Ni no Kuni 2

Trophy list is out:
No challenge at all. Thoughts?

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Who cares about trophy shit


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Call me when Level-5 hires a director who can make a focused game.

Trophies usually give an insight to the story or gameplay


The leaks killed all my hype.

First game looked great but was boring as sin with puzzles that solve themselves and a meandering plot that felt like it was never going to stop wasting your time.
I gave L5 a chance and they blew it so I don't care about this game too much.

why did level 5 forget how to make video games after DQ8

I wanna scratch behind his ears

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Looks like an easy plat.

They got too big.

They didn't know how to before DQ8. Horii is a genius of game design. The Level-5 staff, including 8's director, Hino, are pretty bad at game design because they're so in love with having a million features in their games.

>dad texted me a link to this game the other day

uh oh

Dark Cloud and Dark Chronicle had the same kinds of problems as WKC and NnK.
Rogue Galaxy came out a year after DQ8 and had these problems too.

It has nothing to do with their size.

Well said

What a nice dad you have

I want this game but it's $60 and it might not run on my PC

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Season Pass, too.

I mean the base game is $60, I'm definitely not paying full price for DLC

Reminder Evan has more balls than you

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Yeah, mine too.

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oi m8 u got a license for that?

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but even when crackpot reviewers are saying the game is easy, its a bit worrying.

Good. Trophies are a fucking taint on gaming.

Unfortunately its way too easy, I hope they patch in a hard mode. Its unfortunate because the combat is really good

I preordered the King's edition. Is it supposed to arrive the day of release like the regular edition?

Name one (1) difficult JRPG.

They don’t exist. It’s all grinding to bigger numbers in boring turn-based battles. There’s not a single challenging JRPG in existence — they’re just tedious.

He did preorder me Automata as a gift


You're failing to understand. When reviewers are saying when a JRPG is too easy, it's something took at with a watchful eye. I'm not saying that JRPGs are generally hard genres.

7th Saga.