked things up as hard as they did with 2, playing it safe for 3 was the obvious choice.

3 has amazing bosses but a few horrible levels that ruin your desire to replay it

3 honestly feels like the real dark souls 2 while 2 feels like an extremely cheep knock off to me
even 2s lore is so bad it made me laugh out loud
>dude the first flame is now a magical chair that gives you super powers because ???? and manus is still alive and wants it but needs you to get it
it reads like a fucking awful minimal effort fan fiction man

A lot of the levels in 3 are pretty boring, though. Farron Keep s is just a literal slog, the catacombs are dull, demon ruins are terrible, settlement is a mess, and Anor Londo is just nostalgia bait.

Still nowhere near as terrible as 2, though

It's a good game, just not a good Dark Souls game.

did you even play 2
the lost sinner got jailed for eternity for trying to fuck with the first flame
aldia became not-god by trying to find a substitute
you don't do anything to the first flame, you just stock up on souls and let the world rot

No, despite some fuck ups its good and I would say it managed to fuck up less than the other two

1 > 2 > 3


American school system at work here.
3 > 2 > 1 you dumb fuck

it has some funs in it but definitely an annoying experience to replay for the pve

most bosses, enemies and map are shit

>dark souls 3 is greater than dark souls 1
You are not intelligent, and your opinion is utterly shit.

Scholar made it a lot better, I thought, but the quality drop in 2/3 is ridiculously apparent. The gamea were held back by having the DaS name, should have went their own way like Bloodborne.

>Scholar made it a lot better,
most of the new enemy placements are much worse though and visually speaking its still ugly as hell

it's actually my favorite of the series and pretty much the only game I play anymore, I play it over and over again. I find it really fun and relaxing, I like it's slow pace and comfy world.

Its bad but it gets overblown because the other games are so over rated
Drones act like its a 2/10 in a 9/10 series when its more like a 4/10 in a 5/10 series

Friendly reminder that the sequels were shit not because they copied DaS too much but because they didn't copy it enough. DaS level design along with the bonfire and level up mechanics were a total accident and the sequels were just a return to form, a mediocre form that only really worked well in DeS.

It's a fun game
Fuck the contrarians

Attached: das2.jpg (1360x768, 322K)

>most of the new enemy placements are much worse though and
Absolutely back up your findings here because this is a flat out lie, kiddo
>visually speaking its still ugly as hell
The 60fps improved it and the new lighting details make it much better than original

Just started DS3 blind never played DS before, about 3 hours in and really enjoying it. DS2 is currently on sale at an all time low should I invest for £5.24? Or is it really that much worse?

It's a lot more sluggish and unless you keep a lookout at your soul memory you'll pretty much never meet anyone else online

Yes and don't let anyone fool you, SotFS is just as bad if not worse.

I'm glad everyone agrees that Hbomberguy's video defending it was retarded.

I love Hbomb's video. It totally and finally btfo'd all DaS2 apologia purely by association.

I got some bad fucking news for you bud. I hope you have about 10 goddamn hours laying around because Hbomber is so shit someone was able to dissect him so thoroughly that he will never recover. Enjoy

yea no, you have areas like iron keep where they just randomply sprinkle a shitload of extra enemies everywhere, and areas like shaded ruins or the gutter where they make the levels pretty much empty for no conceivable reason, its honestly objectively worse to such an extreme and noticeable degree that i have an incredibly hard time believing you are serious right now. and the lighting is indeed nice but like 99% of areas dont make use of it at all and they still look almost exactly the same in that department

if you want something to laugh at listen to how stupid i was; i fell for the "in defense of dark souls 2" meme despite knowing full well that i didnt enjoy any of the game and decided to order SOTFS off the internet with the last of my disposable cash for the month because i was desperate, and low and behold i found it to be even worse than i remember

I have posted Hbomb's video in these threads before as bait, but goddamn, even as a Dark Souls 2 apologist myself, that video is fucking terrible. Like, if he actually had a reputation to ruin prior to it, it would be irrevocably ruined. However, though this Mauler guy is probably a cool guy, a ten hour series of videos, solely centered around dissecting one single garbage video, is pretty fucking autistic.

>people saying DS2 is a disappointment are contrarians

user, I have some bad news about who's actually being a contrarian here

Yes it was bad, bad gameplay, bad level design, meh story.

>Now that the dust has settled, was it really that bad?

it was a fucking mess of a game that not even DLC could save

Attached: ADP.png (901x694, 21K)

the controller deadzone makes it unplayable though

Of course not, it's still a decent game, but in comparison to every other Souls game? It's fucking trash

I started NG+ in 3 right after finishing it for the first time and I'm still having a blast.

What the literal fuck is this opinion? I don't think I've ever seen something so malformed.

The only things that really bother me about DS2 are:
- abysmal production values. Every animation in the game looks like a literal garage indie production, and graffix in general are very weak.
- unimaginative areas and enemies (Big Guy In Armour With Big Sword is the vast majority of normal and boss enemies), some exceptions for areas
- tracking in original release was just plain offensive
- rolling animation leaving feet way behind and associated iframes + agility as a stat
- absolute lack of balance, magic sword hex/mage blows everything else the fuck out
- some of the actual, not kidding, worst bosses in video games; the ancient dragon is my number 1 for worst (functional, barely) boss in any game ever made. It's astounding it made it into the game. Other bosses have many problems but all pale in comparison

Quite a lot, really, but it's still fine overall, just not amazing.

>the one that took the formula of the first games and made it great.

and yet added shit like ADP that butchered the formula

Everyone has their preference when it comes to the Souls series (I include Bloodborne in that).

I think Dark Souls 2, even with all its flaws, is still light-years better than some of the "modern" garbage out there today. I'll be happy to play Scholar of the First Sin for a million replays before picking up abominations like PUBG, Fortnite, Overwatch, or League of Legends.

>SotFSis the best DaS
user...I fucking love you. Finally someone who understands.