Smash Dream Rosters

-Must have appeared on a Nintendo console in the past, or have a planned appearance.
-Cannot remove any character who has been playable in at least three Smash games.
-Do not exceed 80 characters total.

Attached: 5mash-DreamRoster.png (872x326, 439K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>-Must have appeared on a Nintendo console in the past, or have a planned appearance.

Attached: labokid.png (426x452, 154K)

Cloud appeared in Chain of Memories on GBA.

Attached: smash switch roster current.png (1100x600, 1.15M)

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy Explorers
Kingdom Hearts

You again? With fucking Goku? I swear if you all meme Goku in it I will commit sudoku on a copy of smash and shit all on and around it as i die

I realized that I somehow forgot bowser so take this roster and replace buzz with buzzwole (old roster builder), as well as replacing the miis with bowser, fe switch character and random

Attached: roster.png (720x275, 440K)

>he has cappy on it
clearly a joke user.

I was really close to putting Boo on mine, but figured he could be worked into Dry Bones' kit, and Dry Bones would probably have more he could do in general.

Love the idea of Black Mage.

Any idea how you'd want Wily to function?

Wow, this certainly is a dream roster.
a fever dream, some of these characters couldnt even have a full moveset, as well as being never evers.

Characters I still wouldn't mind:
-Slime or DQ rep
-Simon Belmont
-Eternal Darkness Rep
-Tony hawk

Attached: Smash Roster.jpg (1920x1080, 403K)

I find it so strange that a DQ rep wasn't put in instead of Cloud or at least an older FF rep.

Like Nintendo helped Publish some of those games back in the day and you have far more Dragon Quest games on Nintendo Consoles than others.

I honestly forgot to add Simon Belmont to mine.

>paper mario
After color splash? hah
>advance wars infantry
wow, they barely work as an assist trophy, let alone a figther
>a bunch of literally whos
>choir kid
why do people want this meme to happen, all his specials would be screech. Assist trophy
>tetris piece
that has to be a joke user

The only character on here that has good chances of getting in is travis.

you getting mad little baby ?

Not him, but nobody said they have to have good odds. It's a wishlist, not a prediction.

yes but the wishlist is still autistic and i hate it

Attached: Smash 5 roster.jpg (1024x576, 319K)

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>Choir kid
user... that's Marshal. His attacks would take cues from all the Rhythm Heaven minigames similar to how Duck Hunt duo takes from all the NES Lightgun Games

>Paper Mario
Because they're going to add another Mario Rep and its between him and captain toad and Paper Mario has a viable Moveset

Wars infantry is because there's like 2 more Fire Emblem games than wars games and they're sister series where Wars came out first. I see them working as being able to change to change into the different units like Tank for Side A, Recon for Dash, Big Tank for Side Smash, Anti Air for Up Smash, Bomber for Down B in air etc. etc. Super Viable moveset and would have more to do with the game's Mechanics than Fire Emblem reps do.

>a bunch of literally whos
That's the concept of Smash Bros. Are you saying you knew Marth and Ice Climbers before Melee came out?

>The only character on here that has good chances of getting in is travis.
The guy who masturbates in all his games is who you think is most likely?


Hey, bayo got in.
Travis has a new game coming out, they'll put him in for advertising.
Marth and iceclimbers had an audience before smash though,and while ice climbers was a retro rep, FE still had games after marth which i dont think smash would've made a difference to

>complains about literal whos
>The only character on here that has good chances of getting in is travis.

Attached: catt.png (540x489, 198K)

Are people just manually editing these or is there a program with this look?

>>>>>a second xenoblade rep
Unless its reyn or dunban i hope not
>le krystal meme
found the furry

ecco, la rostera

Attached: roster.png (624x276, 295K)

Great roster though I might not add so many indie characters. I really want everyone from Marshal to Wonder Red to get in especially Lip.


funky and belmont is the only good thing about this list
also, controversial but i think zelda shiek should be merged again

>Arle when Lip already exists and is better

I couldn't care less if Star Fox, I just added Krystal so the list would have more newcomers other than just the ones I wanted. I also would rather have her than Wolf.

Rex + Pyra is literally the most guaranteed character there is. Sakurai loved Xenoblade 2.

That's incorrect, plus Lip is from a dead puzzle series, Arle is not.

>would rather have the one time furbait character that is of somewhat dubious canon over the longtime rival who's already been a past rep
this makes me very unhappy



Two words user
Soliare Amiibo

>only 3 fe characters
Oh man. Great roster.

No western third party has a chance in Smash
Solaire is Japanese

I don't care about having a semiclone.

SHIT i misread
shovel knight?


Smash made the most difference because they didn't think anyone would actually buy Fire Emblem games in America.

Like literally all the original nintendo characters I posted got games and Sequels after they were Assist Trophies (or not) in Brawl except Drill Dozer and Star Tropics but that's why they're there cause if it can happen to Kid Icarus.

Here's the resources and then put together in photoshop

The Indies, Captain Toad, Impa and Waddle Dee were put in on a Whim

The only indie who I think deserves to be in is Quote.

Crash has more games and presence and Banjo Kazooie is one of Nintendo's Best Platformers.

Shovel Knight doesn't have a chance either because no one in Japan gives a shit about him

Wow, i guess you're right about rayman then

No one in Japan gives a shit about Rayman either.

shovel knight
minecraft steve

Which is why Rayman won't get in either

The west isnt very good at making reps.
probably wont be any

REMINDER: Don't take Choruskidsfags seriously, ever

But it's a Frenchie user...

Attached: Sm4sh for Nintendo Switch.jpg (1856x3728, 968K)

>no ecco the dolphin

Dante was in Project X Zone which was on 3DS

Attached: Smash Switch Roster.png (720x275, 447K)

i would really like to see skull kid t b h

>calling him doomslayer
Fuck off.

>He's the only Western rep who's likely
>he definitely won't get in

Nani Sore?

Any Rhythm heaven rep is a good choice

Most of this is pretty shit, but
>Mike Jones

Attached: b2f.jpg (680x447, 23K)

>new Mario fighter

>new Mario stage
New Donk City, where Pauline performs

>new Donkey Kong Country fighters
Dixie Kong
King K. Rool

>new Donkey Kong Country assist trophies
Cranky Kong
Funky Kong

>new Mother fighter

>new Mother assist trophies

>new Zelda fighters

>new Metroid fighters

>new Kirby fighters
Waddle Dee
Dark Matter

>new Kirby assist trophy

>new F-Zero fighters
Jody Summer
Samurai Goroh
Black Shadow

>new Pikmin fighter

>new Pikmin assist trophies
Water Wraith

>new retro irrelevant fighters
Lip (Panel de Pon)
Son Goku (Yuyuki)

>rules in a fantasy made up roster thread

something like brawls roster without clones would be ideal. The way it plays is more important than the characters. Would say melee size without clones, but the good additions from brawl like DDD and Wario would quickly fill that upwhich I would be fine with

>more pokemon
>turning diddy into a pair character
>king k...who?
>nu zelda and link but not nu shiek and ganon
>More FE reps
>ARMS reps

doomslayer is his name. i mean GAAAR rip tear comic!!!!!

i would play Gengar for sure

>>more pokemon
most popular nintendo series and has a lot of characters
>>turning diddy into a pair character
as they were in dkc2 and was originally intended for brawl
>>king k...who?
kill yourself
>>nu zelda and link but not nu shiek and ganon
there is no nu-shiek or nu-ganon
>>More FE reps
i'm being realistic
>>ARMS reps
yes and? new highly marketed fighting game. there's gonna be a rep.

Attached: smug kmb.jpg (447x400, 22K)

dumb animeposter

user this is a dream roster thread. No one could want THAT MANY fire emblem reps.

His official name in most Doom properties is Doomguy. Anyone who has played anything other than the 2016 "reboot" knows this

Worst of all, you acknowledging him as Doomslayer gives Bethesda character credit they don't deserve.

Keeping it semi-Nintendo relevant and not going completely ridiculous is the only thing ensuring the prevention of 100+ character rosters full of Naruto and Master Chief. Have to draw a line somewhere.

>No one could want THAT MANY fire emblem reps
unlike most people i genuinely enjoy fire emblem

>New F Zero fighters

Made me laugh user.

Add "no characters that Sony or Microsoft own" because everybody's putting fucking Banjo on their list

>Master chief
>in a fucking nintendo game
Yeah bullshit you ninten year olds do

And you're allowed to but ask for them in the Warriors game not a smash roster.

Especially that many sword users. Have Variety man. There aren't even that many Sword users in a single fire emblem game

>Especially that many sword users
yo i added ephraim for some variety, there aren't any spears in smash
anna could use something other than a sword too since she's basically used every weapon in fe at some point

>There aren't even that many Sword users in a single fire emblem game
A+ Humour user.

Attached: wear that mask with pride.png (618x360, 320K)

They should honestly limit pokemon and FE reps to 3 each, and then make Pokken and a FE style fighter on the side.

Make a new game on the Switch too, while we're at it.

Attached: why the fuck not.png (1900x1080, 1.1M)

As much as it hurts to say, its wishful thinking to believe that Corrin will come back ;-;

>3 each
there are like 800 pokemon and the series is ultra popular
no fucking way
and we're not having like 3 different fucking branches of smash that's mega gay


also shit character, waifufags are so cancer to smash

Might as well go all out.

i hate that corrin even made it in in the first place since he's such a shit character but he has a really fun unique moveset so i hope he stays in

I agree BUT I doubt they could happen as a fighter. A Trophy/Collectibles Minigame starring them however using all the famous Nintendo tracks however...

You're right user, we should just have 30 pokemon reps, and 20 others, then eventually, have the others have a new fighting game because there are way too many pokemon.
there are 800 forgettable filler pokemon, even the legendaries kinda suck now user. Its a game made for lowest common denominator normies and they are as copy pasted as COD.
Why dont you go play pokemon cards if you're that into pokemon battling

Its fun for a while but I think I'm starting to lose interest in Corrin

>missing the point entirely
This isn't about what's likely in Smash, it's about what people would put on their lists if there were no rules.

I just want my plant waifu Tsareena

why are you so autistic about how many characters from each series are allowed anyway
it doesn't matter
hard caps would be fucking stupid

You make a couple decent points but you actually sound like a retard. Pokemon is Nintendo's biggest franchise, limiting the roster to THREE is ridiculous. Think about it, Pikachu is a must and they insist on permanently wasting a slot on Jigglypuff for some reason. That would only leave one slot. So... Charizard? Mewtwo? Lucario? It's bound to go to one of them, then you can't rep the newest generations anymore, which would be an idiotic move business-wise.

Five reps as a soft cap would be plenty. That leaves room for the two perma-mon, gives them room for either Mewtwo, Charizard, or Lucario (why he's still in I have no idea), and then one or two slots for the newest rep. That's all you need, but less is retarded.

Finally, a roster without fucking Decidueye

>trying to sustain order around ninten year olds
You're cute

>permanently wasting a slot on Jigglypuff for some reason
because she's part of the og 12 and people would be pissed if she was removed
she is kinda fun to play though
but she ruined melee

Don't be too happy, Decidueye came reasonably close. But I didn't want half the roster to be Pokemon so I had to cut a few I'd love to see.

Were I to go all out, I'd have fucking Crawdaunt on there.

I unironically want labo-stick figure in smash

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I never understood why they picked Jigglypuff to begin with, Clefairy or Mew would make a lot more sense to me. But yes, the OG12 rule is important NOW because all twelve have been in every game. Had they made a cut or two from the original roster in Melee, though? I don't see any more people caring than people who cared about any other cut in later entries.

If it were up to me, I'd have Pikachu, P. Trainer, and Mewtwo be the only 'staple' Pokemon, then make the last two slots change every game to whatever is relevant at the time.

>P. Trainer
shitty gimmick
much rather have squirtle, ivysaur, and charizard separate

Jigglypuff is really popular in Japan as to Pikachu being really popular in the west (also in Japan, but you understand my point.)

Is that final form Sakurai?

Thanks for making me feel like I'm not alone.

Again, I'd like to keep the Pokemon reps to around 5-6. Having them separate would take up three slots on their own, making a huge chunk of the roster Pokemon or severely limiting newcomers. Having it as Pokemon Trainer allows us to have all three without the issue, and they work fine together anyhow. Though a gimmick it may be, it accurately reflects the ideal of Pokemon as a game.

Well we can assume Pikachu and Jiggly are permanent locks. I'd say Charizard and Mewtwo are likely too. Not saying I think any should be cut, just that those seem to be general fan favorite staples.

Since I surprisingly, and happily, see a lot of people wanting Ridley, I'm curious. Any chance Sakofrice will change his mind? I know they aren't perfect but I've seen mods of classic Ridley for Smash that resemble exactly as I'd expect him to look and play. If modders and a 15 year can make such an effort I'm sure Sakurai and his team could do it great.

Yeah, I already talked about this. All the more reason why I prefer the idea of bringing back Pokemon Trainer. I also hate the OG12 rule BECAUSE of Jigglypuff. Jiggly only made it into Smash 64 because, at the time, she was popular. She hasn't been even slightly relevant since shortly after that time, though, and her popularity has massively declined.