Why do people sperg so much over big boobs in vidya?

Why do people sperg so much over big boobs in vidya?

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the question is why not?

The same reason everyone who isn't a homo does outside of vidya

I want to splurge so much over big boobs in vidya

Cause they're not big enough

i would sperg about them IRL but i have no one to talk to

based autistic underwear poster

It's trolls, attempting to SJW troll. Then anti-SJW trolls show up, followed by Sup Forums trolls, followed by even more SJW trolls.

This cycle repeats until 404.

Because it’s like penis envy, but with boobs. Except I don’t get mad my dick is only 7”. 7” is small right? That’s what my brother says.

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Only SJWs and soyboys sperg out over big boobs and attractive women. It shouldn't MATTER how hot or ugly a character is, then these shitheads have to go out and make it matter by throwing up a stink about how it's sexist or ableist or whatfuckingever, with guys over there jumping in the echo chamber in the hopes that it'll get them some pussy. It doesn't matter if a character is ugly or fat or sexy if it fits the game, it's just very obvious that a lot of this shit is being shoved in to appease people who don't even play and just like to find things to complain about.

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>tfw I love games like Neptune and Senran that give me all my glorious panties
>I don't even care about titties or nudity
>But this is what I li-

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Big boobs can be very sexy to men. Sexual imagery is powerful. "Sex sells," and it's true.

Big boobs are used to sell games, because the image of a sexy female grabs a man's attention like nothing else can.

It is the manipulation of men, it's just that a lot of men don't mind being manipulated like that because, hey, they get to ogle boobs without perving on a real female, and all the negative consequences that can carry.

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Does anyone here like big boobs and has a nintendo 3ds

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I sperg over flat chests

I sperm over flat chests

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>url not found

>scanning it with a phone and not 3ds

>Big boobs can be very sexy to manchildren.

Also, Jesus christ the janitors are a bunch of sensitive nancy boys.

Because we allowed the opinions of fags and women to have weight.

there's nothing wrong with above average boobs, COWTITS are disgusting though (see hitomi tanaka)

the best part about mei is her huge ass anyway

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I want to hug Komari

Obsessed Fetishists

SJWs aren't people.

>"url not found"
>"open web browser?"
>picture is there

I'll admit I'm a retard, but that url not found message is completely misleading

wrong image sorry

>there are people who think this isn't an improvement

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Well you sure showed them

White women belong to black men, this is as god intended.

The people who complain about female characters having huge boobs because that makes them "too sexual" are about half right.

Fictional characters are works of art, and are products of their creators, ergo they are tailor-made for a purpose. Art can be mindlessly created without much intent behind it, but in the case of mass media that is designed to be bought by hundreds of people, that kind of retardation isn't an excuse.

So yeah, girls with huge boobs in games are designed with sex appeal in mind, to sell more copies to the men who like that sort of thing. It's manipulation of the consumer, on some level.

However, I do agree with the people who come at it from the angle of the girl: a woman is sometimes just born with massive boobs. She didn't ask for them, they just happened. Because of them, people see her and judge her based on those and make assumptions based on them, incorrect or not. I can see how a person like that would get offended about painting all busty women as sex objects... But they are missing the point, though, and that is, as I said, that fictional busty women aren't real, and were (9 times out of 10) designed as sex objects.

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It says "URL found" for me. Are you sure you aren't even more retarded than you think?

If I could have anything with tits, I would prefer those tits to be big
that's it



You're a genuine retard.

Nothing but lies, ignore this faglord.

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>hitomi tanaka

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jealous flat wamen.

jealous fat* women

neither are namefags

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Big boobs =! Fat

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glad you exposed yourself as a faggot shitposter with that image

what do you think boobs are

Because they are disgusting.

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Boobs are fat but not all women with big boobs are fat, even though most fat women have big boobs.

Truly the saddest sight to behold is an obese chestlet.

mei is fat regardless of boobs

The whole "just watch porn" argument is such a cock of shit to begin with. Apparently a female character being aesthetically pleasing is the same as a pornstar getting railed by ten guys at once.

The same reason they have NSFW sections in Discord chats


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Wtf is a twelvie?

Ironic thing is all these female characters have their respective porn in the web, meaning, at the end all these fags just wanted to see her being nailed by ten guys in a row or whatever the fuck you said...

Generic way of calling somebody to old, you know, like "he's twelve"... it ain't that hard bro

Breasts are a miracle of the universe. No reason why they can't be seen often. If women are insecure over a girl that doesn't exist getting more attention then it's pretty clear where the issue lies.

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>Breasts are a miracle of the universe.

They're balls of fat attached to garbage.

good looking garbage

i love snek

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Some people have been memed into thinking liking boobs makes you some kind of horrible misogynist who hates women. Like you can't just like breasts, it has to be some kind of deep bullshit armchair psychological problem instead of just basic biology.

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Because I'm expected to buy shitty games because of tits. I like tits but I like good gameplay more.

Who cares, a painting can look good too but Im not about to fap to ne.

Sure, if you absolutely hate women. Not everyone is like that, though.

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Cute abs on a women > all

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it's not ladylike.

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Guess big cocks aren't manly.

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abs + big boobs pls

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Please post more beautiful abs. Dark skinned tomboys and snusnu give me life.

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Is DGW666 okay? Their Twitter hasn't updated since Valentine's Day or so.

Because i'm fat and in real life I could never even talk to one of the bombshells.

And in real life Big Breasted hot chicks will know they're hot, and will expect only a toned god.

I'll see what I can dig up for a bit.

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>horse face
>not disgusting

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>east asian
>less attractive

good, more qts for me you faggots

I can whack it to them only in motion these days, its harder with stills, I wish they could actually do real nudity.

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When the hell was this in the show?

Season 2? One of the early episodes, it's her sister.

Pretty sure he's a guy.

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This guy does some top notch muscles on ladies.

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>muscle women

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Sup fella

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>not liking muscular women makes ME a fag

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>literally being gay
Kill yourself my man.

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>disgusting titty monster

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>muscle is for men only ree

Not only a fag, but also a retard

shit taste desu

Never thought I'd see the day when a bunch of soyboy muscle worshippers called me gay for liking women that look like they're supposed to

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like well-chiseled machines that could crack you open like a walnut

I think someone posted about it being related to pedophila

No idk why.

I want more thicc women in my games

>dbzposter has the taste of a teenager when it comes to women

>Ung-chad out hunting Sabertooth
>Gug-stacy back with the tribe taking care of Ung-jr
>Wolves attack tribe
>Gug-stacy stand no chance as she's a frail defenseless twig/larder
>Ung-Chad not make mistake again

jason schreier

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Because they are the ultimate symbol of freedom and greatness.
Don't be fooled, anyone that wants big boobs gone might as well say that he wants freedom gone.

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>not wanting a woman to destroy your pelvis as you fuck
LITERALLY gay. I highly recommend killing yourself you low test beta.

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this will never not be funny to me

>Someone actually wasted brainpower writing this just like I wasted brainpower writing this reply

>Talking like a self-absorbed teenager lying through their teeth
And this is why places like Resetera and Neogaf should be burned to the ground.