2011: Sup Forums complains about all vidya being too linear

2011: Sup Forums complains about all vidya being too linear
2018: Sup Forums complains about all vidya being sandboxes

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It's almost as if a community consists of people with different opinions.
It's almost as if the people who don't like a certain type of game will complain when certain type of game is produced a lot.

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I'm one of the ones complaining. One or two games succeed and then everyone lazily copies that model for a few years until the next smash hit happens and the whole industry pivots again. It's horrible

There's this thing called balance, and this idea that extremes are bad


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2011: Sup Forums is composed of teenagers who grew up on open-ended games in the early 2000's
2018: Sup Forums is composed of teenagers who grew up on linear games in the early 2010's


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>2011: Game market is swamped with low effort linear games
>2018: Game market is swamped with low effort sandboxed
Wow, sure gets those neurons firing.

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>only plays shitty games
>complains that games are shitty
Sup Forums circa forever

>2001: waa waa too many scifi FPS
>2005: waa waa too many WW2 FPS
>2009: waa waa too many modern military FPS
>2013: waa waa too many futuristic FPS
>2017: waa waa too many "classic" FPS

What's it gonna be next? You people are a bunch of fucking whiners

The industry has changed and so have the people who browse this board, don't know what you expect

he expected (you)s

Good thing, too, because it made people realize linear =/= bad.

I'm fine with how FPS are now, hope they don't change in a while.

I also like how Sup Forums has unironic nostalgia for CoD be because it normies don't like it anymore.

Too much of anything sucks. I prefer level design like dark souls.

It doesn't surprise me considering we have autists spamming Undertale and Skyrim threads.

There are things besides linearity and sandbox, doofus. OoT, KotOR, Thief, to name a few. Neither linear nor sandbox.

Apply yourself.

trends suck,devs only make a shit game and slap a trend on it and call it a day,it's hard to like a game amidst the same pile of trash,zombies, iron sights, over the shoulder camera, "dark souls" combat,etc,the only games that did it good are the ones who did it first

>Sup Forums complains about vidya in 2011
>Sup Forums complains about vidya in 2018
What's the difference?

Level/map design stands out more if gameplay is bad. I can forgive some shitty level design if there is good gameplay, but not a whole lot of games have that nowadays.

Wow OP it's like extremes are a bad thing.

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2011, everyone was making corridor shooters or button mashing action games where you run forward with no more thrill than playing a beat-em-up or FPS from 1999.

Then instead, devs started making games with 2,000 fetch quests, big stretches of empty nothing, while losing focus on story, pacing, and gameplay.

Imbecile. You're conflating two kinds of linearity. A game like Deus Ex has a linear mission order, but its level design is non-linear, allowing for many different types of approaches.

When people in 2011 complained about games being too linear, they complained about too many games being corridor shooters where you spend the entire game hiding behind chest-high walls and going from one setpiece to the next. There is a humongous middle ground between open world and corridor.

Even Deus Ex HR was miles above most games that were releasing around the same time in terms of options and action roleplaying.
Then they went and cocked everything up with MD.

>false narrative

Both HR and MD have the same flaws.

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>Then they went and cocked everything up with MD.
They're the same game. The major thing that MD had going against it was diminishing returns. When you realize basically the same game twice, all of the flaws you either didn't notice or were willing to forgive suddenly seem much bigger.

Giant, wide-open sandboxes only sound appealing until you realize there's nothing to fucking do in them but throw sand at your friend and hope you don't pick up cat poop.

The reason I like games like Yakuza is because they're sandboxes, but the world map is incredibly small so instead of having to spend like five real-life minutes driving to the nearest actual thing to do it's literally a step away. And even if you don't wanna shop at a store or play space harrier at the arcade there's always bums just waiting to start shit with you on any given corner.