Sea of thieves is No Man's Sky 2. Boring shit

Sea of thieves is No Man's Sky 2. Boring shit

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>that tumblr character design

I wounder why it's boring shit

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Who is this faggot?

That shit got nothing to do with tumblr, retard.

viewing the world from your perspective must be so sad. Get off this site for a while and go outside.

your average euro

>Microsoft: How do we salvage this game with good boat combat?
>Rare: Battle Royale?
I already see it coming. No questing bullshit. Everyone spawns on their boats, like 30-40 people per server. You go to islands for cannonballs, planks, and bananas like you normally would.

He's the embodiment of nu-Sup Forums

I might do that to my laptop ironically

Kys faggot

I like how every weird and unattractive character is just "Tumblr" now, as if it's inherently bad design to even attempt anything that isn't animoo or The Witcher.

>buying anything nu rare developes

Purposefully uglyfied and uncanny, yes, that's tumblr artstyle

That looks so fucking bad. Are there any good exclusives for xbone besides maybe Forza?

So is this tumblr?

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On the contrary, Tumblrs wish they could draw this well.

Why do gamers always need to be grinding for something? Learn how to enjoy a simulation.

>game has been in a release state for a full twenty four hours
>they still can't get their fucking servers in order
uppermost kuk

Worse than NMS because it's basically unplayable solo and forces you to find 3 people who also have an xbone (a virtual impossibility) in order to play it properly.

Maybe you're just a terrible gamer. I have been playing solo just fine.
Webm is another dude from /vg/ but you get the point.

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You act like I didn't get it for free

>decide to try it since it's basically free with the game pass
>do an initiation quest
>alright cool
>nice wave physics, actually pretty neat
>dig up both treasure chests for the quest
>turn them in
>300~ gold

>it's 15,000~ ish gold for a basic shirt or leggings or some shit

Hell. Fucking. No. Dropped and uninstalled. Game is designed to just waste my time.

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Because most developers don't have a clue how to make actual content without some form of progression.

Everyone who doesn't like this game has no friends

I can say honestly that being chased by a gallon through a storm as a one man sloop with 3 captains chests on board is probably the most fun Iv had in a multiplayer in years.

It's playable solo, just did 2 quests. It's just a pain in the ass to try to do all spots of the ship at the same time and boring as fuck.

You CAN play solo but the game is absolutely designed for 4 player co-op.

Soy of thieves

First missions are super easy and therefor not worth much. most chests I get i turn in for 800 - 1000 right now.

>game crashes
>join crew
>get ingame
>get treasure

I’m done. It doesn’t fucking work. My pc has well over enough power to play the game. There are no listed solutions. My internet is fine. Why does this game not work. Kill me.

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Oh wow it crashes for only you and no one else. It must be the game and not the fact your doing something dumb like overclocking or some shit.

I don’t even know what an overclock is man

progression doesn't have to mean you have to grind for it man. unless you think the word grind and play are the same thing Christ.

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Still man, say you get 1k each mission. That's still repeating 15 missions just to get a freaking t-shirt that's being sold for 15k

Why the hell is everything so expensive? 10-15k for a damn shirt. Then you gotta buy pants which is another 10-15k

its all just padding to grind quests over and over again. It's just not a game for me.

No, this is hyperbolic caricature art, which makes human like features more prominent, while the tumlbr art style makes them straight up disgusting

Its not 1k each mission, its 1k each chest. Im bring back 3-4 of them suckers each mission, but im also only at level 12 mission right now.

Also the skeleton forts have vaults that people have been getting roughly 20k from. I really don't feel gold starved, but I do think the xp you get for each mission is low. Taking a while to rank up to the next rank.

Sea of Soy

Yfw they did it 'ironically' too

You earn titles and improve your skill (actual skill, not artificial skill) as well as buying cosmetics.

Runs fine for me now that i actually can get on the server.
First time i got in i couldn't "buy" any of the quests so i restarted. Couldn't get back in for the next hour or so.
Now it's fine. But basically this Currently waiting for a friend to download it and then try it with him. Also if their '6 ships per ocean' is still accurate it's pretty empty. I haven't encountered anyone.

I'm really hoping rare gives a statement what the plans are from now. Because so far this isn't a game i would drop full price on.

Post Pirate Waifu
>Sup Forumstards BTFO!

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>launch game
>every "Pirate" at the starting island is some fatass hambeast woman of color


So how long before F2P?

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This would unironically make the game a lot more fun. I might actually buy it.

>hurr durr back to Sup Forums!!!1


wait does this game have cross-play between windows and xbone?

I download the PC version and I can play with my friend who has the xbone version?


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theres crossplay

If it means adding more people to the server then yes go ahead. It should have been like that from the start.
There is no room to dick around, as the game is now.

Ya that doesn’t sound like an actual difference in this instance. In terms of modeling and texturing there is no real difference in work load to produce cartoonish faces, in fact it take a substantial groundwork to do so without falling in the uncanny valley. I think it’s time v just admitted that the “halo effect” that they like to blame for life’s problems is something they also apply to their video game characters.

>56% face, the game

Seems like a pretty subjective and capricious distinction to me.

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I know we've been memeing on bioware about making their characters ugly on purpose, but this game takes the cake

god damn

That's a good idea..

They are fucking pirates. Pirates are not pretty.

is it fun with friends at all?

playing with friends is the only way to have fun at all in this game

>w10 exclusive
nice try microshit.

you make over 15k per raid.. dumb moron

why are you so concerned that the females are so ugly? you are fully aware that the male pirate models are just as hideous right?

>pug galleon sails towards me
>they start firing
>manouver ship between rocks
>they hit rocks and ship begins to sink
>meanwhile I am killing them as they try to bail ship
>ship sinks and they don't respawn
>start loading up my sloop with their chests
You don't need friends.

>it's all shit so none of it is shit
People like looking at nice looking things.

>anti drumpf game

>getting hate already

like clockwork expected from pol drones

why dont you go back to your neogaf hugbox or wherever you came from

please explain how this game is making a political statement

>anti drumpf game
What does this mean? Is the Kraken secretly the President of the United States?

what is wrong with their hips?

i guarantee if the women were all hot anime girls but the men models still looked as they were right now, you wouldn't give a shit.

ksg yourself

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Artie Lange: Trans Pirate Adventure

lmaoing at soyboys watching their pirate fantasy eat the dirt

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any diversity game is anti drumpf

The two games have very little in common user.

You need to go into rehab for your Tortanic addiction.

Servers are down for people wanting to join now. I'm sure it's to be expected with everyone playing on a trial.

characters look cool desu
don't jerk off to cartoons bc i have real pussy

This "game" is straight garbage. It's going to be hilarious when the defence force finally turns on Spencer because he's the exec that finally kills rare.

>first person viewpoint in a game that has character customization
>can only really see your character during emotes and clothing menu

Why do this?

Anyone who didnt immediately ping this as no mans sky: pirate edition learned nothing from the whole NMS shitshow.

This. I mean most of the time no stress test comes close to the actual release. But by putting the game in the xbox game pass which even has a free trial they probably blew their expected player numbers way out of the water.
Although i wonder how many sales they lose just because most people see everything there is to do in this game and won't buy it after it's out of the game pass/ their game pass runs out.. I know i probably won't. Not unless they add some more content or cut the price in half.

>No content aside from fetch quests
>No penalty for dying to other players
>No rewards for killing the Kraken
>Only use for money is cosmetic shit
It's sad to realize that the beta was literally the entire game and now i don't need to buy it since i already sunk the 5 hours into the game needed to get all the content out of it. Shame that Rare is truly dead. What the fuck did they spend the last 5 years working on if the game only has less than a day shift's worth of content

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NMS is good now, though. Can MS turn this ship around like Hello Games was able to do?

why do they feel the need to make all the women hideous?

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>see other ship
>start chasing after it
>aww shit here we --
>they quit/disconnect before we can touch them

Nice game, Rare

>NMS is good now, though

well it has actual multiplayer. given that, it already surpassed no mans soy.

the men are hideous too.

girl in the middle of op is pretty cute
guys look the same pretty much anyways

NMS is better than it was (which isnt saying much) but still is worse than what they promised. The point is, both were hyped to hell and back and made grand sweeping promises that it will most likely fail to deliver on because it made enough money on hype. Games should not aspire to be NMS 2.

why would an attractive, soft looking woman be a pirate?
think idiots

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Look up Anne Bonny then shut your dumb fucking face.

A chinese prostitute was one of the more successful pirates ever.

why would a woman be a pirate? it's historically inaccurate

because video games aren't real.
this is why japanese devs are superior.

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they're pirates user

yes user a true semen demon

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