Say something good about Bloodborne

say something good about Bloodborne

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Best game of the decade tbqh

Its a good game

I like the voice acting for the few character that talk, it is usually really good.

Only good Souls game.


it got posted so much that it lost all creditability, it wasn't better than Dark Souls or Dark Souls 3.

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introduces basic hermetic concepts and plays with western religion's ideal of cosmic human importance as a negative, which is a brilliant turn

it runs 2 fps highter than 10

It was voted as one of the ten best games ever but in my opinion is the BEST

except it isn't a Souls game

gub vidy

the trick weapons are great

Lol "okay" user.

This is my first Souls game and I'm stuck on the Cleric Beast. I hate it.

Best game of the gen. Its not saying much when the Witcher 3 is the only other current game I would buy.

I passed cleric beast the first try git gud my dude

Cleric beast is awful
You don't have to fight him though he's optional

best game ever made

got a gf thanks to it

amazing atmosphere
great world/enemy design
perfected souls combat

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The hunters axe is so fucking good I will just sit there and transform it for a couple minutes before i actually play

I'm sorry to hear that

Dark Souls exists, Bloodborne is good but doens't hold a candle to it

[Ridley screeching in the distance]

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>Dark Souls exists
Everything after the first third of the game exists.

Dark Souls is pretty awful 2bh
Interconnected world is the only thing it has going for it and they abandoned that idea after the second bell

Gives fanboys something to raise in the air due to it's exclusivity.

It hurts me to this day that I will probably never get to experience this masterpiece.

t. Nintendofag

>aligning yourself to ONE console

>not being an idort
I even had a WiiU.

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Yeah it is stupid. That's why I'm PC+Nintendo.

Hang in there. I gave up on Bloodborne 2 times before steamrolling it. After beating Gascoine the game gets a lot easier, or it at least feels like it.

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It's not Ape Escape 4, but if it was, that would be cool

It's an easy game. Once you get a feel for it, it never gets harder. Still tough, but nothing like Ninja Gaiden (2D or 3D) or Megaman games.

Was my first souls game, had some trouble early on with Cleric, Gascoine, and the mob on main street Yharnam, but after that... I don't know. I guess the camera made some big boss fights hard, same with the bell ringers, silverbeasts, Lanterns, snakes, hunters, and cthulu suckers were kinda rough. Mostly only on the first playthrough/first few encounters with them, though.

Dark Souls is From Soft's worst franchise. By far.

I have a PS4 and Switch now and I really regret buying a Switch.

at least it had the best story in a souls game

I'm actually replaying it right now because i figured with the PSN sale it would have an active burst of people. I was right.

Doing a pure tinge chikage build (10str/14skl/50tinge), forgot how quick the game was if you know where to go/what you're doing... only took a few hours. Getting a bit bored halfway through the chalices just pre-Mergo.

I'm so pissed I feel like I can't move on until I kick this asshole's..... ass. I've played and beaten modern """""hard"""""" games like Cuphead and Furi (and Bayonetta if you wanna go there.) but something about the controls here don't click with me.

I don't know, I had a lot of fun with bing bing and Zelda. Xenoblade 2 is mediocre and overrated, though. Though I'll be getting Dark Souls remaster for PS4 due to the framerate, as tempting as free online sounds on the Switch.

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fun so far

I also bought a switch just for Xenoblade and it was pretty worth it. Not sure why you dislike it so much. I find Zelda insufferably bad, personally. Guess that's different tastes for ya'. I bought both, as well as the Mario mainline title and outside of those few games, it's hard to justify having the console. Hopefully Bayonetta 3 is good.

I honestly don't know why so many Sup Forumsirgins say this. Is it just a meme 'cause it's a Playstation exclusive? Is this the only From Software game they've ever played? Or maybe the PS4 is their first console, and they haven't experienced many other games? It's a decent game, but nothing special. There are no particularly memorable characters or locations. The locations, particularly Central Yharnam, and copypasted gothic spires and wrought iron fences. The combat's very simple. The weapon variety is only satisfactory. It has no unique selling points, really.

BB is my favourite game of the 2010s, but Otogi 2 is actually my favourite From game :)

Not that guy but I really enjoy the bait and switch it does from 'normal' werewolves and shit to fucked up giant monsters and gods beyond human comprehension. Playing through the first time totally blind gave me several 'what the fuck' moments, which are pretty rare in modern games imo.

Name 10 titles with better action combat, pacing, and atmosphere please. I'd love to get 10 titles that blow Bloodborne out of the water in overall design and gameplay satisfaction.

I'm willing to accept your position if you provide a laundry list of superior titles; attacking something that is well-loved without providing any substance or comparatives is empty.


I honestly think BB is the definitive videogame experience

Exclusive. I think it might have been better if it varied up it's locations a bit more, like more focus on other aspects of Yharnam like a graveyard, more going inside houses and buildings, a mansion, a lab, a farm, etc. Taking notes from Castlevania in a way. Also a customizable NG+ instead of using DeS/DaS style, like starting over on base NG but keeping your weapons or letting all of them be unlocked and only needed to be purchased in the shop.

Story was so-so, the world design and level design is a step back from the previous 2, UI and some general stuff was a bit rough as well. Wasn't a bad game, just inferior to X and 1 and numerous other JRPGs.

The only reason worth owning a PS4 for.

I think it has a terrific art style.

I'm not usually a fan of Dark Souls or Dark Souls type games but this is honestly one of the best gaming experiences I have had in a long time.

One of the best atmospheres in a game ever.

Also easily the best story in a Soulsborne game.

If it wasn't for the crappy blood vial system, this would be one of the very few games I'd give a 10/10

When did you stop beating your children?

Dark Souls
Demon's Souls
Dead Space
Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 2
Majora's Mask
any Classicvania
Order of Ecclesia
Salt & Sancturary
Hollow Knight
Mad World

And these are just games with "atmosphere" to them, if I could list games without that requirement, it'd be even bigger.

>almonds activated
great position you got there boy

Doesn't matter. You set up a question that you can instantly refute as false because the answer must appeal directly to your own sense of quality and arbitrarily thrown together criteria. If you can't argue the single point, don't bother putting together an argument. By saying "give me ten things that exceed on expectations in this, this, this and also this" you set up a question impossible to answer.

I'd argue a few of the Tenchu games did the Bloodborne thing better than Bloodborne.

>Nioh, Dark Souls, Demon's Souls
I'd let you have Nioh and DS1 here, but Demon's was messy when it came out; World Tendency, lack of enemy variety, everything in DES is heavily flawed and/or broken except Atmsophere which it blows most everything else away at (see: Tower of Latria). I find people who list DeS never played DeS and are just bandwagoning on the 'lol DeS So G00D'. It was unpopular and nearly unsuccessful for many reasons, when it came out.
>DMC, Bayonetta
Nowhere even near the same type of game, button mash combo-fests are fun but why compare them to something like Souls? Also, lol @ atmospheric DMC and Bayo? please. Fun games, but you might as well list every Ninja Gaiden title here if you're reaching this far.
>Salt and Sanctuary
>Hollow Knight
Sorry but macromedia Flashâ„¢ titles don't get to play in this contest. I enjoyed both of these, as well as Rabi Ribi, but they aren't anywhere near the quality or level of a title like bloodborne in any category. Pretending they are for the sake of an internet argument makes you severely intellectually dishonest.

The rest i don't entirely disagree with you.
But to pretend Bloodborne is a failure of a game or 'bad' or 'not one of the better games in the last 5 years' is patently false.

>But to pretend Bloodborne is a failure of a game or 'bad' or 'not one of the better games in the last 5 years' is patently false.
Who are you quoting?

No i don't. He answered it just fine, and there's a nice discussion ongoing. When you present a point such as "LOL THIS GAME IS BAD HAHA WHY DO PEOPLE LIKE IT ROFL IT DOESNT DO ANYTHING GOOD", and someone asks you to back those sweepingly silly opinions up with products you consider to meet those criteria better, that's a fine question.
That's how people converse, little timmy.
Now get back in the fucking closet where you belong before i beat your mother black and blue, faggot.

Holy hell this guy called it

>But to pretend Bloodborne is a failure of a game or 'bad' or 'not one of the better games in the last 5 years' is patently false.
Please point out where I stated or even implied this. So much for intellectual dishonesty, huh?

Nioh- No
DaS- Yes
DeS- 50/50
DMC1- No
DMC3- Yes
DMC4- No
Bayonetta- 50/50
Dead Space- Haha no
Metroid Prime- 50/50
Prime 2- No
Majora's Mask- Yes
Classicvania- Only SotN
Ecclesia- Lol no
S&S- are you even trying any more?
Hollow Knight- please dude
Mad World- seriously stop

it has memorable enemies/bosses

It's fun

It has a pretty nice atmosphere and I like the architecture.

>tfw want to post my screenshots but too lazy to do so through the PS4 browser and you need a hundred gigabyte stick to even be allowed to transfer images for some arbitrary reason

Are you blind?

>of quality and arbitrarily thrown together criteria. If you can't argue the single point, don't bother putting together an argument. By saying "give me ten things that exceed on expectations in this, this, this and also this" you set up a question impossible to answer.
>Sorry but macromedia Flashâ„¢ titles don't get to play in this contest.
>It was unpopular and nearly unsuccessful for many reasons, when it came ou
>Nowhere even near the same type of game, button mash combo-fests are fun but why compare them to something like Souls
You're not the gatekeeper, user. You don't get to decide what counts in a civil conversation. You're sounding like one of those "muh souls" guys.

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>muh souls
Christ, fuck back off to tumblr.

>Nowhere even near the same type of game, button mash combo-fests are fun but why compare them to something like Souls? Also, lol @ atmospheric DMC and Bayo? please. Fun games, but you might as well list every Ninja Gaiden title here if you're reaching this far.
Are you implying Bloodborne button mashy? Are you implying Bayonetta is?

If you're getting outplayed, just stop posting user. You're anonymous here, you won't get downvoted.

>Nuh uh doesn't count!

Worst kind of poster.

Tenchu died too soon. They should bring it back, conditions are perfect.

>lol downvoted
Cancer-riddled tumblrina.
:^^) gateekeeping is bad!11111``1
lol i make sweeping assertions bout games and dont ned to justify anyting lol its all opynion!11 haha! no such thing as arbitrary!1` u arent the keeper!1``1
Fucking retarded shitheads these days.

>Getting worked in to a shoot by based user

You are fucking assblasted bud, just saying. Not doing much for your point here.

The environment, lore delivery (and extent of the lore with all its symbolism), level design, combat, music and most bosses make it my favourite game of the past few years. I prefer it to Souls games simply because they're much slower, and although they offer more variety, they just aren't as compelling to me.

>Get called out for making a loaded question and following it up with answer that confirms this
>Get mad as fuck
This is why no one likes Souls fanboys.

They finally put the dlc on sale.

DaS > DeS > DaS2 > BB > DaS3

this is the truth

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don't even know where to start, its my favorite game of all time
would be easier if you asked me to say something bad about it

Hol' up

DaS >>> DeS > DaS3 >> BB > Scholar >> DaS2

Ringed City aside 3 is irremdeemable garbage
2 is a pleb repellent

>irremdeemable garbage
nah, the bosses were good

Most overrated game on Sup Forums

I swear to god everybody who sucks this games dick is trying to justify buying a PS4 for a single game.

If it were multi platform it would be rated between Demon's Souls and DS3 and nobody would argue it.

I like the game, but I feel bad for anybody thinking of buying a ps4 for the game Sup Forums hypes as the second coming of christ.

>plebbit spacing
>shit taste
checks out

I quite liked the first 1/3 or so with DaS3, but the areas get progressively worse after Undead Cathedral. It's the only game I haven't finished the DLC on, Ashes left such a poor taste in my mouth. The vanilla game I felt like I was forcing myself to the end and thought I was just going off the genre, but Nioh was brilliant.

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really wanted to like it, but the enemy and level variety killed it for me
but I went in expecting a souls experience with varied monsters and focus on exploration. I can respect the fact that people like the tight combat

they are the worst part of it

It has micolash, my favorite boss in all of the soulsborne games.

>I honestly don't know why people like things I don't

get off your high horse and go play some video games

I went in expecting something akin to Tenchu desu, was pleasantly surprised

he can be fun the first couple of times, but I have nothing but hatred for him after my 20th playthrough

that's an odd opinion

>still no response from the fanboy

>There are no particularly memorable locations

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Thats Forza Horizon 3 sir

Ludwiq was not actually kino.