DirectX 12 API to include ray tracing

ready for the future pc bros?

Attached: dxr-seed-800x450.jpg (800x450, 45K)

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Why aim for photorealism when you can have just that by not playing games?

I might be mixing up things but couldn't devs do this before already without the API? What's the point?

Not in real time. Also the difference here us that the whole image isn'r raytraced, only shadows and reflections making the calculations faster.

ray tracing was already a thing in quake wars, 11 years ago.

Attached: perfect realism.jpg (936x1436, 211K)

Oh, that's cool. Thanks.


Who cares? Anyone with half a brain isn't using win10

>not in real time
real time ray tracers were always a thing

meant for

>he uses a OS that's almost 10 years old

That's pretty cool, even if useless.

Came here to post this. When will devs realise you can make do with so much less and be more recognisable in the process?

>Similar to Plato's writings about mimesis, Aristotle also defined mimesis as the perfection, and imitation of nature

damn, ignoring classicism, are we?

Attached: 1505446819369.jpg (1600x1200, 134K)

>im 14 and this is deep
back to /r/eddit

Attached: dorf.png (785x757, 8K)

so DX12 has a feature now?
congrats Microsoft

Why use something newer when they don't fix anything and just add more problems?

>people will remember raytracing as being a DX12 exclusive

Attached: ZETSUBO.gif (426x240, 388K)

Nintendo ALWAYS win.

This, It's pretty useless considering how slow it will be if used to any scale in an actual video game.

gay racing? what the fuck this is low even for microsoft

What is raytracing?

DX12 failed to get adopted by more than like 2 dev studios when it was new, somehow I doubt adding in a newfangled and most likely more hardware-intensive shadow shader will do anything.

You can do picture like OP in current Unity5, what's the deal?

Imagine simulating each photon that reaches your eyes

It's not really anything like that
Ready for the future PC bros?

except have it backwards, so it's your eyes shooting light

>It's not really anything like that

I can't wait to get console ports of games with RayTracing(TM) that runs at 15fps and looks uglier than PC games from 2010.

Who needs shading?
Ambient lighting is where it's at.

Attached: cover_14.jpg (1280x720, 186K)

instead of having some lights with pixelated shadows and dark corners to simulate the lack of light, it launches rays for every pixels of the screen.
Rays bounce on objects depending on algorithms simulating real photons, giving a near perfect lighting but at an extreme cost.

well that's what Unity 5 does, while also using DX9

>the same games with the same shitty gameplay with simplistic AI, and filled to the brim with liberal political agenda and gender ideology
>now with better graphics
>for only $1.999 thanks to the bitcoins
I surely can't wait for all these old school 8bit pixel survival crafting indie games, now with ray tracing in their 2d-3d environments...

It's quite pathetic how you kids will eat this shit up and upgrade your computer like good lapdogs.

Attached: 1505144507718.png (455x410, 41K)

>want to upgrade ye olde toaster
>see current GPU prices
>reconsider upgrading ye olde toaster

Attached: speccy.png (525x387, 20K)

Vulkan/OpenGL already has this.

post mems

adding more realism to things that are inherently unrealistic will enhance the suspension of disbelief though

with their progressive lightmapping you mean?
this time it will be realtime and win10 only it seems.

That's sad that we have to wait for Microsoft to push graphics when raytracing could have been used for years.

like wolfenstein 3D?

Someone post some examples of raytracing vs the way it's currently done

Photorealism is better than something attempting to do photorealism and failing.

DirectX had VR rendering in 2009 already. being in the API!=popping up in every game overnight.

Yes, this will totally make games more fun to, you know, play.


just because it's in DOS doesn't mean it's running on a PC from 1980.
Also we can't even have multiple real time light source at the moment. That raytracer is gonna sleep in some "ultra high" 8000$ system for a while if devs even bother to use it. And certainly not in 4K nor 60 fps.

>grrrr old people truth is FAKE! I AM YOUNG YOU LOSE
fuck off, underaged shit.

Greeks philosophers said basically everything and it's opposite. Nobody was "right", they are used today ebcause they all debated their point without as much meme and ad homs as intellectuals to today to excuse they electronic chinese toys purchase

because they can't have the real thing you dumb cuck, whoever you are.

i don't wanna watch a movie about a suicidal depressed fat neckbeards masturbating all day long on 2d porn

This made me giggle user.

>aesthetics don't matter!
Go play Pong and Tetris, mate.

This is also true, however, one should find the fine line where they work well. Leaning too much towards realism makes it boring or not enjoyable. (Although this can be a + for some horror or survival games, it depends) Leaning too much towards absurdism just makes a game a series of wild connections with no clear direction. This, too, can be a good thing depending on the game. Nonetheless, finding a good middle is best.

directX only, locked, proprietary

>glorious amd
directx and vulkan, open source, helping both M$ and Khronos develop new ray tracing techniques and deployment.

A technique that mimics real life can be used to make something that isn't realistic.

It means less work on making the lighting look good, which means more time spent elsewhere.
So maybe it makes level design faster because they don't fiddle with lighting so much and they make more levels.

The thing is, we could already have graphics like this (mirror's edge, half life 2), but only precomputed.
Pic related is using voxels instead of rays.
With raytracing in real time we could have technically perfect and physically accurate lighting with moving objects.

Reflections and refractions:
Some game already have reflections this good, but not in real time.

global illumination, shadows, and reflections:
most games rely on screen-space occlusion to simulate the lack of light and precompute raytracing for global illumination.

Attached: unity segi sponza.png (1920x1080, 1.83M)

Yeah but can raytracing beat Madara Uchiha

>thanks AMD for the help

If the only games to ever exist were Train Simulator and Fifa, this would be perfectly valid.

Luckily video games aren't art so...

Attached: who did this haha.gif (640x480, 1001K)

absolutely btfo

Yeah its been available in Open Standards for decades, but generally been too slow to use. Microsoft making a big deal of adding it to DirectX now, not long after Vulkan 1.1 brought with it a bunch of important new features to improve it for developers seems suspicious.

Hey developers, don't pay attention to this Cross Platform Standard that will work on virtually any Operating System on any hardware, or do you want to, look at what our closed API can do on this one OS on this one video card!

this is the most retarded OP I've ever seen

Closed source always wins, baby.

GPU ray tracing has been possible since forever... what the fuck is this shit?

The Nintendo fusion

>technical perfection can only recreate nature
The hell was this guy smoking?
Music by its nature doesn't perfectly recreate anything in nature, yet the most technically perfect music is still great to listen to.