Do you remember the day you got your GameBoy?

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I think it was for Christmas and the only game I had for ages was Tetris. Great console as long as there was good lighting.

>Go to Toys 'r Us with buddies and our mums
>Promised a Game Boy
>They don't have the transparent crystal one I really wanted
>Settle for the yellow one with black buttons
>Also came with Galaga/Galaxian
It doesn't matter anyway because the gameboy was fucking garbage, shitty screen and crappy games. Some time later on I got a Game Gear which was superior in absolutely every single way.

I remember the day I got my original. I still have some of the games I got with it too.

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My birthday and pokemon red game

>he was a gamegear fag
While you were replacing the 8 AA batteries all the other kids were enjoying pokemonkino

It's not mint anymore, it smells like your crack you stupid slut.

user GET OUT



The harry potter GB games were criminally underrated. I also played contra and some really shitty castlevania that was so incredibly hard to play due to stiff controls.


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I completely forgot about that, thanks for the laffs

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Christmas 2000, first game I got for it was DKC, my brother's first game was a tomb raider port, I had the clear ice-white gameboy color, he got the atomic purple

apparently Prisoner of Azkaban on the GBA was also an RPG

That day doesn't exist

Not him but Game Gear was great at home or in the car with an adapter. I had and loved both.

yeah, got mine a year before pocket came out, when the duke boys came in differnt colors. Wanted the clear one, but parents got me the OG boy bundled with killer instict. Shitty port, but memorable. Got mm wily wars and world heroes 2 jet soon after. worth.

>cousin stole my copy of pokemon the trading card game

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>replacing the 8 AA batteries
Bitch please, I was PREPARED

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I remember stealing one from some random kid in school. Wasn't a kid from my class or even one from the same building.
All I did was walk into the room where everyone had their backpacks and jackets and went through some backpacks. Found a GameBoy and took it.
No one was indoors during recess and no one checked where all kids went. It was fucking easy. Free GameBoy.
I never told anyone and just kept it in my room, because I wasn't retarded.

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This is the reason there are school shootings.

I had someone do this to me several times as kid. Was it you, you son of a bitch?!

>Asked for this for Christmas
>Suffered crippling regret when it actually blew ass

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Probably not. I only stole one GB from that school.

I hope you get aids, you cunt!

How's that shit mint if she pulled it out of her ass

Bring back the old USA.

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>Haha I can play Sonic too!

My family used to rent a school gymnasium for our Christmas party and I got the tetris bundle from Santa. Also got a bugs bunny VHS.

>be me
>be small child
>get game boy from santa
>get game boy game from grandma that same day
>smell a rat


Yeah. My old man bought it for me along with Pokemon Crystal during a long rainy day. That was a good day.

Which era of gaming was your childhood Sup Forums?

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My sister and I both got a Gameboy colour for Christmas. She got Pokemon blue and I got Pokemon pinball.


Is that a dynamo handcrank, gearfag? Dat muscular hand sure prepared you for a life of loneliness.

I didn't own a gameboy but borrowed my friends all the time for tetris and remember finishing Mario in the back of his dads car on the way to a destruction derby

Most of Sup Forums were not even born then lol

my Gameboy screen has gotten more greener. I can barely see anything

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>I got a Game Gear which was superior in absolutely every single way.

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Late Gen X - Early Gen Y. Alot of nostalgia in that picture.

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You have three seconds, and I fucking mean three, to give. me. the. SAUCE!!

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On my birthday while we were in Amsterdam (I live in the Netherlands). My twin brother and I both got a Gameboy Advance. His was black with the game Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Mine was White with black stripes and the game Super Mario Bros.

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My parents got me a Game Gear, probably ruined my childhood tbch.

Is this bait? Looking at your picture this has gotta be bait...

Picket fences

I dont get it

I remember I got it with pokemon yellow.
My mom took it away from me the same day as punishment for some stupid shit I don´t even remember anymore.

You're a good man, user. Many blessings upon you.

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>The harry potter GB games were criminally underrated.
Absolutely. Chamber of Secrets was my shit. I'll never forget the part with Tom Riddle and the Basilisk boss.

A kid came with his parents and rented a place from my family for a while. I would go up to play with him and he had a gameboy which I played all the time because I didn't have one. His mom made him give it to me when they left. Early one, grey, black and white screen. I had Tetris and Killer Instinct.

>G H O S T I N G
One reason the game boy sucked ass

well thats what you get

Got mine for xmas in 1989. Got the TMNT game not too long after. one of my favorite games ever

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I was that cousin.

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I got my first gameboy in 2002 and all it had was that shitty farming game, all I wanted was leaf green man.

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based thief poster

>Picket fences
what the fuck man

You are way too young to be posting here

some meme story about some dude fucking a girl to this tune.

Underage, please go.

Late Gen Y - Early Gen Z

>tfw ads like this would be consider abject diddler indoctrination today
>tfw if the sex roles were reversed, soyny would be foreclosed on the morning after first airing

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Yeah, i was in hospital with broken legs and hip. Mum spend her month paycheck to get me one.
Such was life in postcommie land.

87 reporting in.

I was 9 and got it Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
I was so happy, but back in the days of childhood everything made me happier than today

Early Gen Y. that little Turrican picture in there Time fucking flies.

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>capitalised, confirming this was the intended spelling
>inb4 muh auto-correct misspelt
>waste time with vidya before acquiring basic language skills


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Dudes. If he got a game boy in 2002 as a kid he could be like 23 now. The early 2000s are nearly fucking retro now.

Ouch man you really hurt my feelings. I'll probably stop posting here now.

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i got mine in 2004 and I’m 23

classic, kek

Exactly. Everyone thinks the early 2000s were yesterday but they were a long time ago now, time is weird like that.

>Leaf Green

>there was a kid in my class whose GameBoy got stolen during recess

kids are ruthless

Mid to late gen y

Yeah, I was on a plane on my way back home from a vacation and I looked into my mums purse, where I saw a box with charizard on. I asked her what it was and she told me I wasn't supposed to see it yet as it was a surprise for my birthday. She then let me open the gameboy and pokemon red early and I experienced my very first console and game. I miss the simple times my bois

My fucking GameBoy got stolen during recess. You are probably the cause of my mild racism.

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pfft bahaha

My mom went to a business trip to Japan and got me a GB Pocket along side two games, a doraemon game and a tamagochi like one
she also got me a pikachu tamagochi when pokemon wasnt even a thing in the west

It's not your fault, Will...

>hurt feelings (amygdala) should not trump a neglected brain (frontal cortex)

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>Sixth birthday
>Mom and aunts all put money together
>Got me a Game Boy Color and Pokemon Blue
>Play game without knowing english
>Ask mom to translate words while playing
>End up learning english at a young age
Thanks Nintendo

I just said the GameBoy of one of my classmates got stolen
that’s why I never brought mine to school


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I can’t remember 2 years ago unless reminded should I see a doctor

I am so erect right now.

>Play game without knowing english
I couldn’t finish Sims Bustin Out on GBA because I didn’t know English and was learning German in school at the time
I was able to finish it 5 years later tho when I started learning English in high school

>he fell for the STEM meme.

It’s all about business, computers, and education. You subhumans can do the rest. Give me the business or I’ll give you the business, put you out of business, and make business none of your business

I was born 87, my first machine was bootleg atari 2600 cause poorfag.

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Holy shit, this.

What the fuck happened in the past 10 years? We need a reset STAT!

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What if her ass is mint-scented

Core-late Y

I wanna see your countries education statics, Pablo.

Gen Y :^]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] soy soy soy trump soy

god i wish that were me

No, I've never had a gameboy.