Toys 'R Us Closing ALL Stores

In memory, post Toys R Us stories.

>mfw some of you were born in 2000 and probably never experienced the TRU prime glory days during the 3rd-6th vidya generations

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Video games

I hope you didn't sage, because Toys R Us sold Video games too.

underage detected

One of my fondest memories of Toys R Us was preordering Majora's Mask there in 2000

I bought plenty of video games here, and other shit.
Being born 1989 was both hell and heaven

I bought my first ps2 game from a Toys R Us. It was Dark Cloud. A really fun game.

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I was born in 85. TRU is shit.

noooooooooooo my precious toyz


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I never experienced Toys R Us because it wasn't local and my parents couldn't drive. By time I could get there via the local bus system, I could just go to the mall and shop at Planet Comics, Babbages, Gamestop, and other stores.

I never went to TRU for video games, but I have good memories from Legos.

I grew up with only one Toys R Us in my area, but my parents didn't like to take me there because it was actually right next to a gentlemen's club.

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Remember having to take the paper slips for games, going to checkout with them, and then having to pick up your game at that specific section of the store?

this only for USA not Canada right?

i was just at toys r us today, almost picked up one of those blind bag things(gravity falls characters) but skipped it

>hey Trump played a gameboy one time, he is video game related. Remember to #MAGA!

Go there now before the liqudators come in and mark everything up

I loved going to Toys 'R Us as a kid, but it wasn't for vidya, it was for Thomas the Tank Engine tracks

>Went to Pokemon League for three years
>Bought all my vidya there
>GBA boxes were never smashed in
>Could actually return vidya that had been opened
rip in peace

Yooo, I LOVED those. Never had some of my own. But man they were neat.

I haven't been to a Toys R Us for video games since the SNES era


Video games are toys

Dear God I feel old.

>$60 then

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I worked there for like 4 months and it sucked. I don't know why they didn't continue putting a larger focus on kids clothes/baby supplies and have toys as a reduced focus. People only buy toys en masse during christmas it's a shitty business model, but they still had name recognition.

>went to toys r us
>watched a child barf liquid on a bin of plushies
>an employee saw it but didn't do anything about it
>probably just let it dry over weekend and sold it to unsuspecting parents later

Dunno how clean they kept the stores in the US, but here in Europe they were trashy establishments, especially in the past years.

Big if TRU

Remember when the only way to pick a game was to look at the box or buy a magazine?

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This one does a much better job of illustrating the point. Those of us who were old enough to be around for fourth and fifth gen found it hilarious when kids started complaining about the price jump from $50 to $60 during seventh.

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The ones near me were extremely trashy places. I only ever saw minorities shop there.

>TRU prime glory days
TRU was always shit, retard

So what killed the toy giant?
Tablets? Amazon?



That can't be the US prices, right?

>be me
>cousin rented mega man 3 at block buster, thought it was the shit
>ask for it on b-day
>grand parents take me, get me mega man 4
>x-mas comes a short time later
>santa gets me my toys r us wish list, technodrome, turtle blimp, and punch-out.
>happiest kid in the whole county.

i'll never feel this or experience this level of excitement as an adult. Not even as a father.

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What the fuck at that Illusion of Gaia. That's not even the real box art

Unironically Mitt Romney

>tfw that time when you were 4 when you went to Toys 'R Us and you vomited all over the floor because it was so cold in there
I got a little boat that day, never saw any use because I didn't own a pool or anything though

Toys R Us themselves blamed video games.

>Gonna be the first year we don't see this at Crimbo

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It's probably Australian or Canadian.

US Prices were more like $40-$70. Which was still insane considering inflation.

I remember finding and buying Wipeout XL as soon as one opened in my town.
Good times.

None, actually.

>It's true, online shopping didn't help matters, but the struggles of Toys "R" Us predate the boom in online shopping. Many of its wounds were self-inflicted.
>The company's biggest problem: It was saddled with billions of dollars in debt. That debt stopped it from making the necessary investment in stores. And that meant an unpleasant shopping experience that doomed the chain.
>Toys "R" Us' debt problems date back to well before Amazon (AMZN) was a major threat. Its debt was downgraded to junk bond status in January of 2005, at a time when Amazon's sales were just 4% of their current level.
>A year later the company was taken private by KKR, Bain Capital and real estate firm Vornado. The $6.6 billion purchase left it with $5.3 billion in debt secured by its assets and it never really recovered.

More here :


Yeah. Even after the SNES was dead, Donkey Kong Country was still $80. And it continued into fifth gen, too. I bought WWF No Mercy with birthday money, and it was $70.

My family wasn't walthy but for the better part of my adolescence all I ever fucking wanted was goddamn Thomas the Tank Engine track parts - it's all I asked for for Christmas, birthday, etc.. Seriously had a 20 gallon tub filled to brim with this shit and it was fucking fun

I'm glad to have eventually discovered video games though because the alternative was to become a train autist who waits near local train yards as a hobby.

Girls (actual children) don’t like Star Wars, and boys (actual children) want action heros that they can relate.

You don’t cater to people who don’t even walk into your store.


Lel, are you me? My family wasn't wealthy at all (hence why I could never get the tracks), but I loved those things for some reason. I think it was just how neat the wooden tracks were.

Been going to the same Toys R' Us my entire life. So many toys, so many memories. Got my 3DS and Switch there, too.

Gonna take a while to get over this one...

I think u meant ironically

Depends on the game and how big it was. Niche titles with huge cartridge sizes like JRPGs (FF2, CT) were routinely $90

Where I got majority of my toys. I'm guessing where my parents got the GameCube. One thing for sure its where I got my Mobile Fighter G Gundam toyz

It's US. Those were prices for SNES games back then. Don't talk about things you weren't alive for.

it's got the purple SNES buttons, isn't that color american exclusive?


>Be a child
>Go to Toys R Us
>It's utopia but I can't afford anything and only get what my parents will give me
>Vow to make it right

>Be an adult
>Go to Toys R Us
>I can afford almost anything I want but nothing appeals to me anymore
>Leave the store unfulfilled

>The business goes under

Growing up is an abstract feel, isn't it?

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I didn't go there that often. I think the last time I was there was around 18 years ago and I may have picked up some pokemon cards at that time.

Yes. SNES games really were that pricey.

The final straw from what I heard is that the millions of Star Wars toys that they took in aren't budging at all, they're dead weight that broke the camel's back.


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>those prices
equivalent to like $30-40 in today's money when you account for wage stagnation and decrease in dispoable income. why did the ENTIRE world have to go to hell after amerifats got genocided on 9/11???

>tfw the Toys R Us I grew up with was closed when I was young, like 2002 (I remember I got my PS2 there, god, what a day)
>tfw it's now a Supermarket
>tfw going to that exact Supermarket in a few minutes to buy stuff for the storm coming tomorrow
>tfw see this thread

Like poetry...

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>be a child
>see all the toys
>"wow this is such a great place"

>be an adult
>smell the urine in the entry way from the homeless bums pissing themselves at night
>"wow this is such a shithole"


>Xmas 1998
>Aunt takes me to toys r us and tells me to pick out whatever video game I want
>I am overwhelmed by the choices
>Stare dumbfounded at all the games
>30 mins go buy "user, you should pick something we gotta get going"
>Panic sets in
>Choose NFL Quarterback Club for the N64
>I don't even like football
>I could have chosen Ocarina of Time
>I could have chosen literally any other fucking game on N64
>tfw I ruined my own xmas present

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I still buy Yu-Gi-Oh packs from my local Toys R Us. Guess I'll just stick to online shopping.

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I always loved going down the video game isle and grabbing the game vouchers.

>Grandpa comes back to the states to visit, and takes me to Toys R Us
>Walking through the isles with that child like wonder, he tells me I can pick out any one game
>Looking through the wall of new N64 games, pick out Mischief Makers

He passed away a few years ago, and playing Mischief Makers has this bitter-sweet feeling to it now.

What sucks is that now theres only shit like Target and Wal Mart.

Death would be preferable.

My only Toys R Us memory is winning $200 in gift cards from a school raffle and spending it all on Star Wars legos and action figures when Attack of the Clones came out. Not vidya though.

>>Choose NFL Quarterback Club for the N64
>>I don't even like football
Nobody can be this retarded

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>never even entered a Toy's r us
>still laugh because I saw the writing on the walls years ago

I heard that plastic is a lot more expensive to produce today than 20-30 years ago, so it is a lot harder to sell action figures for a profit nowadays.


saved & screenshotted

be patient, he has autism

bought FF7 there in 1998

He did post an anime pic so...

>TCG cards

How much is a pack? I started collecting Pokemon cards again a few months ago and I noticed a pack was stupid $4.99 instead of $3.99 like everywhere else. Found it to be really scummy of TRU. Like I know they gotta make money, but c'mon.

I remember getting game boy games from Toys R Us
I would love to see pictures of one from that era

It literally is video games you fucking retard

It happens. I picked Fifa 64 over Turok

Yeah i was pretty surprised in 5th grade with the jump from 50 to 60 until my older brother educated me on the annoying ranges of prices in the snes era

Toys 'R' Us is where I bought Soul Calibur II and Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.
and a bunch of Hot Wheels City playsets and Yu-Gi-Oh! cards

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>Can't tell when people sage
>Underage detected

Went there as a child and got a white Megatron Transformers toy along with Zoids and Gundam models. As a teenager, got some good video game deals. Worked there in my later teens for a few years. I had my fun with it. Now where are the clearance deals so I can make one final memory?
I went to a TRU not too long ago and found that they had a lot of old stuff like YGO packs from 2004 and Dragunity starter decks. It's almost like a dumping ground for old packs.

>equivalent to like $30-40 in today's money
That's not how inflation works, buddy.

>get taken to the $50 steak or get your ass beat store by my mom's boyfriend
>taking too long to choose, get told to pick as we're leaving
>choose to get my ass beat
>much prefer steak

Radioshack dying is the one that really struck me though, Toy R' Us was a very occasional thing, but there was a Radioshack right across the street from me so I was there pretty often as soon as I could cross the street

One of the workers there bought me something one time, he was cool guy.

Unless you were looking at the page counter before they posted, you can't anymore

And yet...

How odd. Its like Mighty No. 9 and Mega Man: For one to live, the other must die.

I have never bought a video game from toys r us, got a lot of hot wheels and lego though

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>little electronic parts that you can buy on amazon with free shipping for less money
>usually doesn't even have the one you need
I'm not surprised Radio Shack is gone

>let me only quote half the sentence so it still works with my supreme logic
you cannot seriously compare the price of games in the 80s/90s to today using inflation while conveniently ignoring stagnating wages and disposable income

Honestly what happened? Do people not buy toys anymore or do they just get them from Walmart/target or some other shit?


>Don't talk about things you weren't alive for.
I wish, faggot.
Mega man X was the most expensive game I personally bought on the Snes for $65. Anything else my parents bought because I was a child.

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no, it's canada as well

Not a chance they'll return. Would be highly unsuccessful/profitable.

Wal Mart and Amazon. They kicked TRU's ass last Christmas.

Are fucking consoles gonna be marked down this time?

2 of the others near me didn't have consoles marked down


>Toys R Us is hoping to start liquidation sales at most of its U.S. stores on Thursday, and complete those sales by the end of June.
>The timetable was disclosed Tuesday at a hearing in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Richmond, Va. The toy superstore chain, which last week announced plans to dissolve its U.S. operations, came seeking court approval for its liquidation sale plan.
>Some store may close earlier, he said, if inventory sells out faster.
>The company's distribution centers, which supply the stores, will close before the stores do, said Bill Kosturos, vice chairman of U.S. restructuring for Alvarez & Marsal, one of the companies advising Toys R Us in the liquidation. Otherwise, the operation is expected to take 14 weeks.

More here:

I would call my local TRU and ask, but I don't want to bum out the employees, you know? Must already be tough for them to hear news, especially those who haven't found other jobs.

Man that really sucks. There's this one older guy who works at my TRU and he's a very kind nice dude. Hope he finds something elsewhere.

the only thing that's gonna get marked down is the metric ton of star wars trash overflowing their aisles

I'll never forget the time I went to ToysRus as a wee lad with the money I earned shovelling snow and started opening Pokemon Booster packs I bought when some preteen kid started stealing my cards and tried to run.

The ToysRus guy working in the game section grabbed this kid by the arm and lifted him up and demanded he give me my cards back. He held the kid there until his mom came back and he called her child a devil.

I guess he was a Christian or something. He still worked there and never got fired.