How big is your stock Sup Forums?

How big is your stock Sup Forums?

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Like 7.4 inches

I dont buy amiibos. The NFC spoofed cards are cheaper and do the same thing

Only got the Squid Sisters. Wish the Off the Hook girls came seperatly. I dont want the gremlin amiibo.

How many Pokemon games do you have

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how wide can you open your mouth?

that is a fine collection of future landfill

Useless. Just open them. This is literally the only time you can collect figurines and not look like 100% a retard because they actually serve a purpose.

They're the next beanie babies. I made a fortune thanks to those gold mario amiibo.

These are the only ones I bought and just because they were this cheap.
Usually just deliverance costs more.

Attached: Amiibo.png (302x429, 54K)

None, because I sold my 3DS 2 years ago and only have a Switch and Vita now for handhelds

Where is your gameboy

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Somebody on Sup Forums must have gone full retard and bought a ton.
show me.

>posting a fucking gba game with original gameboys

In a display case with my NES, Atari and Genesis

the shame is hidden

Remember when these were rare lol

where are your pokemon games for gameboy

I've got about a dozen. just wanted the little figures.
Though that's not counting every Animal Crossing amiibo.

Only original gameboy era pokemon I have is a japanese version of Yellow

I stopped pretty soon after they started coming out but I do want to keep going. I saw the Chibi Robo in the OP so I just ordered the one with the game packaged with it. Not bad for $15 brand new.

Attached: amiibos.jpg (3572x1967, 617K)

Aside from possibly selling the product in the future, why won't you remove the figure?

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What a weird man

>remove the figure
And just collect the box?
What the fuck

Those are only like 15 there has to be much worse on here

I wish it was worse :(
I imagine having a lighted hallway full of them from floor to ceiling like the Arin Hansen.

Do it and post pics

I mean, I absolutely will but that's hundreds of dollars down the line in time.
I could post my entire MCU blu-ray collection if you want.

Eww no I don't want to see that.

But buy the amiibo asap

Well ok, user. But I'm going to open them all like a normal person. Unless they come packaged with a game. Can't open those.