Pitch me New Vegas 2

Pitch me New Vegas 2
Should it even be made?

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stop talking about new vegas

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No New Vegas 2
No New Vegas port
No New Vegas Remaster
just leave the fucking game in peace

But you could make New Vegas 2, Todd. It'd be a masterpiece.

Why is it that you always talk about New Vegas? Fallout 3 sold more copies, Fallout 4 sold more copies, fuck it even loli mods sold more copies, so why is it that you never discuss superior games that sold more and always discuss that Obsidian sidetrack deal? I don't get it.

t. definitely not todd howard

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>making a masterpiece
pick one

I want Miami.

Enclave actually doing something

>Fallout 3 sold more copies


Nah just make a good original game for once Todd.

If they keep going with the Fallout world and even go back to Nevada, how will they explain away the endings where House and/or the Think Tank presumably ushered a new age of progress? Are they just going to say the Courier failed to change the wasteland?

They just pick the ending that suits them the best and ignore/retcon the rest.



they arent going to do a sequel for this reason unless todd decides to fuck everything over

It's never happening, and not because Bethesda is worried about getting "upstaged" or whatever, it's because Obsidian's reputation has plummeted.

The NCR is really just LA, Bakersfield and Fresno while Vegas is independent. They can be left isolated doing their own thing while the rest of north america is something cool with Ceasar's Legion, 'Ronto and the Pitt. NCR can focus on building a navy and dealing with conquering whatever remains of eurasia while House goes to space. The rest of the planet is still largely ruins.

At least, that's how I'd do it.

No, we should not be revisiting locations too soon. A few more games like three or five should be made before we go back to any of the previous locations.


I reckon it shouldn't pardner

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Nobody gives a shit about reputation, only money. That's the real problem with FNV 2: FNV itself didn't meet Beth's stupid expectations due to an 83 metacritic score (not an 85) and they wouldn't be able to monetize it like they are with Fo4. It's just dead in the water, and nobody really wants NV 2 since NV pretty much ended the original Fallout trilogy.

Hello sir, I have your large Fallout 4 here!

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>pc only
>set in the southern US
>settlement building either scrapped or expanded to matter
>return to more faction based karma
>three different start types: vault dweller, ghoul, waster
>skill checks
>no weapon repairing

Fallout New Vegas? That game was ass. It sucked so fucking bad, it didn't even have settlement building in it.

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Go away Todd, I ordered that Valve Team Fortress Pizza... They said it was free shipping, It Still Hasn't arrived.

Ah yes, this may be why your order hasn't arrived yet...

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Honestly I don't see why Todd wouldn't work on some sort of sequel to NV. The whole story is basically written, all he has to do is pick a canon ending to NV and change the assets a bit so they can be used in Fallout 4's modified gamebryo engine. It'd be like half a year's worth of work to shit out some bethesda trash with a NV flavor and it'd sell. Then the fallout fags would get off his back and he'd have an excuse as to why we don't have TES:VI yet.

it would make more sense for bridges to be falling on people if miami was set in the post-apocalypse

I have my own motives, you simpleton.

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No. No more Vegas. Somewhere else.

Well sure user in fact...come closer...

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Nevada is literally the most boring state in the country and New Vegas was trash

I agree with this for sure.

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>implying even Obsidian still has the talent to make a great game anymore when even Avellone is no longer there

Yes. Nevada sucks and so did New Vegas. Boston and Washington D.C. were genius locations for a game. Whoever is in charge at Bethesda is really doing a great job!

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>Nevada is literally the most boring state in the country
Are you really this retarded?

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Josh Sawyer is still there.

Maine, Orleans or Chicago.

Orleans is the one most people want

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There's no ending to NV that would make for a good setting to a sequel. Any faction taking control would have either destroyed or pushed out any kind of control of the others unless you went with a "no gods no masters, full retard run" which assumes that every person in the first game had brain damage and didn't change one iota since house got shot by postman pat.

So I see we have come full circle with the irony...

Yes because a state that is literally nothing but barren lifeless orange-brown fields and deserts mixed with small towns and a trashy old jewopolis is the funnest and most rewarding place to be!

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Yup, from pretending Fallout 3 was great, to pretending New Vegas was great, back to pretending Fallout 3 was great.

At least it can be used a really shitty joke. "hey woman where do potatoes come from? Idaho. Yeah, and I da PIMP!" This joke bought to you by Sinfest.

I dont get you people and your fucking remakes. You need to move on.

>Pretending fallout new vegas was great

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>he thinks New Vegas was anything other than schlock

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It's uncanny how Jake looked like his dad evan at such a young age.

It should only be "New Vegas 2" in that it's an offshoot/improvement of a base (F3 v NV, F4 v "NV2"). We don't need a direct sequel to New Vegas, I'd rather explore some other area in the Wasteland with a different major conflict.

You are now aware that there are people who gain sexual gratification from acting like a contrarian.

But you know that. Hell, you probably jizzed your pants when you submitted that post.

only by the same guys that made the first, and it should NOT use gamebyro
gamebyro was the only thing holding back NV, but I loved it nonetheless

So you're the one who took my picture

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>that there are people who gain sexual gratification from acting like a contrarian.
I never thought of that approach to shitposters before. It makes too much sense now.

sup todd. I pirated fallout 4 and deleted it after 40 minutes because it was so shit
then I booted up NV and replayed it, great game

The game should start in an ultra advanced setting (not Vault), kind of like what the institute had going for it. From there, players have to go out into the Wastelands. It's the only thing that makes sense if these faggots want to keep doing entries centuries in the future.

Combine all the endings like Deus Ex.

You get to marry Cass and live a happy life.

Makes sense, other-wise we wouldn't constantly hear the same repeated posts from New Vegas faggots.

So sick of women with alcohol and drug dependence in these games.

>So sick of women with alcohol and drug dependence in these games.
Uh, are you just going to ignore the fiends? Cass is straight edge in comparison.

What exactly was wrong with 3's plot?

No real choices, and you're led through each area in the MQ in a specific order (you can bypass some sections, but ultimately it doesn't make much difference) and so each playthrough will be exactly the same.

>takes place just outside of Vegas
>keeps the settlement builder from 4, but this time you can only have one settlement to start, and have far fewer locations to choose from
>other potential locations are taken over by clans that you can ally yourself with to trade, but this could also make enemies of other clans as you may be requested to attack their bases
This is the premise for the first half of the game. I like the vault starts, so you have been sent from your vault to find supplies, and stumble across a scene with corpses around. You get some caps from their bodies, and find a lease for some land that is still honoured in this location. So your goal is to build relations and build a town that your vault could eventually move to, as they've dwindled in numbers dramatically due to lack of supplies and need to move on. This has its own share of troubles.
>eventually you get the attention of big name factions, like the Enclave, BoS and another new faction that holds supreme ruling over the place.
>end game would consist of crushing opposing factions as always, but you can fuck over anybody you like for your own gain, and maybe end up running a successful town

The secondary plot here would involve seasons. Winter is harsh and you are desperately needing to get supplies for this time too, so your decisions will matter for success here. You have companions from the vault that are also doing their own thing to try and help the vault, people you could encounter during the game. Your choices could also make them enemies.
When winter hits, the environment would change accordingly. By this point you could have a healthy wasteland with factions still at war, or an emptier setting with more desperation for survival. The former could have previous allies turn on you out of a similar desperation, and the latter would be a lot more chaotic with potential colluding and internal affairs, issues arising under your nose.

I don't know

Excluding things people mistake, like why Autumn wants to control the purifier (and why that is a bad thing):

Henry Eden is a pretty terrible villain. A very bad way to write an AI villain, since he's dumb as shit, shut down with a super easy speech check and has a very fucking stupid plan that is written to be as pointlessly and stupidly evil as possible.

Your dad shrugging of you nuking a city is pretty stupid. As is the quest around nuking that city. The idea of the Karma system turns out to be making one pure and super good choice or become literal hitler with very little middle ground. This leads to stuff like the "Literal genocide or free water"

The idea around the free water is really badly explained, since purifying water is actually quite easy. The only reason it makes sense is that society in the Capital Wasteland is so ass backwards and seems more like it's 20 years after the war not 200. I think you can stretch the background lore to work out most of the people in the Wasteland are settlers from outside of it because there were no control vaults in the state, but then what we are told about Megaton shits on that theory.

All in all, I think a much larger focus on interactions, dialogue and choices would benefit the game more than just exploration. While exploring would still be a key component, I think the locations should mostly involve something more than just gear rewards. Seeing as you're building your own town, you could find others willing to work for you, people with their own skills like farming or building. A connection to even minor characters would be nice IMO. All of this on top of what you pretty much expect from a fallout game these days to ensure it isn't too different, as well.
But the main thing for me is being able to talk your way through shit one way or another. Even if it means you get yourself in to deeper shit, like you somehow talk raiders out of stealing shit from a smaller settlement all the time, which is then revealed to be an essential way of a different settlement to get their supplies from the raiders with chems. So now you've upset a balance, and it could be real shit for you, even if you thought it was the optimal choice.

It can't be made by Bethesda because they'd undoubtedly screw it up. However the people who contributed to the writing of it have all mostly left Obsidian to work on passion projects. I don't need a New Vegas 2, I just want another Fallout game where the writing is good, there are RPG elements that force you to build a character instead of just buff them up (New Vegas gave you more levels to get to 100)