What games have really good romance? Doesn't necessarily have to be well written exactly...

What games have really good romance? Doesn't necessarily have to be well written exactly, as long as it's sweet and tugs at the heart. I've literally done nothing but read crappy romance fanfics for the past 5 hours, I desperately need a nice love story to satisfy me.

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Lots of JRPGs incorporate the waifu element a lot so that's a cheap way to get some romantic interactions.
That or get some moege visual novels in you.

>I desperately need a nice love story to satisfy me.
Read Pandemonium Wizard Village.

But I like human romances

I've been Stuck like that for years, stuck reading romance, that is.

op have you read katawa shoujo?

Katawa Shoujo inb4 boooo it's a VN hurr durr
It's really sweet, and it definitely has some serious feels. I never regretted playing it.

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>mfw used to only watch shonen anime
>decided for the hell of it to finally watch toradora
>have done nothing but binge watch romance / SoL anime for the past 6 months

What a fool I once was. Glad I've finally embraced my inner weeb

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Shadow Hearts 1 and Covenant have a real good romance develop.

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R u a gril?

>Dude Saya no Uta lmao

Suit yourself

Yeah, I've read it, I liked it a lot.

why is that eggplant picture so arousing

>to enjoy romance you have to be a girl
>football, beer, tits, men MEN

Toradora is a shonen. Shonen does not mean fighting series. It means the demographic is teenage boys. Which yes, can include romance

My bad, I meant battle shounen. You are correct

>I've been Stuck like that for years, stuck reading romance, that is.
>>I desperately need a nice love story to satisfy me.
>I've literally done nothing but read crappy romance fanfics for the past 5 hours, I desperately need a nice love story to satisfy me.

>mfw KHV
>mfw on the same boat

My biological clock must be fucking with me

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This, a good, though not infallible, way to tell if your romance is aimed at men is what gender the main character is.
Male primary character: Shonen,
Female primary character: shoujo

Tits or gtfo.

What about josei? I'm pretty entry level when it comes to shit. I've only recently started trying to branch out.

In manga i've realized I love yuri shit but the romance where it's all just "pretty boy perfect men" is not for me. I much prefer the cute couples. Just finished Fujiyama-san wa Shishunki and loved it but I think that's Seinen?

Eventually you get to the point where you hate it with all your soul, since romance cliches in manga are somehow even more overused than battle shonen cliches. Then it warps right back around to consuming every cute romance.

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Nier Automata

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FFF ADF was cute

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Glad I'm not there yet. I know I hate reading Harem though so I've tried avoiding that as much as I can. Went through a bit of Nisekoi and was immediately turned off

Zidane and Dagger/Garnet from FF9 was pretty sweet, I thought.

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Final Fantasy X

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try not to get too bogged down with terms and lables and read and watch what appeals. theyre not that great an idicator of tone or content desu.

I've noticed that. Been trying to mostly read what has good art as that's one of the major factors for me. Feels good to find a new interest in genre though, like opening a treasure trove

play Muv Luv

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>those Memory Cage/Thorn side stories
made me tear up ngl

Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon

The only thing I can rec is to keep away from farming sims like Harvest Moon, Rune Factory, and Stardew Valley, the former two force the "romance" aspect on you by more or less guilting you into it and ending the game abruptly for not doing it. Stardew's issue is that it's rather bland with it's options, though you won't get the problems the former two series has.

Pandora's Tower is interesting because of how you interact with the main girl over the course of the game
>She gets cursed to turn into a monster
>Only way to hold back the curse is to feed her beast flesh
>To fully cure her you need to feed her the hearts of boss monsters
>Her interactions and reactions to you change over the course of the game, depending on her hunger and your actions

The girl is very sweet and is clearly crushing on you, and watching her get tormented over her curse is pretty interesting. She does her best to try live a normal life, cooped up in an abandoned house next to the forbidden dungeon while only eating the still warm flesh of monsters you bring back.

Another sweet game is Forward to the Sky, but that's friendship instead of romance. However, its cute and endearing, love it a lot.

I'm not sure I understand your reasoning here. He is saying he wants a game with romance, why would he care if you get punished for not engaging in romance options?
I've literally never run into one of those game's nonstandard endings (I didn't even know they existed, actually) because playing those games, I knew what I was getting into and engaged in the romance option from the start.

Fate Extella has some very lovey dovey scenes, and it kinda bombards you with sweetness. The more sweet it is at the start the more bitter the ending is in most routes

Tales from the Borderlands

I'm surprised to hear this. I'm aware that ONE Harvest Moon game does give you a game over, where the mayor says you're not really a part of the town so you should leave if you don't get married in a certain time frame. I haven't heard of any of the other games having this problem, nor the other series? I do know that some story progression in Rune Factory can be stopped since its waiting for you to get X far with a girl before it decides to drop a plot bomb on you though.

The same thing happened to me a few years back
All the anime I watched was toonamicore and I decided to try Toradora because of the "greatest love story ever told" meme
In hindsight it wasn't a masterpiece or anything, but I had no exposure to the genre and it led me to start watching a ton of shit I would just dismiss before

Like I said, it isn't even something that I have even run into, so I wouldn't worry about it.
Rune Factory 3 is a legit masterpiece though, and would highly recommend. You can even basically ignore the farming if you want to.

What are some other good romance anime? I've only watched toradora, kimi ni todoke, and ore monogatari, and I'm starting to feel the itch again.

Except for, you know, the part where the final dungeon wants you to have either hoarded crops or you're gonna spend a month growing them

That's fair, but it is still fairly minimal farming.
My strategy for replaying RF3 is mostly just to capture a few woolies and shear them every day. Easy money.

My strategy has been, and always will be, infinite turnips as far as the eye can see. Its a good way to raise your cooking level a bit, cooking turnips. And cooked turnips sell for a nice chunk of change too.

Illusion of Gaia had a cute thing with Lilly and Lance.

Play Grandia 1.

Try Seto no Hanoyome, Kare Kano, or Spice and Wolf
You can also look up one of the Sup Forums rec charts and find some romance series there

Soul Sacrifice has a bunch of great ones. It'll tug your heart strings 100%, but they're not so much sweet in the Shoujo manga "homemade cookies and roses" sense.

To The Moon, A Bird Story and Finding Paradise have really good romance in them too, they're a must play.
Rakuen kind of does aswell, but they're pretty generic despite their nice execution and they're not the main focus.

Lost Odyssey's got it nailed near perfectly, though it's not written as well outside of the Slideshow sections.

Persona Q is incredibly sappy. Not amazing at all, but it's incredibly cute and heartwarming. Don't listen to any Persona fans about it though.

Akiba's Trip: Undead and Undressed has one route that's (very) surprisingly pretty good despite the incredible amounts of generic cliches in all the other routes. Short of it is that your chosen girls goes a really long way to help you.

Trying to think of more, but it's a swirl of them right now.

I highly recommend Kids on the Slope.. Seconding Spice and Wolf too.
I don't know if these last two have an anime, but Something Something Kawaii Complex and Prunus Girl are really great reads.

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Grandia 1
Xenoblade 1 & 2
Lunar Silver Star Story
Nier Automata

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Trails in the Sky

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i hate this picture

what's wrong with it?

i'll never have someone looking at me like that

So what exactly is the problem here?


don't bother with anything else


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it makes me sad

Wagnaria is one of the best and my favorite romcoms I've seen. and I've seen so many. The romances actually develop into something instead of just stagnating too.

Love Tyrant was enjoyable too

Plastic Memories is really good too. Especially if you wanna cry at the end

Play the House in Fata Morgana right now

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Watch Canvas 2; Nijiiro no Sketch.
Erisu a cute.
Aoki is a lot cooler in the manga, tho.

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>Love Tyrant
How bad is the Harem in this? I really can't stand them

At least Botan won.

Dark Souls 2 has two legitimately nice love stories

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>ywn read cheesy romance novels with a grin plastered on your face in public without being looked down upon
Why wasn't I born a cute little girl?

Tell me a bit more about wagnaria. If I like what I hear I'll probably watch it.

How's is Wii emulation if I want to try Pandora's Tower?

It's a cute anime about goofing around in a restaurant. A lot of decent character development throughout and an ending OVA that ends very satisfyingly in terms of romance.

read em on your phone if you want to save face
or stop giving a fuck if you aren't a pussy
who says some cute girl won't approach you to talk about the novel and you both fall in love :D

Clannad for Love
Little Busters for Friendship

Look for romance VN's instead of reading awful fanfics.

The entire plot of Disgaea 2 revolves around the budding romance between the two lead characters with a 10/10 payoff at the end, it's also a damn good game to boot.

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cool, I'll probably take a look

I watched around ten episodes before I couldn't stand another second of it. absolutely putrid bogus sentimentality. I like cute heartwarming stuff but clannad was to cute heartwarming stuff what a low functioning autistic with down's syndrome is to a cute kid.

there's the problem. the vn gets you in the right mood before shoving love down your throat

Every time

I keep hearing good things about Clannad but I can't for the life of me get over the artstyle. The eyes just look so retarded.

Are you saying the VN is far far better than the anime?

Yeah, everything from the art style to the way the characters speak, think, and act sets off my natural disgust-at-defective-specimen instincts. They're just all revolting to watch.